animal rights

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Ukraine Accused of 'Barbaric' Dog Slaughter

Strays routinely poisoned, activists say

(Newser) - In four Ukrainian cities that will host the Euro 2012 soccer championship next summer, more than 9,000 dogs have been put to death in the last year—and animal rights activists, who believe the number is actually much greater, accuse authorities of using illegal, inhuman methods including poison to...

China Cancels Annual Dog Meat Festival

At least 5K dogs would have been killed, cooked

(Newser) - Puppy lovers, rejoice. Officials in eastern China last week canceled the Jinhua Hutou Dog Meat Festival. If that name makes you a little queasy—well, there's good reason for that. The 600-year-old tradition saw at least 5,000 of dogs slaughtered on the spot, and served up as the...

West Hollywood May Ban Fur
 West Hollywood May Ban Fur 

West Hollywood May Ban Fur

Just fur sales ... not fur-wearing

(Newser) - If you live in West Hollywood and PETA has not yet convinced you to go fur-free … you may soon have little choice. The City Council is considering banning the sale of any clothing or attire made of animal hair, wool, or fur. (Of course, you could still pop over...

Activists Hang 'Go Vegan' Sign on Iowa Butter Cow

After impressive late-night raid

(Newser) - Animal rights activists staged a daring late-night break-in Saturday night to hang a “Go vegan” sign on a butter cow at the Iowa State Fair. The activists snuck past a guard, scaled a wall in a back hallway, and broke into the refrigerated case holding the sculpture. Then they...

Morrissey: Fast Food Worse Than Norway Massacre

Singer sparks outrage with comment at concert

(Newser) - Oh, Morrissey, will you ever learn? The singer's stance on animal rights has yet again gotten him in hot water: At a concert in Poland over the weekend, the vegan/former Smiths frontman mentioned the twin terror attacks in Norway. “We all live in a murderous world, as the...

San Francisco Wants to Make All Pet Sales Illegal

But even proponents see the proposal as symbolic

(Newser) - San Francisco's latest eyebrow-raising proposal isn't just about banning the sale of goldfish . It's about banning the sale of all pets, from birds to hamsters, to dogs and cats, to, yes, guppies. The plan floated by the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare has little chance of...

Calif. School First to Ban Dissections in Software Deal

Students to use free anatomy software instead of frogs

(Newser) - A California high school has put down its scalpels and become the first school in the nation to accept a software offer from an animal rights group. Rancho Verde High School will drop frog dissections in exchange for free "Digital Frog" anatomy software provided by the Animal Welfare Institute...

PETA Contest Prize? Free Vasectomy

An inspired way to bring awareness to the neutering issue

(Newser) - This has got to be one of PETA’s weirdest stunts yet: The animal rights group is staging a contest related to its spay/neuter campaign, and the lucky winner will get … a free vasectomy. To enter, you just get your cat or dog spayed or neutered, then submit an...

Teen Busted in Hamster Murder

She faces up to two years in prison if convicted

(Newser) - A Brooklyn teenager has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty for slamming her little brother's pet hamster to the floor, killing it instantly, according to authorities. Monique Smith faces up to two years in prison if convicted of the charges. Anti-cruelty laws apply to creatures of all sizes, noted...

Dutch Beastie Party Puts 500 Cops on Animal Welfare

Party joins political coalition to get cops for creatures

(Newser) - Dutch animals will soon be among the best-protected in the world, thanks to an unlikely alliance between a far-right political party and one that says it's in politics on behalf of animals. Under a government coalition agreement, 500 police officers who were due to lose their jobs because of budget...

Parasailing Donkey Dies of Heart Attack

At least she died happy in animal sanctuary

(Newser) - Pity the poor parasailing Russian donkey, Anapka. The unlucky creature died of a heart attack after she was freed from her frightening work, and spent only a few months living in luxury, munching fresh fruit and veggies in an animal sanctuary outside Moscow. Anapka became an animal rights celeb after...

PETA's Weirdest Stunts of the Year
PETA's Weirdest
Stunts of the Year

PETA's Weirdest Stunts of the Year

From chicken costumes to fake blood, it was another vocal year

(Newser) - PETA’s not into subtlety when it comes to demonstrations against animal cruelty. AOL News offers some highlights from the past year:
  • A barely-dressed couple frolicked on an outdoor bed in Nashville to assert that vegans were better lovers.
  • The group’s London branch called on a team of pregnant

Piggy Banks Made From Real Pigs Cause Ruckus

Humane Society in Canada is not amused

(Newser) - A website known for outrageous products has hit a nerve with its latest: a piggy bank made from an an actual piglet. The description of the item on notes that the "taxidermied" bank is made only from piglets that have died of natural causes. Nonetheless, it's a...

Bardot Hot for French Presidency

Nicolas Sarkozy 'takes me for an imbecile,' says animal rights campaigner

(Newser) - France's beloved former sex kitten Brigitte Bardot is threatening to run for the French presidency since leader Nicolas Sarkozy "took me for an imbecile" over her demands for animal rights. The Ecology Alliance party has asked the 76-year-old star to run for France's top slot in 2012. "We...

Morrissey: Chinese Are a 'Subspecies'

Racism accusations after singer criticizes 'animal abuse'

(Newser) - Another racism flap for Morrissey: The singer called the Chinese people a "subspecies" because of their treatment of animals, and he won't back off from the remark. "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific," he says...

Activists Win Battle in War on Factory Farms

New farms in Ohio won't use extreme caging

(Newser) - Ohio’s biggest farms have agreed to a series of new restrictions on how they confine their animals, hoping to prevent a potentially losing ballot standoff with the Humane Society and other animal rights groups. Under the deal, no new egg farms will be built using extreme caging methods, and...

Celebrate the World Cup With Lion Burgers?

Arizona $21 lion burger raises animal rights ire

(Newser) - If the US beats Algeria today, soccer fans in Phoenix, Arizona, can celebrate with a World Cup-inspired lion burger, served with spicy fries and corn on the cob for the lion-sized price of $21. A Phoenix restaurant is offering the lion burgers in honor of World Cup host nation South...

Horrific Video Lands Farm Worker in Jail

Billy Joe Gregg caught beating dairy cows with crowbars

(Newser) - An Ohio dairy farm worker was charged with 12 counts of animal cruelty yesterday, after an animal rights group released an undercover video showing him and other dairy workers viciously beating cows with crowbars and stabbing them with pitchforks. Billy Joe Gregg is currently in jail awaiting arraignment, and faces...

'Peace' Chickens Bred to Avoid Farm Cannibalism

'Kinder, Gentler Birds' don't turn peck-happy

(Newser) - Moves to boost the welfare of egg-laying hens by giving them more space will backfire unless the industry switches to more peaceful chickens, says a researcher who claims to have bred a gentler bird. Breeding to maximize output among the white leghorns that lay most of America's eggs has had...

10 Celebs Accused of Animal Abuse

Yes, even the Dog Whisperer made it on the list.

(Newser) - Kim Kardashian is PETA’s latest target, but her crime (holding a kitten by the scruff of the neck) is tame compared to what other celebrities have been accused of. The Frisky rounds up nine more who are in the doghouse with animal rights organizations:
  • Paris Hilton: She has a

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