Haiti earthquake

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Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis
 Docs Warn of Looming 
 Public Health Crisis 
haiti earthquake

Docs Warn of Looming Public Health Crisis

Infection, thirst, hunger, heat threaten earthquake survivors

(Newser) - The death toll from the Haiti earthquake, which currently stands at 50,000, is certain to rise as the country's shattered infrastructure keeps medical professionals and relief workers from reaching people who need their help. "There are already high levels of diarrheal disease, respiratory disease and malnutrition," a...

Obama Reiterates Haiti Support
 Obama Reiterates Haiti Support 

Obama Reiterates Haiti Support

5,000 troops to arrive in nation over the weekend

(Newser) - President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to relief in Haiti, telling the survivors of the massive earthquake "that we will do what it takes to save lives and help people get back on their feet." Obama spoke this afternoon—his third public statement in as many days—following a...

Hey, Media: Don't Call It 'Looting'
 Hey, Media:  
 Don't Call It 'Looting'
haiti earthquake

Hey, Media: Don't Call It 'Looting'

Desperate, hungry people are just trying to feed their families

(Newser) - Reports of "looting" in Haiti are surfacing, and Jerry Lanson isn't happy about it. He's not upset with the so-called looters, but with the reporters who are using the term. He cites one story in which the New York Times said "officials reported looting at a collapsed grocery...

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations
 Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations 
haiti earthquake

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations

Relief agency says it can handle more cash for earthquake aid

(Newser) - Text messaging has proven to be a wildly popular method of donating to the relief effort in Haiti. As of 8:25 this morning, the Red Cross had pulled in more than $8 million through text messages, Fox News reports. That’s the most mobile donations “that we have...

Roger Ebert Wants to 'Horsewhip' Limbaugh

Rush's Haiti rant gets under critic's skin

(Newser) - Roger Ebert gives Rush Limbaugh a pretty enthusiastic thumbs down over his comments on Haiti yesterday. The Chicago Sun-Times critic wrote an open letter to Limbaugh today, opining that he “should be horsewhipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation.” Ebert was...

Anger Rising in Haiti Amid Slow Relief

Survivors break into UN warehouse, but get little

(Newser) - Earthquake survivors desperate for food broke into a UN warehouse in Port-au-Prince today, a sign of the growing frustration at delays in relief. UN officials say they've recovered nearly all of their stocks, however, and pledged to hand out 6,000 tons of food shortly. But with necessities such as...

Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN

 Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN 

Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN

Anderson Cooper's 'boots-in-the-rubble' coverage can't be beat

(Newser) - The appalling suffering in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, and Anderson Cooper's effectiveness at "boots-in-the-rubble" coverage of it, have reminded us of the importance of news stalwart CNN, writes James Rainey. CNN has taken an enormous beating for sticking with straight news over political commentary, as cable...

Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'
 Jon Stewart to 
 Pat Robertson: 
 'Shut Your Piehole' 


Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'

Limbaugh, Robertson, even Maddow irk Stewart—probably O'Reilly too

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is not happy with people using the earthquake in Haiti to advance their own agendas, and he had some words for Pat Robertson (and other offenders) last night: “Shut your piehole!” The only silver lining to the tragedy “is that whenever something this horrific...

Obama to Write Cover Story on Haiti for Newsweek

President agrees to play essayist

(Newser) - President Obama will write a cover story about Haiti for the next edition of Newsweek, which will hit the newsstands Monday. How did the newsweekly snag him? Editor Jon Meacham simply called up David Axelrod, who put the question to his boss, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Haiti Is a Cultural Disaster, Not a Natural One

Progress-resistant country needs 'intrusive paternalism'

(Newser) - The tragedy in Haiti is more a man-made than a natural disaster, caused by shoddy construction and terrible infrastructure, writes David Brooks, noting the 1989 Bay Area earthquake of the same magnitude only killed 63 people. The kind of poverty that caused this catastrophe needs to be tackled, but to...

