
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Navy Chaplain With HIV Gets Jail in Forcible Sodomy Case

Didn't disclose illness before sex with officer

(Newser) - An HIV-positive US Navy chaplain pleaded guilty today to several charges of forcible sodomy and an aggravated assault charge for not disclosing his HIV status to one man, the AP reports. Lt. Cmdr. John Thomas Matthew Lee, 42, was sentenced to two years; without the plea bargain, the charges could...

Iranian Official Says Gays Merit Death Penalty

Confirms quiet policy of torture, execution for homosexuals

(Newser) - Tehran is sanctioning the execution and perhaps torture of homosexuals, reports the London Times, and an Iranian politician confirmed the policy at a meeting with British MPs. Quizzed about the hanging of two boys accused of homosexual activity, a member of Iran's energy committee responded that gays should be killed—...

House Bans Bias Against Gays at Work

Major civil rights measure now moves to Senate

(Newser) - It took more than 30 years, but House Democrats today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals, the New York Times reports. Thirty-five Republicans joined 200 Democrats to pass the legislation, which would amend the Civil Rights Act and safeguard workers against discrimination because of their “actual or...

Anti-Gay Church Ordered to Pay Dead Marine's Family $11M

Jury says protests violate privacy

(Newser) - A fundamentalist Kansas church has been ordered to pay $11 million to the father of a Marine killed in Iraq after a jury decided that anti-gay church protesters violated the family's privacy. Members of Westboro Baptist Church routinely wave anti-gay posters at soldiers' funerals because they claim the war is...

O'Reilly Frets Over Outing of Wizard

Anchor concerned that Potter pushes gay-straight 'parity'

(Newser) - Perhaps worried that JK Rowling has opened the closet too widely, Bill O'Reilly has made Albus Dumbledore's outing a frequent topic this week, bemoaning the promotion of “parity for homosexuals with heterosexuals.” Calling the Harry Potter author a “provocateur,” the Fox anchor says adults are worried...

Why Couldn’t Rowling Just Let Dumbledore Be?

'Pathetic' closeted wizard does nothing for equality, writer argues

(Newser) - The outed Dumbledore is loveless and pathetic, says Time’s John Cloud. He sees no progress for gay equality in JK Rowling's revelation, but rather a role model as problematic as Larry Craig. Shouldn’t the writer be happy with the news about Harry Potter’s heroic mentor? “Yes,...

Label Doesn't Fit to a T
Label Doesn't Fit to a T

Label Doesn't Fit to a T

Salon pundit ponders paradox of gay-rights bill threatened by inclusion of trans

(Newser) - As the fate of legislation that would protect gay people from employment discrimination hangs in the balance, gay leaders have withdrawn support—because protection for the transgendered has been dropped from the bill. The liberal instinct to “want it all now” has run amok, John Aravosis argues, and boosters...

'Gay Bomb,' Sword Eating Win Ig-Nobels

Making enemies 'sexually irresistible to each other' lights anti-Nobels' fuse

(Newser) - The US military does some pretty cutting-edge research, but a hypothetical bomb that would make enemy troops make love to each other instead of war on the US? The proposal—along with detailed research on the effects of sword-swallowing, extracting vanilla from cowpies, and curing hamster jetlag with Viagra—yesterday...

Iranian Gays: We're Here!
Iranian Gays: We're Here!

Iranian Gays: We're Here!

Contrary to prez, community of 'illegal' gays live in Iran, but very quietly

(Newser) - Iranian gays insist they actually do exist, and in large numbers, contrary to statements made by Iran's president to derisive laughter at Columbia University last week. But life there is much more "complicated" for gays than it is in North America. “You can have a secret gay life...

Senate Bill Protects Gays Against Hate Crimes

Dems attach measure to defense bill in effort to avoid Bush veto

(Newser) - After a long battle, the Senate today approved a new measure expanding federal hate-crime laws to cover violence motivated by a victim's sexuality, gender identity, gender, or disability. In an attempt to stymie President Bush's threat to veto the legislation, the measure was attached to a defense authorization bill—which...

