Obama 2012

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Romney, Obama Play Defense on 60 Minutes

New Obama ad slams Mitt on taxes

(Newser) - President Obama is unleashing the latest attack on Mitt Romney's taxes, following the candidates' dueling appearances on 60 Minutes last night, referencing his 47% comments as well as questions over his own tax rate. "Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, he should come clean on his,"...

New Voting Laws May Block 10M Hispanics From Polls
New Voting Laws May Block 10M Hispanics From Polls
study says

New Voting Laws May Block 10M Hispanics From Polls

Could impact election outcome: study

(Newser) - Voter ID laws are already quite controversial , and a new study will probably make them even more so: It finds that more than 10 million Hispanic US citizens could be prevented from voting thanks to new laws in 23 states. The number is so high that it could swing election...

Most-Watched Convention Speaker Was ... Joe Biden?!

VP bests Obama, Romney, even Clint Eastwood

(Newser) - When presented with the opportunity to watch the president , a very popular former president , the Republican presidential nominee , or an old guy talking to a chair , America was apparently most excited about … Joe Biden . Yes, out of all the speakers at the DNC and the RNC, the VP got...

Obama: 'You Can't Change Washington From the Inside'

And Mitt Romney quickly pounces

(Newser) - This one is shaping up to be the soundbite of the day, courtesy of President Obama. At a Univision forum in Miami, the president said this when reflecting on his first term:
  • “I think that I’ve learned some lessons over the last four years, and the most important

Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters
Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters

Romney, Obama Are Cartoon Characters

They're both becoming demagogs; bring on Homer Simpson

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says his 47% comment was inelegantly stated. "But he's being modest," writes Michael Kinsley in the LA Times . "It was a perfectly elegant summary of the views of a cartoon conservative, which is what Romney took his audience to be full of." Indeed,...

Romney Pinching Pennies on Ads

Obama backers outspend Mitt in key states

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the Republicans have made plenty of big fundraising headlines over the summer—but with restrictions on political cash, Romney's already facing some financial hurdles . The indebted campaign is holding back on advertising spending at a time when the candidate may sorely need it. President Obama and...

67% Say They&#39;re Romney&#39;s 47%
 67% Say They're Romney's 47% 

67% Say They're Romney's 47%

But it probably won't decide how they vote

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's description of 47% of the electorate as handout-grabbers wasn't exactly a rousing success with much of the electorate, an Ipsos/ Reuters poll finds. Some 43% of those polled said the video of Romney talking to Florida donors made them view the Republican nominee less favorably, while...

60 Minutes to Interview Obama, Romney

They'll appear separately this weekend

(Newser) - Well, it's almost like a debate: 60 Minutes will feature separate interviews this Sunday with Mitt Romney and President Obama, reports USA Today . CBS promises that both will get similar questions on the economy, health care, national security, and the like—and no doubt some on Romney's "...

Obama: What Jay-Z and I Have in Common

President touts friendship with 'J and B' at fundraiser

(Newser) - At a fundraiser hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce last night, President Obama noted that he and the rapper have a lot in common. What, they're both fans of 18-foot champagne towers ? Not exactly. "We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are,"...

Randy Newman: I'm Dreamin' of a White President

'Who knows how to handle money and start a war'

(Newser) - Just in time for the election, sometimes-satirical singer Randy Newman has dusted off his "Short People" chops with a political carol that includes the line, "I'm dreaming of a white president," NPR reports. He "won't be the brightest, perhaps," Newman croons in the...

Romney Defends Remarks, as Obama Takes a Dig

Republican goes on Fox to clarify views

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took to Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News today to defend his comments that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and see themselves as "victims" who depend on the government, reports Politico . He may be taking plenty of heat , but Romney sees this as a...

Citizens United Anti-Obama Film Set to Bombard TV

'The Hope and the Change' airing on 12 stations

(Newser) - Coming to a dozen TV stations near you, for the next seven weeks: An hour-long film in which former Obama supporters talk about their disillusionment with the president. The Hope and the Change—directed by the same guy who made pro-Sarah Palin film The Undefeated —debuted at the Republican...

Netanyahu to US: Don't Give Iran a Nuclear 'Touchdown'

Israeli PM continues to push US to draw 'red line' around Tehran

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his assault on Iran via US airwaves, imploring Americans not to let Iran score a nuclear "touchdown." "They're in the red zone. They're in the last 20 yards, and you can't let them cross that goal line,...

Poll: Romney Loses Advantage on Economy

Obama now viewed as better candidate to turn it around

(Newser) - President Obama's convention plea for patience with his economic plans might have resonated: Mitt Romney is no longer viewed as the better candidate to fix the economy and create jobs in a new poll by CBS and the New York Times . Obama's advantage couldn't be slimmer—47-46—...

Kansas Birther Drops Challenge to Obama

Move had threatened his place on the ballot

(Newser) - It appears Kansas will allow the sitting president to appear on November's ballot after all. A man who filed a challenge questioning his citizenship has decided to drop it because of the backlash, reports the Topeka Capital-Journal . "There has been a great deal of animosity and intimidation directed...

Poll: Obama Leading in Key Swing States

Romney trailing in Florida, Ohio, Virginia

(Newser) - President Obama has a healthy lead in the three swing states most vital to victory, according to the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC/Marist poll. Mitt Romney is trailing by five points in Florida and Virginia and by seven points in Ohio, the poll found. Victory for Mitt Romney will be...

Romney Tones Down Criticism Over Protests

But he says US lacks 'leadership' in foreign policy

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is making news for what he didn't say today: He stopped his criticism of the Obama administration's response to the unrest in the Mideast. At a stop in Virginia, Romney paid tribute to the four Americans killed in Libya—though a heckler accused him of politicizing...

Poll: Americans More Optimistic

Numbers are good news for Obama, pollsters say

(Newser) - In news that may give Mitt Romney the blues, Americans are starting to cheer up a little, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. Some 55% still believe America is heading in the wrong direction, while 39% think it is going in the right direction, the poll found. But it'...

Obama: Romney Blew It on Libya Criticism

He likes to 'shoot first and aim later'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's criticism of President Obama after the violence in Libya and Egypt continues to spin off into a political story of its own. Now Obama himself weighs in, telling CBS News that Romney spoke too soon when he accused the White House of sympathizing with the protesters:
  • "

Bill Clinton Credits Obama for Speech Help

He may have slipped up a bit in Florida, though

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's speech last week may have been the high point for the Democratic National Convention, but the ex-president is happy to share the credit with the current one, reports Politico . Clinton said he showed his speech to Obama the morning of his presentation, and made changes regarding Medicare...

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