lager beer

4 Stories

Scientists Unlock Key to Brewing New Lagers
Scientists Unlock Key
to Brewing New Lagers

Scientists Unlock Key to Brewing New Lagers

Trees in Patagonia may hold the secret, new study suggests

(Newser) - Lagers have retained a consistent taste for hundreds of years, but a scientific breakthrough in one of the beer's key ingredients might usher in an era of new varieties. The three main elements needed to brew lagers are malt, hops, and yeast, notes the Washington Post . But lager yeast...

Newest Budweiser Beer Inspired by George Washington's Recipe

Introducing the Freedom Reserve Red Lager

(Newser) - In 1757, George Washington wrote down a beer recipe in the military journal he used during the French and Indian War. More than 260 years later, that beer is coming to the masses, thanks to Budweiser. The beer maker is releasing a beer "inspired by" the handwritten recipe. Freedom...

Lager Is About to Get a Lot More Interesting

Scientists report success with new hybrid strains

(Newser) - Unlike its trendy cousins favored by craft brewers, lager hasn't changed much over the centuries, notes a post at Scientific American . In fact, "lagers are boring," it declares. That looks set to change, however, thanks to researchers in Finland. They report in the Journal of Industrial Microbiology ...

Brewer Names Beer for Austrian Town

'f---ing Hell' is, in German, a lager from f---ing

(Newser) - After proving to European trademark authorities that it exists, a German brewer has won approval to make a beer named for the Austrian town of f---ing. And not just any beer: f---ing Hell, available as soon as the fall and sure to provoke tittering in frat-boy types everywhere, has a...

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