Marie-Philip Poulin

2 Stories

Probe Into Sudsy Celebration Is IOC at Its Sexist Worst
Probe Into Sudsy Celebration Is IOC at Its Sexist Worst

Probe Into Sudsy Celebration Is IOC at Its Sexist Worst

Canadian women, even underage hero, well within rights

(Newser) - The huffing castigation of the Canadian women’s hockey team for last night’s sudsy celebration of its Vancouver gold medal shows the International Olympic Committee at its paternalistic, sexist worst, says Rachel Bachman, whose initial reaction to the on-ice Molsons was to turn to a colleague and say, “...

Canadian Women Top US, Claim Hockey Gold
 Canadian Women 
 Top US, Claim 
 Hockey Gold 

Canadian Women Top US, Claim Hockey Gold

Marie-Philip Poulin scores both for home team

(Newser) - Marie-Philip Poulin’s two first-period goals stood up tonight as the Canadian women’s hockey team shut out the US, 2-0, to claim the gold medal at the Vancouver Olympics. Shannon Szabados turned away all 28 shots she faced. It’s the third consecutive gold for the Canadians, who have...

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