
Stories 81 - 99 | << Prev 

Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons
Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons

Handicapping Last-Minute Bush Pardons

Scooter Libby? Alberto Gonzales? The entire CIA? Speculation swirls

(Newser) - President Bush has shown no inclination to go on a Clinton-esque pardon binge, but that won't stop Josh Gerstein of Politico from speculating. Here are the potential pardon/commutation prospects, and the odds:
  • All CIA and military interrogators: Bush could make a big splash with a blanket pardon to anyone who

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure
Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

It's a taboo topic in DC, as evidenced by Holder's hearing

(Newser) - For the sake of a quiet confirmation, attorney general nominee Eric Holder is letting us forget the real reason for Bill Clinton’s controversial Marc Rich pardon. Clinton didn’t let Rich off the hook because of his generous wife, writes Joe Conason in Salon. He did so because of...

Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned
Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned

Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned

Supporters look to Cheney to sway Bush in final week

(Newser) - President Bush has less than a week to pardon Lewis “Scooter” Libby for his role in the CIA leak case, and at this point it’s unclear if he will, writes Byron York for the National Review. Dick Cheney's former chief of staff hasn't applied for one through the...

Bush Retracts Pardon for Son of Big GOP Donor

White House cites new information in halting process for developer Isaac Toussie

(Newser) - President Bush withdrew a presidential pardon today after it emerged that the father of a convicted Brooklyn developer donated $28,500 to the Republican Party, CNN reports. The president’s counsel approved clemency for Isaac Toussie on charges of mail fraud and false statements to federal officials, White House spokeswoman...

Holder's Nom Raises Ghost of Rich Pardon

AG pick played key—if inadvertent—role in clearing fugitive

(Newser) - Eric Holder has earned a lot of praise in his career, but there’s one glaring blemish on his resume: the pardon of Marc Rich. Critics say Barack Obama’s attorney general pick was the driving force behind the fugitive’s backdoor pardon, while supporters say he’s an innocent...

Bush Pardons Eagle Killer
 Bush Pardons Eagle Killer 

Bush Pardons Eagle Killer

Bush lets off man who indirectly poisoned birds

(Newser) - Twelve years after pleading guilty to federal charges in the deaths of three bald eagles, Leslie Owen Collier learned last week that his name was cleared: He was pardoned by President Bush. "I guess I was humbled is the best way to say it—I never thought it would...

Big Names Await News on Pardons

Gonzales, Clemens could be excused from future accusations

(Newser) - President Bush continues to be stingy with pardons, but some big names will be hoping for clemency in December, the AP reports. Among the 2,000 applicants are junk-bond king Michael Milken and American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh. Bush also could excuse potential future convicts such as pitcher Roger...

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers
Bush's Pardons
Favor Gun Lovers

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers

President restores right to bear arms to convicted felons

(Newser) - Second Amendment enthusiasts seem to have a better-than-average chance of winning a presidential pardon as the Bush presidency nears its end, the Wall Street Journal reports. Of the 14 felons pardoned in the last week, seven are fans of hunting or shooting and five say they specifically mentioned their desire...

Stevens Won't Rule Out Pursuing Prez Pardon

Convicted senator may seek clemency from Bush

(Newser) - Even as Ted Stevens appeals of his seven-count felony conviction, the disgraced senator isn't ruling outthe possibility of seeking a pardon from President Bush, the Anchorage Daily News reports. "If I were counsel to him, I would encourage him," says Alaska's former US attorney, a Stevens supporter. "...

Bush Pardons 14 But Ducks Big Reprieves

(Newser) - President Bush granted 14 pardons and two reduced sentences today but helped none of the high-profile figures seeking reprieves, the AP reports. In his first pardons since March, Bush forgave criminals convicted on charges of wildlife violations, tax evasion, and drugs. His two commutations were for men found guilty of...

Russian Pardon Effort Tests Medvedev

Thousands sign online petition to free woman jailed by mentor Putin

(Newser) - A grassroots effort to pardon a convicted lawyer could allow Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to bolster the liberal image he's worked to create, but to issue the reprieve he must stand up to Vladimir Putin. Svetlana Bakhmina was arrested during one of Putin’s crackdowns on corruption at state oil...

Swiss Pardon Europe's Last Executed Witch

Housemaid accused of casting spells was beheaded in 1782

(Newser) - It's 226 years too late to restore her head to her body but the Swiss have decided to restore the good name of convicted witch Anna Goeldi, the Independent reports. Goeldi, the last person in Europe to be executed for witchcraft, was tortured and killed after being accused of casting...

Aussie Pardoned 86 Years After Execution

New tests reveal evidence flaw that went undetected in 1921

(Newser) - An Australian man hanged for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl has been pardoned 86 years after his execution, Reuters reports. Hairs found in his bed that were said to belong to the victim weren’t hers, recent tests showed. The attorney general said the case was a warning against...

Chad Pardons, Frees French 'Orphan' Kidnappers

Chad's president pardons aid workers

(Newser) - The six men imprisoned for kidnapping 103 Chadian children have been pardoned and freed from a French prison, reports the BBC. Convicted in Chad and sentenced to hard labor, the members of charity group Zoe's Ark had been transferred to a facility in France, and received a pardon from Chadian...

Huckabee Rocked Little Rock
Huckabee Rocked
Little Rock

Huckabee Rocked Little Rock

Ex-governor intimidated colleagues, backed controversial reforms

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee surged to the top of the polls in the Republican presidential contest partly because of his squeaky clean image, but the persona emerging from years as governor of Arkansas is quite different, the New York Times reports. Supporters and critics alike remember him as a hard-charging iconoclast with...

Libya Reveals Source of $$$ to Free Medical Workers

(Newser) - Libya announced details today about the deal that freed six foreign medical workers, as it  officially protested the pardoning of the workers by the Bulgarian government, BBC reports. The group had been imprisoned in Libya since 1999 for infecting 438 children with HIV/AIDS. But international experts say there was...

Scooter Won't Need to Beg for Pardon

Slate's political wiz doesn't see Libby landing behind bars

(Newser) - President Bush will step in and save Scooter Libby for two reasons, argues Slate's John Dickerson. First, to repay Dick Cheney for not throwing Karl Rove under the bus. And second, pardoning Libby could help Bush regain Republican support by appeasing conservatives who opposed the CIA leak investigation from the...

Judge Orders Libby to Prison
Judge Orders Libby to Prison

Judge Orders Libby to Prison

Defense likely to appeal trial court's ruling

(Newser) - Scooter Libby may not remain free pending appeal, the judge in his perjury trial ruled today, and must begin serving his 30-month sentence this summer. His defense team will turn next to a federal appeals court, the Washington Post reports, but the most pressing legal question now is whether President...

Pals Seek Pardon for Jail-Bound Heiress

Ask Governator to spare ambassador of "hope for young people"

(Newser) - Paris Hilton fans are rallying to keep the heiress out of an orange jumpsuit. More than 1,000 have signed an online petition to Gov. Schwarzenegger to pardon her for the parole-violation conviction that otherwise will cost her 45 days in jail. The grounds: that she "provides hope for...

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