Gulf oil spill

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Spike Lee to Obama: 'One Time, Go Off!'

Now would be a good time to lose your temper

(Newser) - Spike Lee offers his two cents of frustration over Barack Obama's seeming lack of passion and control over the oil spill. "One time, go off!" he tells Anderson Cooper on CNN . "If there's any one time to go off, this is it, because this is a disaster....

Contract Worker Says BP Covers Up Spill's Worst

Firm wants images of dead wildlife kept to a minimum

(Newser) - BP is covering up the worst of the environmental damage from the Gulf oil spill, using its influence to keep images of crude-choked wildlife from becoming public, an anonymous contract worker tells the New York Daily News . The worker gave the newspaper a tour of the spill's most devastating views,...

Sarah Palin: See, We Need to Drill in Alaska

She bashes 'extreme greenies' who criticized 'drill, baby, drill'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is using the Gulf oil spill to push the idea of drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife National Refuge, reports CNN . "Extreme Greenies: see now why we push 'drill,baby,drill' of known reserves & promising finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?"...

BP's Hayward Apologizes for 'I'd Like My Life Back'

He calls it 'hurtful and thoughtless'

(Newser) - British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward has been roundly bashed for his unfortunate "I'd like my life back" comment—lots of fishermen and coastal residents want their lives back, too, not to mention relatives of the 11 men killed in the initial explosion. Today, Hayward apologized, reports the Huffington Post...

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely
 BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely 

fines, baby, fines

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely

Expect a big fine, possible restrictions on future drilling

(Newser) - So if the government gets as tough on BP as President Obama promised yesterday, does that mean oil company execs will be wearing stripes? Experts on environmental law doubt it. A criminal investigation or prosecution is far more likely to end in a massive fine for the company. “It’...

BP's Diamond Saw Is Stuck in Pipe

 BP's Diamond Saw 
 Is Stuck in Pipe 
oil nears florida

BP's Diamond Saw Is Stuck in Pipe

Coast Guard says it will have to be freed before the cut can be completed

(Newser) - The saw being used to cut through the pipe on the damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has become stuck, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said at a press conference this morning, stalling the latest attempt to contain the BP oil gusher. The goal is now to free...

Government Wants James Cameron's Help With Oil Spill

Well, he did once make a movie about a boat...

(Newser) - The top kill didn't work, so the government apparently figured, what the heck, let's call James Cameron! Yes, James Cameron of Titanic and Avatar fame is among the experts who met yesterday to brainstorm ways to stop the BP oil leak...because apparently, as Matthew Daly writes for the AP...

David Vitter Wants to Be BP's Best Friend

 David Vitter 
 Wants to Be BP's 
 Best Friend 

David Vitter Wants to Be BP's Best Friend

And the Louisiana senator still loves offshore drilling, too

(Newser) - Here's an unusual way for a GOP senator facing re-election to court a conservative base he alienated by cavorting with DC prostitutes: Push to limit the liability of a company that just delivered what may be his state's worst-ever man-made disaster. That's what Louisiana's David Vitter is doing: Last week...

Jon to Barack: Get Back to the Motherf?*#king Spill!
 Jon to Barack: 
 Get Back to the 
 Motherf?*#king Spill! 

Jon to Barack: Get Back to the Motherf?*#king Spill!

Basketball-loving prez has priorities wrong, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - Now that Jon Stewart's back from a 2-week break he thinks the guy in the White House has been enjoying too much R&R with oil still spewing in the Gulf. The Daily Show host presented footage of President Obama vowing not to rest until the Gulf leak was plugged...

Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP
 Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP 

Lawyers Scramble to Sue BP

Gusher of litigation expected to dwarf Valdez suits

(Newser) - Even if it manages to plug the Gulf leak tomorrow, BP is facing a gusher of lawsuits likely to keep flowing for decades. Lawyers are scrambling to file ever-bigger lawsuits on behalf of people affected by the Deepwater Horizon explosion and its aftermath, including rig workers, shrimpers, and tourist businesses....

