
Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>

Family Sues After Boy Is Expelled Over His DNA
Family Sues After Boy Is Expelled Over His DNA
in case you missed it

Family Sues After Boy Is Expelled Over His DNA

A trial could help establish exactly who can access one's genetic information

(Newser) - When Colman Chadam was born in 2000, he underwent extra medical tests after a congenital heart issue was discovered. Doctors learned that the infant carried genetic markers associated with cystic fibrosis, but he never went on to develop the disease. In fact, that test was the boy's only interaction...

A Mom Is Suing Over Her Daughter's 'Wrongful Birth'

Kerrie Evans says she would have aborted if she knew baby had cystic fibrosis

(Newser) - When Kerrie Evans went to her first prenatal visit in October 2009, she says she told her doctor she was concerned about cystic fibrosis, but she was never offered screening to see if she was a carrier for the disease, she had trouble contacting genetic counselors, and her doctor never...

Ex-Yahoo Employee Says It's Biased Against Men

He's suing over his termination

(Newser) - A fired Yahoo employee is suing the tech company, claiming—among other things—that it discriminates against men, partially resulting in his termination, Ars Technica reports. According to the Los Angeles Times , Yahoo editorial director Gregory Anderson was told in 2014 that he was in the bottom 5% of employees...

Man Accused of Killing Ex Sues NYC Subway

Cops say he tried to kill himself, but he blames MTA

(Newser) - A man who was hit by a NYC subway train last October and lost both feet is suing the New York City Transit Authority—which may sound reasonable, except for the fact that prosecutors say he threw himself on the tracks in a suicide bid after stabbing a New Jersey...

Texas Parents Sued Over Noisy Kids

It's neighbor vs. neighbor in Plano

(Newser) - On one side of the fence you have the cacophony of playing children. On the other: profanity-laced rap music at high volume. That combination has yielded neighbor vs. neighbor lawsuits in the Stoney Hollow neighborhood of Plano, Texas. It all started with the placement of a playhouse with an attached...

Planned Parenthood Sues Over Video 'Conspiracy'

'Sting' video maker accused of violating racketeering laws

(Newser) - The undercover "sting" videos targeting Planned Parenthood were part of a "complex criminal enterprise" created by "anti-abortion extremists," according to a federal lawsuit filed by the organization. The lawsuit filed Thursday against an anti-abortion group called the Center for Medical Progress accuses the group of committing...

Lip Balm to the Stars Hit With Class-Action Lawsuit

Woman alleges that hugely popular lip balm causes flaking, bleeding, rashes

(Newser) - When Rachael Cronin's lips became dry and coarse, she began to apply even more of her gluten-free EOS lip balm "to achieve the results of becoming 'sensationally smooth'" as the packaging promised, only to discover that her lips "began severely cracking on the edges, causing...

Law Grads Win 'Historic' Court Date Against School

Students accuse California school of fraud over employment stats

(Newser) - Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego is often listed pretty far down the national rankings, with relatively low LSAT scores and a 46% bar passage rate, reports the Daily Caller . And the post-graduation employment rate may be even lower than the 60% the school advertises, which prompted 2008...

Judge to Naked Musician: You Have No Case

Well, Matthew Mglej is allowed to sue for excessive force

(Newser) - A federal judge has dismissed a nude protester's claim that police violated his rights by arresting him while he played violin stark-naked outside the federal courthouse in Portland. Matthew Mglej of Hillsboro, Oregon, sued the Portland police and the county last January, seeking $1.1 million in damages. The...

Surrogate, Told to Abort, Sues the Father

Melissa Cook wants to adopt baby the dad doesn't want—and maybe the other 2, too

(Newser) - A complicated case has become even more so after a surrogate mom of triplets refused the biological dad's demand to abort one of the fetuses. Melissa Cook says she was threatened with financial ruin by the father for violating her contract (he was allowed a "reduction" if he...

