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PETA Fumes Over Goldfish Racing

Bar patrons squirt fish along canals

(Newser) - A Seattle bar has ended its weekly goldfish races after PETA unleashed its fury—but other hangouts “are saying screw you to the PETA folks,” says the bar owner halting the practice. What, you ask, is a goldfish race? It means plopping fish into plastic tubes of water,...

PETA Wants to Rename SF's Tenderloin District as...
PETA Wants to Rename
SF's Tenderloin District as...
in case you missed it

PETA Wants to Rename SF's Tenderloin District as...

...the Tempeh District, of course!

(Newser) - When it's not busy tempting the nation's men with free vasectomies , PETA is hard at work trying to right the country's lexical injustices. It's currently pushing San Francisco's city leaders to change the name of the Tenderloin District to something a little less meaty: the Tempeh District. In a letter...

PETA Contest Prize? Free Vasectomy

An inspired way to bring awareness to the neutering issue

(Newser) - This has got to be one of PETA’s weirdest stunts yet: The animal rights group is staging a contest related to its spay/neuter campaign, and the lucky winner will get … a free vasectomy. To enter, you just get your cat or dog spayed or neutered, then submit an...

Whisky Company Bashes PETA's 'Club' Cartoon

'Anything but a Canadian Club,' says clever cartoon seal

(Newser) - A whisky company isn't laughing about a clever New Yorker-style cartoon concerning seal killing created by PETA. "Anything but a Canadian Club," a sad-eyed seal sitting at a bar tells a bartender awaiting his order in the ad. Now the parent company of Canadian Club whisky has fired...

PETA's Weirdest Stunts of the Year
PETA's Weirdest
Stunts of the Year

PETA's Weirdest Stunts of the Year

From chicken costumes to fake blood, it was another vocal year

(Newser) - PETA’s not into subtlety when it comes to demonstrations against animal cruelty. AOL News offers some highlights from the past year:
  • A barely-dressed couple frolicked on an outdoor bed in Nashville to assert that vegans were better lovers.
  • The group’s London branch called on a team of pregnant

Why Bill Clinton Is Veganism's No. 1 Buddy
Why Bill Clinton Is
Veganism's No. 1 Buddy

Why Bill Clinton Is Veganism's No. 1 Buddy

PETA pick shows need for 'indulgent' vegans

(Newser) - Most people snickered when PETA named Bill Clinton its person of the year , but it was a genius pick, writes Mary Elizabeth Williams on Salon . Most people also know the benefits of veganism, but what it lacks is a guy who can make it "seem realistic, accessible and, frankly,...

PETA's Person of the Year Is... Not Who You'd Expect

Now that Bill Clinton's given up the burgers, PETA loves him

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has officially gone from McDonald’s addict to PETA’s Person of the Year. The animal rights group honored the former prez based on his decision to become a vegan this year, The Stir reports. "Thanks to his new plant-based diet, he's shed some pounds, decreased his...

Tommy Lee: Sea World's Whale Masturbation 'Sick, Twisted'

Motley Crue drummer writes letter on behalf of PETA

(Newser) - Tommy Lee's seen some crazy stuff in his time but nothing to match Sea World's treatment of a "sperm bank" killer whale, the Motley Crue drummer writes in an angry letter to the park. Sea World claims Tillikum—an orca that has killed 3 people —no longer has...

Airports Ban PETA Ads Mocking TSA

Video, ad campaign make light of new security procedures

(Newser) - Several major airports are taking a stand against PETA ads that make light of the TSA's new security procedures. One, a video originally planned to be shown in Boston on Logan Airport's free wi-fi network, features Pamela Anderson (hardly) dressed as a TSA agent stripping passengers of leather and fur....

PETA to LiLo: We'll Pay for Rehab If...

...she becomes a vegan. Or $20K of rehab, at least

(Newser) - If Lindsay Lohan really wants her stint in rehab to be sponsored , all she has to do is give up her addiction ... to meat and cheese. Headline-grabbing PETA has reached out to the star, offering to pitch in $10,000 if she goes vegan for the rest of her stay—...

