
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Megrahi Knows 'Truth,' Wants Lockerbie Inquiry

Convicted bomber says he has documents that would exonerate him

(Newser) - Convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi has always maintained his innocence and now he wants an inquiry into the 1988 plane explosion that killed 270 people, the London Times reports. Megrahi claims to hold documents that could shed light on the real culprits and says that interest among the victims’...

Evangelist Convicted on 10 Counts of Sex Abuse

(Newser) - Tony Alamo, a one-time street preacher who became an outfitter to the stars and fought the federal government over claims he underpaid followers for church work, was convicted today in Arkansas of taking five girls across state lines for sex. The jury of nine men and three women found Alamo...

DA's 'Smear' Should Nix Conviction: 'Rockefeller'

(Newser) - Lawyers for Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter—aka Clark Rockefeller—want his conviction overturned because the jury was unfairly prejudiced against their client, the Boston Globe reports. Rockefeller was found guilty of kidnapping his daughter. The lawyers say the prosecution “eviscerated” their insanity defense during closing arguments by calling an unqualified...

Fans Cheer TI at 'Bye Bash' Before Prison

48 hours before prison, Atlanta rapper sells out arena

(Newser) - TI returned to his native Atlanta to play a sold out "Goodbye Bash" last night, just two days before he reports to a federal prison for a weapons conviction. Many of his fans expressed support for the convicted rapper, whom they described as a role model, reports the Atlanta ...

UCLA Body Parts Peddler Found Guilty

Businessman carved up donated cadavers to sell parts for profit

(Newser) - A businessman who carved up bodies donated to UCLA's medical school and sold them off to research companies has been found guilty of grand theft, the Los Angeles Times reports. Ernest Nelson raked in over $1.5 million from the scheme, which he conspired to carry out with the director...

Torture Convictions Would Be a Long Shot
Torture Convictions
Would Be a Long Shot

Torture Convictions Would Be a Long Shot

Prosecution possible, but nailing Cheney a legal headache

(Newser) - Those calling for Bush administration prosecutions on torture-related grounds may have their way—but whether those in question can actually be convicted is a whole other kettle of fish, Jeffrey Rosen writes in New York. Much of the case would likely hinge on whether authorities believed their own claims in...

Supreme Court Won't Hear Mumia's Appeal

Abu-Jamal says was convicted by biased jury in 1981 cop death

(Newser) - Mumia Abu-Jamal has lost his bid for a new trial in the 1981 killing of a police officer, the AP reports. The Supreme Court said today it won’t take up Abu-Jamal's claims that prosecutors improperly excluded blacks from the jury that convicted him of murdering a Philadelphia policeman. The...

Mandela's Ex Poised for Return to Power

Critics none too pleased by new role for ex-convict Winnie

(Newser) - Placed high on her party’s list of future MPs, Nelson Mandela’s ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela is set to return to a central role in South Africa’s government, the Guardian reports. Such a position is already sparking controversy surrounding Madikizela-Mandela's past—including a 2003 fraud conviction when she was...

Fort Dix 5 Convicted of Conspiracy

Muslim immigrants guilty of plotting to kill soldiers at NJ base

(Newser) - The five men charged in the Fort Dix terrorism case were convicted today of conspiracy to kill American soldiers, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. The Muslim immigrants from Albania, Jordan, and Turkey were investigated by FBI agents and informers over 15 months in 2006 and 2007. Hours of recordings documented their...

Stevens Yields the Floor a Last Time

Alaska Republican closes 'privileged' 40-year tenure

(Newser) - Ted Stevens said goodbye to colleagues in the US Senate today, ending a 40-year career after losing his Alaska re-election bid and being convicted on corruption charges, the Anchorage Daily News reports. “I really must pinch myself to fully understand that I’m privileged to speak on the floor...

Alaskans Give Stevens Hero's Welcome

After corruption conviction, GOP senator begins 5-day marathon reelection bid

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Stevens returned home to Alaska to jump-start his reelection campaign yesterday, proclaiming his innocence and asking for the votes of 500 supporters at a rally. “Like most people, I'm not perfect,” said the 84-year-old Republican, who plans to appeal his conviction on federal corruption charges, the...

Joe Cool Killer Put Away for Life

High seas murderer gets 5 life sentences after pleading guilty

(Newser) - A federal judge sentenced Kirby Archer to five life sentences today after he pleaded guilty to killing four people aboard a charter boat off Miami’s coast last year. The 36-year-old was ratted out by accomplice Guillermo Zarabozo, who faces a retrial, reports the Miami Herald. Prosecutors say the convict,...

OJ Seeks New Trial
 OJ Seeks 
 New Trial 

OJ Seeks New Trial

Lawyers cite errors, possible racial prejudice in filing for appeal

(Newser) - OJ Simpson's lawyers have given seven reasons why he should get a new trial in their motion seeking an appeal, reports the Las Vegas Sun. They cite judicial errors and insufficient evidence in Simpson's conviction for armed robbery and kidnapping, and argue that his rights may have been violated when...

Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock'
 Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock' 

Pal: Convicted OJ 'in Shock'

Former football star an't fathom why he's in jail for 'nothing incident'

(Newser) - OJ Simpson is “in shock” over his conviction and the prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars. “I can't believe I'm in here for this nothing incident,” he said. “He's strong. He's just in shock,” a friend told the New York Daily ...

Canoe Con Man, Wife Get 6 Years for Fake Death

Jury didn't buy her 'coercion' defense in insurance scam

(Newser) - John Darwin didn’t force his wife to help fake his death, a jury ruled today, convicting Anne Darwin on 15 counts of deception and money laundering before the two were each sentenced to 6 years in prison for their $500,000 insurance scheme. Anne’s “marital coercion” defense,...

Requests for Pardons Flood White House

Petitioners include the American Taliban, but not Scooter Libby

(Newser) - President Bush is nearing the end of his term, and felons are coming out of the woodwork in historic numbers to ask for pardons and reduced sentences, the New York Times reports. It is not unusual for there to be a spike in pardons granted by a president in his...

Court Tosses Conviction in Abramoff Affair

Ruling says feds were overzealous in case against GSA official

(Newser) - A key conviction in the Jack Abramoff scandal was reversed today, as a federal appeals court ruled that the Justice Department overreached in its prosecution of David Safavian. The onetime chief of staff at GSA provided inside information on government-owned properties to Abramoff; he was convicted of lying to multiple...

Boy-Band Brain Gets 25 Years for Fraud

Pearlman gets max for scamming investors, banks out of $300M

(Newser) - Lou Pearlman, the honcho behind the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync, was sentenced yesterday to the maximum of 25 years in federal prison for masterminding a decades-long scam that bilked thousands of investors out of some $300 million, the AP reports. "The sympathy factor just doesn't run very high...

Fritzl Triggers Change in Austria Sex Law

His rape conviction was wiped off books as he adopted grandkids

(Newser) - The Josef Fritzl case has spurred Austrian legislators to initiate changes in sex crime laws to prevent child abuse, the BBC reports. As Fritzl kept his daughter imprisoned as a sex slave, he was granted custody for three of the children he fathered with her— despite a rape conviction. His...

Mother Found 'DC Madam' Hanging, Fla. Police Say

Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 52, faced prison time after conviction

(Newser) - The so-called “DC Madam” hanged herself in Florida, police said today, committing suicide two weeks after her conviction for money laundering and racketeering. Officials say her mother found Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 52, hanging in a storage shed this morning, along with suicide notes whose details they did not divulge....

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>