
Stories 161 - 167 | << Prev 

He Quietly Gave Away Billions
He Quietly Gave Away Billions

He Quietly Gave Away Billions

But now the secretive philanthropist spills the beans behind his generosity

(Newser) - Chuck Feeney’s foundation gave $458 million in grants last year—third only to Ford and Gates—but very few know the secretive philanthropist’s name. Having thus far shielded himself from fame, Feeney gets some star treatment in a new biography that sheds light on his good deeds and...

Clinton Summit Pulls in Billions
Clinton Summit Pulls in Billions

Clinton Summit Pulls in Billions

Norway, Netherlands, Brangelina vow to help

(Newser) - Over 1,000 philanthropists pledged billions of dollars at this year's Clinton Global Initiative, where the ex-president annually brings together world leaders, corporate biggies and change-minded celebs. Angelina Jolie plans to educate 1 million children in conflicted areas; Brad Pitt pledged $5 million to build homes in New Orleans, and...

The Heart of Geekness Will Save Us All

Nerds grasp large-scale human suffering much better, Wired says

(Newser) - Why is Bill Gates, “practically a social cripple,” going to save the world? Because of numbers, says Clive Thompson in Wired. More than most, the Microsoft maverick -- who spearheads tireless crusades against poverty and AIDS -- can comprehend large quantities, while research shows that most of us...

Mystery Man Dumps Cash in Bathrooms
Mystery Man Dumps Cash in Bathrooms

Mystery Man Dumps Cash in Bathrooms

Flush benefactor has Japanese investigators following the money

(Newser) - The yen is in the toilet once again. Someone has left over 400 bundles, each containing about $80 worth of the stuff, in men's bathrooms all over Japan. The cash is being discovered in the powder rooms of government offices, along with notes enjoining the lucky gentleman who finds the...

Golf Tourneys Putt Short for Charity

Biggest beneficiaries are golfers, not philanthropies

(Newser) - As Tiger Woods's AT&T National tournament gets underway in Bethesda, corporate types are opening their wallets for the charity event—but, the Washington Post reports, their money may not go where they expect. Only about 15 cents out of every dollar raised by charity golf tourneys makes it to...

Philanthropist Bets $40M on Eco-Tourism

Greg Carr would put nature back in Mozambique nature preserve

(Newser) - Philanthropist Greg Carr wants to turn an African ecosystem around—and he’s willing to pay to do it. The tech-bubble whiz kid will spend $40 million over the next 30 years to restore Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park, destroyed during the country's 16-year civil war. Stephanie Hanes follows Carr as...

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!
Kim Jong-Il
Ate My Giant Bunnies!

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!

And German rabbit farmer is hopping mad...

(Newser) - Karl Szmolinsky sent giant rabbits to North Korea to alleviate hunger, and Kim Jong-Il ate them. The German rabbit farmer suspects that the twelve "German Grey Giants" he sent to the country were eaten at a birthday banquet for the dictator instead of being used in a breeding program...

Stories 161 - 167 | << Prev