Arizona immigration law

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Back Off, Stewart: Arizona Needs That Law
 Back Off, Stewart: 
 Arizona Needs That  Law 
David Frum

Back Off, Stewart: Arizona Needs That Law

Abandoned by feds, state did what it had to do

(Newser) - Stop abusing Arizona, David Frum writes—the state Jon Stewart called the "meth lab" of democracy has a real problem that the federal government isn't doing a damn thing about. With the Mexican border at San Diego effectively fenced, illegal immigration and drug trafficking have shifted into Arizona, he...

Arizona Goes After Teachers With Accents

If not 'fluent,' they can't teach English learners

(Newser) - Arizona is already under fire for its controversial new immigration law, and now this: Schools in the state are being forced to fire or reassign some teachers who speak English with an accent. Teachers who aren’t deemed fluent can’t be in classrooms where students are still learning English,...

Immigration Law Giving Unions a Boost

Labor leaders increase organizing, see more interest

(Newser) - Another unintended consequence of Arizona's immigration law: a shot in the arm for unions. With Hispanic workers worried about discrimination, labor leaders are ramping up organizing efforts and seeing a surge in interest. “They’ve stepped it up big-time,” an immigration and labor attorney tells the Phoenix Business ...

Arizona Cop Sues Over Immigration Law

His is among the first two lawsuits to be filed

(Newser) - The first two lawsuits against Arizona's immigration law are already on the books. One comes from a Tucson cop who patrols in a heavily Hispanic area and the other from a coalition of Latino church groups. At least one more major suit—from three groups, including the ACLU of Arizona—...

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke
States Are Going Crazy,
as Well as Broke
gail collins

States Are Going Crazy, as Well as Broke

Arizona and Oklahoma are leaders in both insanity and insolvency

(Newser) - The Tea Partiers may be up in arms over the federal government meddling in their lives and not being able to balance its books, but Gail Collins points out that it's the states that are going into overdrive passing wacky laws (hello, Arizona, Oklahoma!) and whiffing on budget cuts...

Arizona Sheriff Won't Enforce 'Stupid' Immigration Law

'We're not stopping people for the Border Patrol'

(Newser) - The top cop in Arizona's Pima County has no intention of enforcing the state's new "stupid, racist and disgusting" immigration law. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," said Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. "We're not going to stop and detain these people for...

Rush: Maybe Obama's an Illegal Alien Himself

Talk show host makes offhand birther quip

(Newser) - Is Rush Limbaugh a birther? It sure sounded that way to Mediaite during his rant yesterday about illegal immigration. Rush was obsessing over a recent Obama statement condemning Arizona's new illegal immigration law, in which the president worried that “if you don't have your're gonna be harassed....

Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

Justice Department prepares to block state law

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering taking the rare—and potentially explosive—step of challenging Arizona's immigration law in court. The government may sue the state over the law as the Justice Department examines ways to block the statute before it takes effect this summer, officials tell the Washington Post .

GOP Is Doomed in Arizona
 GOP Is 
 in Arizona 

GOP Is Doomed in Arizona

Hispanics are turning against the party in droves

(Newser) - Arizona's immigration law is going to make the state a safe haven for Democrats in the long term, blogs kos at Daily Kos . For proof, check out the latest Public Policy Polling survey of the governor's race, which shows Democrat Terry Goodard increasing his lead among Hispanics over GOP incumbent...

8 Ways to Stick It to Arizona

 8 Ways to Stick It to Arizona 
No. 2: Boycott Sky Mall

8 Ways to Stick It to Arizona

Sort of. Or people/businesses based there

(Newser) - So you want to protest Arizona's new immigration law from the comforts of your non-Arizona home but don't know how? No worries. Gawker has been "effectively been boycotting Arizona for years by not thinking about it," and Glen Runciter takes the next step, recommending Arizona-related people and businesses...

Arizona Boycott Targets Baseball, Tourism

Gov. 'disappointed' by call to action

(Newser) - People opposed to Arizona's tough new immigration law should stay away from Diamondbacks games and the Grand Canyon, say organizers of a national boycott of the controversial state. Tourists are being urged to avoid Arizona, and business groups are being told they should hold their conventions elsewhere, Reuters reports. The...

Meghan McCain Differs With Dad, Hates Arizona Law

Count Out Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, too

(Newser) - John McCain may think Arizona cops can enforce the immigration law without racial profiling, as he told CBS today, but daughter Meghan isn't so sure. Like her dad, she blames the federal government for not securing the border, but unlike him, she says this law is the wrong remedy. "...

Calderón Slams Arizona Law; Mexico Issues Travel Advisory

Immigration law creates adverse atmosphere for Mexicans

(Newser) - Arizona's tough new immigration law isn't winning friends across the border: Mexican president Felipe Calderón slammed the law in a speech last night, saying it "opens the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement." And Mexico issued a travel advisory, warning citizens it's no...

Arizona the 'Meth Lab of Democracy': Stewart
 Arizona the 'Meth Lab 
 of Democracy': Stewart 
rips immigration bill

Arizona the 'Meth Lab of Democracy': Stewart

And how about that birther bill, and the concealed weapons, and the.....

(Newser) - Hey, Arizona, Jon Stewart has news for you: Tom Tancredo thinks your immigration bill goes too far…and that means you have a problem. This is Tom Tancredo, after all—“the guy who called Miami a third world country and said the Minutemen border patrol aren’t vigilantes, they’...

Ariz. Immigration Law Foes Seek Obama's Help

Refried-bean swastikas smeared on state capitol's windows

(Newser) - The furor over a new Arizona immigration law showed no sign of cooling today, as protesters reportedly smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the windows of the state capitol, according to MSNBC . More demonstrations for and against the provision are scheduled for this week. Opponents of the...

Immigration Reform a Lose-Lose for Both Parties

Republicans risk losing Hispanics, Dems risk losing independents

(Newser) - Arizona's new illegal immigration law has put the contentious issue front and center, but it's not a fight many are eager to enter. “When immigration is an issue, nobody wins,” ex-RNC Chair Ed Gillespie tells Politico . Democrats consider the law basically racist, and fear that if they don't...

Thousands Protest Arizona Immigration Law

'We are human,' reads marcher signs

(Newser) - Some 2,500 people marched to the state capitol yesterday to protest Arizona's new immigration law, with one speaker warning that the controversial bill has "awakened a 21st century civil rights battle." It was the third day of protest against the law, which is the first in the...

Judge: Arizona Immigration Law Will Bankrupt State

He's worried about wrongful detainment lawsuits

(Newser) - The new immigration law that takes effect as early as late July in Arizona was cheered by controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He said it gives him authority to detain undocumented migrants who aren't accused of committing any other crimes. "Now if we show they're illegal, we can...

Obama Targets 'Misguided' Arizona Immigration Law

President says measure flies in the face of 'basic notions of fairness'

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into Arizona's new illegal immigration law today, saying it threatens “to undermine basic notions of fairness we cherish as Americans.” Speaking at a naturalization ceremony for members of the military, he said he'd ordered his administration to “examine the civil rights and other implications...

Arizona Passes Tough Illegal Immigration Act

Bill makes it a state crime to be in US illegally

(Newser) - Arizona lawmakers have passed the toughest state law against illegal immigration in the country. The measure—which critics say is wide open to constitutional challenges—makes it a crime to be in Arizona without proper immigration papers, and gives police the right to determine whether a person is legal even...

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