Lawsuit: Big Bang Theory Stole 'Soft Kitty' Song

Heirs of the alleged author have filed a lawsuit

(Newser) - The heirs to a New Hampshire teacher who wrote a poem about a "soft kitty" eight decades ago said in a lawsuit Monday that TV's The Big Bang Theory is violating their copyrights. Edith Newlin's daughters sued CBS and other media-related companies over the copyright to a...

Vikings' Suit: Wells Fargo Is Photo-Bombing Our New Stadium

Team says bank is trying to sneak extra exposure with mounted, lit signage

(Newser) - In 2014, Wells Fargo agreed it wouldn't use mounted, illuminated rooftop signs on its two 17-story office towers that flank the Minnesota Vikings' new stadium in Minneapolis, per the Minneapolis Star Tribune . Instead, it would use two 56-foot signs painted flat on the roof, with no illumination, the Pioneer ...

Man Downloads Fallout 4, Loses Wife and Job

Russian is now suing game's creator, claiming he developed an addiction

(Newser) - A 28-year-old gamer from the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk is suing Fallout 4 maker Bethesda Game Studios for an addiction he says cost him his wife, job, and health. After seeing an ad and downloading the game last month, he found himself emerging from a bunker into a post-apocalyptic world,...

Firefighters Who Lost Their Hearing Sue Siren Maker

They say company didn't do enough to protect them

(Newser) - Around 4,400 current and former firefighters nationwide are suing Federal Signal Corp., an Illinois-based company that makes sirens, claiming it didn't do enough to make them safer for those on firetrucks who have to listen to them nearly every day. They say the company could have designed them...

Razor Wars Get Hairy: Gillette Sues Dollar Shave Club

Gillette accuses online service of patent infringement

(Newser) - For nearly 120 years , Gillette has comfortably assumed dominance in the US shaving market. But now it's taking on an online upstart in the courts: The company filed a suit Thursday against Dollar Shave Club, trying to stop the subscription service from selling razors Gillette says infringe on a...

Plaintiffs: Infomercial Product Made Our Hair Fall Out

Hundreds of women are suing makers of Wen by Chaz Dean

(Newser) - Wen by Chaz Dean hair-care products are touted as a natural alternative to shampoo and other products, but some angry customers say the downside is hair loss—and lots of it. More than 200 women across the US have joined a class-action lawsuit claiming that the sulfate-free hair products contain...

Despite Lawsuit, Syrian Refugees Arrive in Texas

Texas alters strategy against resettlement agency

(Newser) - Hide your husbands, hide your wives: A family of six Syrian refugees is arriving in Dallas today as Texas shifts its legal strategy against refugee resettlement, the Dallas Morning News reports. The family—which includes two small children and has a relative in Dallas—came over with a relief agency...

Latest to Trounce Apple in Court: Retiree Who Lost Pics
 68-Year-Old Represents 
 Self, Beats Apple in Court 
in case you missed it

68-Year-Old Represents Self, Beats Apple in Court

He sought $7K to go on his honeymoon again after workers wiped his phone

(Newser) - A 68-year-old London retiree has just taken on tech giant Apple, representing himself in court, and won. The uncommon victory for Deric White is the culmination of a one-year battle in court after White dropped off his phone for servicing at the Apple Store on Regent Street in London, only...

Charlie Hid HIV, Made Me Have Abortion: Ex's Suit

Brett Rossi says Sheen 'erupted into fit of rage' over her pregnancy

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen's latest troubles come in the form of a lawsuit by an ex-fiancee. Per legal documents obtained by People , Brett Rossi, 26, filed a complaint Thursday alleging assault and battery, emotional distress, false imprisonment, and negligence, with her specific beefs being that Sheen, 50, initially hid his HIV...

New Lawsuit Could Leave Robert Durst Penniless

$100M suit relies on arcane 'right to sepulcher' law

(Newser) - Robert Durst never admitted to killing first wife Kathleen Durst 34 years ago, and no conclusive evidence has been found—but her death could still cost him his fortune. Kathleen's three sisters and 101-year-old mother have filed a $100 million lawsuit against Durst contending he infringed upon their "...

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>