Stories 161 - 174 | << Prev 

Strawberry Fields Forever, Sir Paul Pleads

Former Beatle extols vegetarianism as cure for global warming

(Newser) - If you want to fight global warming, drop the hamburger, Sir Paul McCartney advises. “The biggest change anyone could make in their own lifestyle would be to become vegetarian,” said McCartney, himself a longtime herbivore. Livestock is a big contributor to global warming, the ex-Beatle says, because of...

PETA Offering $1M Prize for Test Tube Meat

Animal-rights group nearly splinters over research reward

(Newser) - PETA is offering a $1 million reward to the first researchers who can figure out a commercially viable artificial meat-production system, the New York Times reports. Scientists have been working on in vitro meat for years, hoping to grow edible tissue cultures that could replace slaughtered livestock. But there was...

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages
 PETA Goes After NYC Carriages 

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages

Animal-rights activist calls the trade 'disgusting'

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists have long been champing at the bit to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City, and a PETA publicity strongman is in town to do just that, New York magazine reports. Though Michael Bloomberg and others in City Hall support the trade, PETA's Dan Mathews—legendary for his...

'Puppy Kill' Video Triggers Probe
'Puppy Kill' Video Triggers Probe

'Puppy Kill' Video Triggers Probe

Military investigating video showing puppy hurled from cliff

(Newser) - Military officials are investigating a video posted on YouTube that appears to show a Marine hurling a puppy off a cliff, the Marine Corps Times reports. The video shows a Marine joking with buddies in a rocky landscape before throwing the animal. An official from the Hawaii base where the...

Animal-Rights Violence Has Schools Turning to Courts

Battle pits free-speech rights against safety

(Newser) - In recent months, animal-rights activists have strapped a firebomb under a UCLA professor’s car and flooded another’s home in a campaign to intimidate the school into ending experiments on primates. A judge has issued several restraining orders as the university tries to protect researchers, Newsweek reports, while protesters...

PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha
PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha

PETA Bristles at 'Cruel' Aretha

Queen of Soul joins Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan on group's worst-dressed list

(Newser) - The Queen of Soul's fondness for fur means she isn't getting any R-E-S-P-E-C-T from PETA, Access Hollywood reports. Aretha Franklin has topped the animal rights organization's latest worst-dressed list after wearing a fur coat to the Grammys. "Music lovers may think of you as a 'queen,' but to...

PETA Card Lets You 'Give Vick a Good Shake'

Ex-quarterback gets roughed up in holiday e-card snow globe

(Newser) - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has released a series of online holiday cards that strike back at celebrities on their naughty list, including dogfighter Michael Vick. The card features the former Falcons quarterback dragging a ball and chain around a prison yard, surrounded by guards and, of course,...

To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken
To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken

To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken

Beef production worst, but vegetarian diet isn't eco-friendliest

(Newser) - When it comes to environmentally friendly eating habits, a vegetarian diet isn't necessarily the answer. PETA would have us believe that meat consumption is the single biggest cause of global warming, but the group is misinformed, Salon says—fossil fuels are to blame. To chow down ethically, steer clear of...

Fight Rumors Dogged Vick for Years
Fight Rumors Dogged Vick
for Years

Fight Rumors Dogged Vick for Years

'Open secret' was apparently never shared with Falcons

(Newser) - Tracing what they call the "open secret" of Michael Vick's dogfighting involvement, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on a trail of tips, whispers and investigations that led nowhere until the Falcons QB's indictment and subsequent guilty plea this year. PETA and the Humane Society both received repeated alerts—but each...

Chrissie Hynde Fuming Over Leather Bag Namesake

Pretenders frontwoman a passionate vegetarian

(Newser) - Rocker Chrissie Hynde is furiously threatening to sue an Italian fashion house after it named a red leather handbag after her. The Pretenders star, whose commitment to animal rights has resulted in her arrest in the past, says she's livid that the designers are putting brass in pocket off a...

Vick's Pit Bulls Could Face Euthanasia

Deadline today for 53 dogs to be claimed

(Newser) - The 53 pit bulls seized from Michael Vick's property must be claimed today—otherwise they could be euthanized. A spokeswoman for PETA claims rehabilitation isn't an option for ex-fighting dogs. "It's widely accepted that euthanasia is the most humane thing for them," she said.

Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control
Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control

Hollywood Tries Pigeon Birth Control

Rooftop feeders will hold contraceptive-laced kibble

(Newser) - Hollywood will try to cut its pigeon population by lacing rooftop feeders with birdie birth control. The contraceptive OvoControl P is meant to reduce the spectacular amount of pigeon poop flooding from above, the LA Times reports, and even PETA is on board. "We would much rather they use...

Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog
Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog

Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog

Pet on roof rack for 12-hour ride

(Newser) - White House hopeful Mitt Romney once kept his Irish Setter in a dog carrier strapped to the roof rack of the family car during a 12-hour road trip in a stunt that's come back to haunt his campaign 24 years later, Time reports. The incident came to light as an...

Police Find Abused Dogs on Vick Property

Discovery of starved animals adds to Atlanta QB's embarrassments

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists are calling for the Falcons to dump superstar Michael Vick after more than 60 starved and injured dogs, presumably kept for fighting, were found at a house Vick owns but does not live in. Smithfield, Va., police discovered the dogs during a raid targeting Vick's cousin Davon Boddie....

Stories 161 - 174 | << Prev