drone strike

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CIA Drone Strikes Are Just Educated Guesses

Dexter Filkins: Information used to select targets 'nowhere near adequate'

(Newser) - The recent drone headlines , along with the testimony of CIA nominee John Brennan, prompt Dexter Filkins of the New Yorker to reiterate a key point about drone strikes he learned first-hand from reporting overseas: The CIA can never be positive about the targets it strikes. "Our ignorance is not...

Obama to Give Congress Classified Drone Info

White House to hand over rationale on when it's OK to target Americans

(Newser) - President Obama has directed the Justice Department to give Congress' intelligence committees access to classified legal advice providing the government's rationale for drone strikes against American citizens working with al-Qaeda abroad, a senior administration official said today. A drumbeat of demands to see the document has swelled on Capitol...

Secret Saudi Drone Base No Longer Secret

Revelation comes just ahead of John Brennan's confirmation hearing

(Newser) - And the drone-strike revelations keep coming . A number of US media outlets last night broke their silence about the location of a secret drone base used by the CIA to attack al-Qaeda in Yemen: Saudi Arabia. And CIA director-nominee John Brennan's name is all over the reports, just ahead...

Obama's Memo on Killing US Citizens Is a Disgrace

Glenn Greenwald: No free society should sanction this

(Newser) - The Obama administration's rationale for when it's OK to kill US citizens is fundamentally un-American, writes Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian . For example, the Justice Department memo says the US is justified in going after terrorists—based on the assertions of US officials supposedly in the know about...

Feds Can Kill US Citizens: DOJ Memo

Leaked document has loose definition of requirements for drone strike

(Newser) - It is legal for the American government to order the killing of an American citizen if a "high-level" official decides that the person is a senior member of al-Qaeda or an associated group who poses "an imminent threat of violent attack" against the US, according to a Justice...

UN to Investigate US, UK Drone Attacks

Critics say drone strikes hit civilians, violate int'l laws

(Newser) - In the face of mounting criticism about US and UK drone strikes , the United Nations is going to investigate the use of drones in targeted killings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, reports the Guardian . The investigation will look at drone strikes in Mali and those made by Israel into...

Blowback Feared After US Strike Kills Pakistani Ally

Maulvi Nazir reportedly had truce with Pakistan

(Newser) - A pair of US drone strikes in northwest Pakistan near the Afghan border killed 13 people today, including a senior militant commander who had a truce with the Pakistani military, intelligence officials and residents said. Five Pakistani security officials said the commander, Maulvi Nazir, was reportedly among nine people killed...

Pakistan: US Drone Kills al-Qaeda No. 2

Abu Zaid al-Kuwaiti replaced commander killed in June drone strike

(Newser) - A US drone strike has killed a senior al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan's tribal region near the Afghan border, Pakistani intelligence officials said, in the latest blow to the Islamic militant network. Sheik Khalid bin Abdel Rehman al-Hussainan, who was also known as Abu Zaid al-Kuwaiti, was killed when missiles...

White House Pushed for Drone Rules to Give 'President Romney'

Explicit procedures are still in the works

(Newser) - President Obama's administration was worried enough about his chances of getting re-elected that it quickly worked to codify US drone policy, the New York Times reports. Two administration officials say the White House was working quickly to write up explicit standards, procedures, and rules for drone strikes so a...

Milestone Near in US Counter-Terror Operations

Number killed in drone strikes will exceed those killed in 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - The Washington Post notes that a milestone is near in post-9/11 counter-terror operations: The number of militants and civilians killed in the US drone campaign is about to tick over 3,000 and surpass the number of victims in the 2001 attacks. The nugget is part of a larger story...

Propaganda Alert: Don't Call Drone Strikes 'Surgical'

They are anything but precise and clean, says Conor Friedersdorf

(Newser) - "Surgical" is the White House's adjective of choice in describing its drone strikes in Pakistan and around the world. But Conor Friedersdorf, writing in the Atlantic , thinks he has two better words: "Orwellian propaganda." "Surgical" makes you think of precision, like an operation, with drone...

Drones Kill Way More Civilians Than CIA Admits

Report says only 2% of total casualties are "high-level" targets

(Newser) - US drones kill innocent civilians far more than the White House is letting on, according to a scathing new report from Stanford and NYU investigating the controversial unmanned strikes in Pakistan. The White House has claimed that civilian casualties only occur "in the rarest of circumstances," reports CNN...

Airstrike Kills al-Qaeda No. 2: Yemen

Missile, likely from US drone, kills Saeed al-Shihri

(Newser) - Yemeni officials say an airstrike has killed al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's No. 2 leader, along with five others traveling with him in a car. Defense Ministry officials say today's attack killed the deputy, Saudi national Saeed al-Shihri, as he left a house in the southern Hadramawt province....

US 'Completely Missed': Drone Kills 13 Civilians

Yemen families threaten to retaliate

(Newser) - A recent US drone strike went horribly awry, killing 13 civilians in Yemen, including three women, the Yemeni Defense Ministry tells CNN . "This was one of the very few times when our target was completely missed," the official said. "It was a mistake, but we hope it...

Apple Nixes App Reporting Drone Strikes

Cites 'objectionable' content

(Newser) - A new app keeps you up to date on where and when US drones have killed victims—but don't expect to pick it up from Apple's App Store. The company has repeatedly turned down the program developed by a New York University grad student, and he says he...

Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead
 Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead 

Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead

Scion Badruddin Haqqani reported killed in US drone strike

(Newser) - Afghanistan's intelligence agency said today its operatives have confirmed that the son of the founder of the powerful Haqqani militant network was killed in an airstrike in Pakistan, even as the Taliban vowed that he was alive and well. A spokesman for Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security said...

Al-Awlaki&#39;s Dad Sues US
 Al-Awlaki's Dad Sues US 

Al-Awlaki's Dad Sues US

Along with mother of another American killed in drone strike

(Newser) - The families of three Americans killed in US drone strikes in Yemen are suing the government, arguing that it had no right to assassinate them without a trial. The wrongful-death suit was filed yesterday by Nasser al-Awlaki, father of Anwar al-Awlaki, and Sarah Khan, mother of Samir Khan, the BBC...

Obama, Stop Being America's 'Lethal President'

Tom Junod dissects Obama's drone campaign in Esquire

(Newser) - Barack Obama ran for office with good intentions and became a reckless killer of innocent people across the Arab world, argues Tim Junod in a scathing Esquire article. Calling Obama "the Lethal President," Junod dissects the White House defense of drone strikes, noting that two American victims in...

UN Demands US Explain Drone Killings

Special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions wants more information

(Newser) - The Obama administration can't just kill anyone it wants to with its flying robots, the UN's special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions declared overnight, issuing a report demanding the US justify its drone campaign and disclose its procedures for ensuring the attacks comply with international law...

Taliban Bans Polio Vaccines Until US Drone Strikes End

North Waziristan commander halts vaccines in region

(Newser) - The Taliban has decided to use Pakistan's kids in the fight to end US drone strikes. It announced that it has banned polio vaccines in North Waziristan until said strikes are ended. "Almost every resident of North Waziristan has become a mental patient because of the drone strikes,...

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