Puppy-Drowning Girl Gets Off Scot Free

Apparently she's 12

(Newser) - Bosnian police have found the red-hooded girl who posted a video of herself throwing puppies into a river—and they’re not charging her with anything. According to a report in a German newspaper and translated by Gawker , police said the girl was only 12 years old, and hence “...

Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List
Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List

Bush-Era FBI Put Liberal Activists on Terror List

PETA, Greenpeace, others unfairly targeted

(Newser) - The FBI investigated and monitored a variety of liberal activist groups without proper cause during the Bush Administration, the Justice Department concluded today. Though the Inspector General cleared the FBI of the most serious allegation against it—that it targeted the groups based on how they exercised their First Amendment...

Canada Bans Pam's PETA Ad
 Canada Bans 
 Pam's PETA Ad 

Canada Bans Pam's PETA Ad

Officials claim it's sexist

(Newser) - Pamela Anderson managed to get her PETA ad banned in Canada without even going naked. She was in Montreal to unveil the pro-vegetarian ad, in which she wears a bikini while marked up like a piece of meat, but officials denied the event a permit because, they say, the ad...

Knut Is Disturbed, Having Panic Attacks
 Knut Is Disturbed, 
 Having Panic Attacks 
says peta

Knut Is Disturbed, Having Panic Attacks

Polar bear is imitating tourists, acting abnormally

(Newser) - World-famous polar bear Knut is suffering panic attacks thanks to his life in captivity, say scientists…PETA scientists, that is. Knut and Gianna, his companion at the Berlin Zoo, “are definitely displaying behavioral problems,” one researcher tells AFP . Among his apparent issues: Panic attacks, swaying to and fro,...

Cloris Leachman Pushes Safe Sex ... for Cats and Dogs

(Newser) - Cloris Leachman may be 84 years old—and have problems opening a condom package—but one thing she can do is be a spokesperson for PETA. Demonstrating that "millions who desperately need this protection can't even get the damn things out of the package," Cloris is drawing rave...

Video of Animal Abuse Prompts Raid of Pet Supplier

(Newser) - They sell hundreds of thousands of animals annually to companies like PETCO, PetSmart and Petland as well as many other small pet stores across the country. Based on the disturbing undercover video PETA made inside the Atanta facility owned by Sun Pet, abusing small animals for profit and amusement is...

10 Celebs Accused of Animal Abuse

Yes, even the Dog Whisperer made it on the list.

(Newser) - Kim Kardashian is PETA’s latest target, but her crime (holding a kitten by the scruff of the neck) is tame compared to what other celebrities have been accused of. The Frisky rounds up nine more who are in the doghouse with animal rights organizations:
  • Paris Hilton: She has a

Dead Bea Arthur Stars in PETA Ad

Ad marks one-year anniversary of her death

(Newser) - PETA has long been a fan of using naked celebrities in its campaigns, and now it’s using dead celebrities, too. Bea Arthur stars in the latest ad, a full-pager in today’s Chicago Tribune protesting McDonald’s treatment of its chickens. Arthur, a long-time PETA supporter, even managed...

Kim Kardashian in Catfight With PETA

Reality-TV star says she'd never harm an animal

(Newser) - Congratulations, Kim Kardashian: You managed to piss off PETA without wearing fur or eating meat! After the reality TV fixture tweeted a photo of herself holding a kitten by the scruff of the neck, the animal rights organization was quick to respond: “Kim Kardashian isn't the only person who...

Octomom Offers Lawn for PETA Spay Ad

She needs the cash, food

(Newser) - Cash-strapped octomom Nadya Suleman has agreed to help promote pet spaying with a lawn ad for PETA, and, no, this is not an Onion article. Suleman, desperate for some extra money to raise her own litter of 14, has agreed to let the animal protection group post an ad outside...

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