Craig Is Back on the Job
Craig Is Back on the Job

Craig Is Back on the Job

Idaho Senator returns to Senate after sex scandal

(Newser) - Larry Craig returned to the Senate today, 2 weeks after he announced his resignation and 3 weeks after news broke that he was caught up in a sex sting in an airport restroom. The Idaho conservative cast two votes and had lunch with some Republican colleagues, but others—including John...

Science Makes Great Strides in Gaydar

Just walking can reveal sexual orientation, new study shows

(Newser) - The way people walk apparently broadcasts their sexual orientation, researchers have discovered.  Participants in a new study were able to correctly identify gay men based only on their gait, a sign that “gaydar” might be real. “We can pick these signals up; we can tell who’s...

Blogger Says He Has More Names Up His Sleeve

After Craig resignation, gay-rights activist continues campaign

(Newser) - The blogger who first reported on Larry Craig’s gay cruising says he has outed 33 elected officials and staffers over the past few years and plans to name “a few more” Congress members in the coming months. And he’s issued a standing threat to expose closeted gays...

Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him
Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him

Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him

Bow-tied talking head in row after laughing off attack on cruiser

(Newser) - After bragging on the air that he hit a gay man who “bothered” him in a mall bathroom, Tucker Carlson is angrily denying he’s a hate criminal. “It infuriates me to be called a gay-basher, since he was the predator, not me,” the conservative MSNBC host...

Craig: 'I Am Not Gay'
Craig: 'I Am Not Gay'

Craig: 'I Am Not Gay'

Senator addresses media in attempt to set the record ... straight

(Newser) - Larry Craig apologized this afternoon—for "the cloud placed over Idaho," not for the disorderly conduct to which he pleaded guilty after being busted in a Minneapolis airport men's room. "I did nothing wrong," said the Republican Senator, who addressed the media in Boise with his...

Merv: Gay and Closeted to the End
Merv: Gay
and Closeted
to the End

Merv: Gay and Closeted to the End

Columnist wonders why talk show host kept 'open secret'

(Newser) - Merv Griffin, the television producer who died last week of prostate cancer, has been outed as a closeted gay man by a Hollywood Reporter columnist who was a former colleague. Griffin was married for 18 years and had a son, but his homosexuality was widely known in Los Angeles circles,...

Gay Brothers Studied for Clues to Sexual Preference

DNA from 1,000 pairs analyzed for linkages

(Newser) - A team of Chicago-based scientists is conducting a large-scale study of gay brothers to learn more about the genetic factors involved in sexual orientation. Similar studies have been too small to be conclusive; this time, scientists recruited 1,000 pairs—10 times the size of previous studies— to contribute DNA...

Gay Nigerians Face Death by Stoning
Gay Nigerians Face Death by Stoning

Gay Nigerians Face Death by Stoning

Suspects accused of violating Islamic law; parliament mulls ban on gay groups

(Newser) - Eighteen Nigerian men arrested on suspicion of sodomy face death by stoning under the nation’s Sharia law. Police found the men, reportedly dressed as women, in a hotel in the northern state of Bauchi, where they were allegedly celebrating a “gay wedding.”

Extremists, Militias Target Gays in Iraq

Officials, human rights groups dispute extent of escalating violence

(Newser) - Gays in Iraq are the targets of increasing violence by militias, police, and religious extremists, a largely unreported consequence of the 2003 US invasion. A fatwa is in place, reports the Chicago Tribune, and gays are fighting to emigrate to Sweden, Germany, and other countries. Recent reports by the...

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags
Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

In about-face, frontrunners rush to endorse gay rights for political advantage

(Newser) - It's only been 3 years since the Kerry campaign stumped for an anti-gay marriage amendment, but this cycle's Democrats are hopping on the rainbow bandwagon. The Politico's Ben Smith says the 2008 Dems are proud to be pro-gay, showcasing their full support of rights for same-sex couples—as long as...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>