
Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Alabama Pols, Casino Owner Nabbed in Vast Bribery Bust

Lobbyists also nabbed in big electronic bingo bust

(Newser) - Federal officials have indicted the owner of Alabama's largest casino, four state senators and several top lobbyists in a scheme to buy and sell votes to get electronic bingo legalized. The federal investigation found criminal activity that was astonishing in scope, according to the assistant attorney general. He calls it...

Oily Mist Coats Gulf Towns
 Oily Mist Coats Gulf Towns 

Oily Mist Coats Gulf Towns

Airborne oil could be trouble for humans, plants

(Newser) - Beach workers in Orange Beach, Alabama, have noticed that strong winds from the south—that is, from the oil-soaked Gulf of Mexico—bring with them a greasy mist. Few in the town believe BP's claims that the oil is gone—why would they, when, after a day at the beach,...

Blue Dog Rep Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die'
 Blue Dog Rep 
 Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die' 

Blue Dog Rep Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die'

Red state Dems distance themselves from speaker

(Newser) - When asked if he would back Nancy Pelosi’s bid to remain speaker of the House, Alabama Democrat Bobby Bright dodged. Maybe the speaker wouldn’t run, he said, adding jokingly, “Heck, she might even get sick and die.” This lighthearted jape drew laughter from all present, the...

YouTube Mix a Way Out of 'Hood for Crime News Star

He fights off attacker, reveals way with words

(Newser) - Who knew an attempted rape could turn out so well? (Relax; the perv was pounced on.) Antoine Dodson, 24, became an instant hit after he fought off an attacker who climbed in his sister's bedroom in the Huntsville projects in Alabama. The over-the-top, exuberantly gay Dodson struck a chord...

Teenager Sets Record for Longest Shot

Group specializes in crazy trick shots

(Newser) - Most basketball fans have never heard of Evan Sellers, but the 17-year-old has just secured a place in basketball lore after making the longest shot of all time. The amazing video above shows the Birmingham, Alabama, native lobbing a ball from a 134-foot monument toward a hoop in the distance....

Wacky Tea Party Candidate Loses Ala. Runoff

No more 'founding father' call to arms

(Newser) - Decidedly odd Alabama Tea Party candidate Rick Barber has lost his bid for Congress even though his "aw-shucks racism and incoherent rantings" turned him into an internet sensation, notes Gawker. Barber lost the runoff election to his far more traditional GOP rival Martha Roby, who faces Dem Bobby Bright...

Blacks Regularly Excluded From Southern Juries

All-white juries in majority black counties

(Newser) - In the Deep South, DAs strike black college graduates from juries for "low intelligence," black 28-year-olds for being "too young," and black 43-year-olds for being "too old." A new study by the non-profit Equal Justice Initiative finds that potential black jurors are routinely excluded...

Prof Accused in Rampage Attempts Suicide

Amy Bishop also charged with murder in brother's 1986 death

(Newser) - Amy Bishop attempted suicide early today, less than 2 days after learning she's been charged with first-degree murder in the 1986 death of her brother , reports WHNT of Huntsville , Ala. Bishop already faces three charges of capital murder in the February shooting rampage that took the lives of three of...

Holloway's Dad Seeks New Info From Van der Sloot

Father hopes suspected kidnapper will talk after arrest

(Newser) - Natalee Holloway's father is back in Aruba today, hoping the suspect in his daughter's disappearance has provided local authorities with new clues since being arrested for the killing of a 21-year-old woman in Peru. Dave Holloway planned to discuss the latest developments with prosecutors and investigators at a meeting tomorrow,...

Natalee's Mom Clams Up About Van der Sloot

FBI orders Beth Holloway not to discuss suspect in disappearance

(Newser) - Natalee Holloway's mother held a press conference this morning, but an "FBI directive" kept her from discussing Joran Van der Sloot's possible involvement in her daughter's disappearance, the Birmingham News reports. Van der Sloot is the prime suspect in that case and has confessed to murdering Stephany Flores Ramirez,...

Davis Loses Bid to Become First Black Ala. Guv

Centrist strategy bombs for Dem congressman

(Newser) - Rep. Artur Davis' bid to become Alabama's first black governor is over. The Democrat—who sought to play down race as a factor in the primary—lost heavily to agriculture commissioner Ron Sparks. Davis' white rival gained endorsements from the African-American political groups whose support Davis had intentionally avoided seeking...

States Demand Ultrasounds to Curb Abortion

20 states encourage or mandate procedure

(Newser) - The latest weapon in the battle over abortion : Ultrasounds. Backed by anti-abortion groups who believe sonograms can stop women from aborting, 20 states have passed laws that require or encourage abortion providers to conduct the procedure, reports the New York Times . Ultrasounds are already mandatory in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi,...

Math Teacher's Bad Lesson: How to Shoot Obama

He was teaching them about angles

(Newser) - Remember word problems? Those cute math class constructions where you learn a skill through real-world examples? Well an Alabama geometry teacher got a little too real for the Secret Service, when he used the hypothetical assassination of Barack Obama to teach his high school students about angles. “He said,...

Gulf States to BP: You Foot Our Tourism Ad Bill

The $20B Gulf Coast industry worried about summer

(Newser) - The environment and the fishing industry aren't the only ones losing big because of the Gulf oil spill: The $20 billion Gulf Coast tourism industry fears that the constant doom-and-gloom media coverage will decimate summer tourism in the region. That's why Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama are calling for BP to...

Much of Spilled Oil Already Gone

Around 35% probably evaporated, model suggests

(Newser) - The Deepwater Horizon disaster has led to the release of million of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, but figuring out where it all is has proven kind of hard. Roughly 4.6 million gallons seem to have pooled into a shape-shifting blob off the coast of Louisiana,...

Ad Attacks Ala. Candidate for Belief in Evolution

I believe every single word of Bible, Byrne protests

(Newser) - A candidate for Alabama governor is fighting back against an ad that accuses him of supporting evolution and believing the Bible is "only partially true." Bradley Byrne says the ad is filled with "despicable lies:" "As a Christian and as a public servant, I have...

BP Spill Plan Bore No Resemblance to Reality

Critics blast company's preparedness

(Newser) - As BP struggles to fix its oil containment dome, many in Washington and the oil industry say the company's botched handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows it failed to prepare for a major disaster—and comparing its spill plan to the reality of the current situation seems...

Alabama Candidate Runs 'English Only' Ad

'We speak English. If you live here, learn it.'

(Newser) - Wow. Check out this not-at-all-racist new ad from Alabama gubernatorial candidate Tim James. James just can't understand why the state offers its drivers license test in 12 languages. “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here, learn it,” he declares. “We're only giving...

Girls Spanked, Suspended for Skimpy Prom Dresses

Alabama High School boasts very strict dress code

(Newser) - Be very, very careful about what you wear to the prom in Alabama. Over a dozen students at Oxford High School were disciplined for dress code violations this weekend and offered a choice: corporal punishment or a 3-day suspension. The dress code prohibits, among other things, transparent materials and revealing...

Williams' Digs at Aussies Spark Global Beefing

PM rips Alabama after 'English rednecks' jab; governor fires back

(Newser) - Robin Williams’ characterization of Australians as “English rednecks” has set up a domino effect of beefing, with Alabama’s governor the latest to get his licks in. The American comedian made the remark yesterday on Letterman, prompting Australian PM Kevin Rudd to say “Robin Williams should go and...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>