US Opens Criminal Inquiry Into Oil Spill

Holder: 'We will be extremely forceful'

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder said today that federal authorities have opened criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf oil spill. The developments were expected, and the Los Angeles Times reported over the weekend that the scope of the criminal inquiry seems larger than a mere formality even in these early...

Obama on BP: If Laws Were Broken, We'll Seek Justice

Oil company must compensate victims of spill, president says

(Newser) - As oil continued to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama vowed today that history won't repeat. He continued to emphasize that BP must clean up the mess and compensate those devastated by the fallout, reports the Washington Times . "We have an obligation to investigate what went wrong...

Joe Klein: Gulf Spill Is Bush's 2nd Katrina

Deregulation caused disaster, Klein says

(Newser) - The massive oil spill in the Gulf isn't President Obama's Hurricane Katrina, it's George W. Bush's second Katrina, according to Time pundit Joe Klein. Klein, appearing on the Chris Matthews Show, blamed the spill on Bush-era regulations, and Dick Cheney's "deregulation, and lording over the Minerals Management" office, Mediaite...

BP Constructs 'Floating Hotels' for Workers

Living quarters are spartan, but come with soap

(Newser) - BP has built floating hotels—or 'flotels'—to accommodate more than 500 workers hired to clean up the disastrous Gulf spill . Conditions are spartan: Each facility consists of 40-foot-long corrugated steel boxes stacked two high and three wide atop a barge in the Gulf of Mexico. But the military-style quarters...

Top Kill's Failure Marks Obama's Stalling Point

Spill is Obama's Iranian hostage crisis, writes David Brooks

(Newser) - The failure of BP's top kill marks the moment the Obama presidency went from "lightning advance" to "nasty stasis," writes David Brooks. The sweeping changes of his first 16 months in office have been accomplished and the president is now faced with intractable problems and stalled legislation,...

Obama Scrambles to Distance Himself From BP

AG Eric Holder to visit Gulf Coast today

(Newser) - The Obama administration has little choice but to work closely with BP on the Gulf oil spill but it's doing its best to make it clear that the relationship isn't cozy. Attorney General Eric Holder is heading to the Gulf Coast today to meet with prosecutors ahead of a possible...

BP's New Plan Could Increase Flow 20%

Risky maneuver could happen today or tomorrow

(Newser) - With the "top kill" officially dead, BP has moved on to a new plan —and it's a risky one. BP intends to saw through a leaking pipe leading out from the well then cap it, diverting the oil to the surface, a maneuver that has the potential to...

Louisiana Protesters Lash BP, Feds

Oil company weighs yet another spill strategy

(Newser) - Protesters took to the streets of New Orleans yesterday as BP weighed yet another strategy to plug the 6-week-old oil spill after the crushing failure of the "top kill" approach . "The federal government's inaction is horrible," a protester told the Times-Picayune . "We didn't know it was...

Olbermann's New Signoff Takes Aim at Obama

 New Signoff 
 Takes Aim 
 at Obama 
bush finally off the hook

Olbermann's New Signoff Takes Aim at Obama

Counting the days since 'Mission Accomplished' no more

(Newser) - George W. Bush is officially off the hook. Since February 2006, Keith Olbermann has taken a shot at the former president at the end of nearly every show, using the same Iraq-themed line: "That’s Countdown, for this, the 2,576th day since the previous president declared "Mission...

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock
 It's Time 
 to Get Dirty, 
 President Spock 

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock

Obama's aloofness doesn't belong anywhere near Gulf

(Newser) - Just about everyone has a critique of President Obama's oil spill response—and never one to sit on the sidelines, Maureen Dowd lets "President Spock" have it over his aloof attitude. Writing in the New York Times, she assails "the man whose presidency is rooted in his ability...

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