Aristide Seeks to Return to Haiti

Exiled former prez offers to help after earthquake

(Newser) - Haiti's exiled former president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, offered today to return to his earthquake- stricken homeland to aid relief efforts. Aristide, ousted by a rebellion in 2004, told reporters in South Africa that he and his wife were willing to organize an airplane carrying medical supplies—and themselves—to travel to...

Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind
Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind

Help Is Coming, But Hard to Know If It's Right Kind

With key first 48 elapsed, more ordinary needs take over

(Newser) - With what rescuers call the “golden 48 hours” for finding survivors in the rubble of the Haiti earthquake elapsed, the troubling question arises of whether the medical help flowing to the island will be what’s most needed. Rescue efforts have become more coordinated since the slapdash response to...

Obama Is Politicizing Haiti, Rush Maintains

And woman calling him on it is 'bigot' with 'tampons in her ears'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh said today he didn’t mean to discourage private donations to Haiti relief efforts yesterday in insisting that Americans had already made a contribution via income taxes—but did stand by a claim that President Obama is using those efforts to boost his popularity in the black community....

Q&amp;A About Haiti Quake
 Q&A About Haiti Quake 

Q&A About Haiti Quake

Questions answered, like why wasn't the Dominican Republic hit?

(Newser) - Confused about why the Haitian earthquake didn't also hit the Dominican Republic or cause a tsunami? Slate provides answers:
  • Why so much destruction? Haiti has no national building codes, and though some follow best practices, inspection is almost nonexistent.
  • Why wasn't the DR affected? It was, but most of the

Airport Chaos Snarls Relief
 Airport Chaos Snarls Relief 
haiti earthquake

Airport Chaos Snarls Relief

Facility had to stop accepting flights, hampering delivery of aid

(Newser) - The one-runway airport in Port-au-Prince is struggling to keep up with traffic and had to temporarily stop allowing incoming flights today. The airport chaos, along with damaged roads, ports, and communications, is seriously complicating international relief efforts, reports the Wall Street Journal . But in one measure of good news, the...

Free Haiti Flights Turn Out To Be Twitter Hoax

Tweeters also spread rumor of free UPS shipping

(Newser) - If you believe Twitter, then a lot of big-hearted corporations are doing great things for victims of the Haiti quake: American Airlines and Jet Blue are both flying doctors and nurses to Haiti for free, and UPS is offering free shipping on any package to Haiti under 50 pounds. Also,...

Geologists Warned of Haiti Earthquake

Calculations predicted temblor of up to 7.2 magnitude—but not timing

(Newser) - Scientists have known for years that the fault Haiti sits on was due for a large-magnitude quake—they just didn’t know when. A 2008 paper predicted a quake registering up to 7.2, but “it could have been the next day, it could have been 10 years, it...

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team
 George W, Bill Clinton 
 to Lead US Aid Team 
haiti earthquake

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team

Ex-presidents will help direct 'full-court press' on Haiti

(Newser) - In addition to pledging $100 million to Haiti relief efforts, President Obama is calling in some familiar names for help. He's asked former presidents Clinton and the younger of the Bushes to lead US relief efforts, reports Politico . Clinton is currently the UN special envoy to the nation. In other...

Red Cross: 50K Dead in Devastated Haiti
 Red Cross: 50K Dead 
 in Devastated Haiti 
Obama pledges $100M

Red Cross: 50K Dead in Devastated Haiti

Aid begins to arrive for estimated 3M without shelter, food, water

(Newser) - A Haitian Red Cross official estimated today that 45,000 to 50,000 people perished in the shattering earthquake Tuesday, as President Obama pledged US support of $100 million for what he said is likely to be one of the biggest relief efforts in history. Desperately needed aid began arriving...

Haiti Quake Cleanup Is Only First Step
 Haiti Quake Cleanup 
 Is Only First Step 

Haiti Quake Cleanup Is Only First Step

Quake will delay but must not stop ongoing development efforts

(Newser) - Before “one of the great humanitarian emergencies in the history of the Americas” struck, Haiti had a "bright future," Bill Clinton writes. The 42nd president is a UN special envoy to the perennially troubled nation, where he has helped spearhead development efforts. Today, “what Haiti needs...

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