Al Gore

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Gore Points Finger at US in Bali
Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Nobel laureate says Bush and company stonewalling in Bali

(Newser) - Al Gore’s latest inconvenient truth: the US is stonewalling the UN climate conference. “My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here,” the Nobel laureate raged today in Bali. The US, along with Japan and several other nations, refuses to accept a specific...

Hillary's on Her Heels
Hillary's on
Her Heels

Hillary's on Her Heels

Clinton's having her 'Gore Moment'—still in control, but could truly topple, blogger says

(Newser) - Addressing the moment's question for all Democrat-watchers, the New York Times’ Matt Bai says Hillary Clinton is “still in command of the race” but “seriously in danger of coming undone.” He reminds readers that Al Gore—the last Democratic candidate whose nomination seemed inevitable—lost control in...

Gore Blasts Climate Inaction in Nobel Speech

Laureate singles out US, China as biggest offenders

(Newser) - Al Gore collected his Nobel Peace Prize today in Oslo and blasted the US and China for blaming each other rather than addressing climate change. "Both countries should stop using each other's behavior as an excuse for stalemate," he said. Gore also called his 2000 presidential defeat a...

Gore Finally Reaches Oval Office
Gore Finally Reaches
Oval Office

Gore Finally Reaches Oval Office

Bush welcomes Nobel winner, who calls meeting 'cordial'

(Newser) - Al Gore met with President Bush in the Oval Office today, the first private meeting between the two since the 2000 election. The environmental activist called the meeting "very cordial" but then gave reporters the slip, the Chicago Tribune reports. "I'm not going to do an interview here,...

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner
Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Political opponents never reconciled after bitter 2000 election

(Newser) - Bush recently invited US Nobel laureates to their annual White House photo op, but he personally called Peace Prize winner and bitter presidential loser Al Gore—and moved the event to November 26 to accommodate Gore's schedule. “It’s unusual, that’s for sure,” said one Gore advisor....

Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green
Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green

Gore Joins VC to Invest in Green

Ex-VP will work with Kleiner Perkins to invest in clean technology

(Newser) - Al Gore is joining Silicon Valley's leading venture capital firm in an initiative to invest in green technology. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, traditionally focused on IT, recently moved into the area of environmentally friendly businesses. Gore will be an active partner with the firm, which has already invested $270...

Pat's Nod Gives License to Pull Rudy Lever

But press overstates endorsement power, Salon scribe says

(Newser) - Pat Robertson’s endorsement will undoubtedly help Rudy Giuliani snag conservative votes, but the televangelist's nod can only do so much to help the pro-choice divorcé, writes Salon’s Walter Shapiro—and Rudy may be satisfied with that. The aging evangelical has granted permission for those already attracted to Rudy...

Sarko: France to Go Green
Sarko: France to Go Green

Sarko: France to Go Green

French leader is optimistic about a cleaner future

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy called for a greener France today, including higher taxes on polluters, a 50% reduction of pesticide use, and the eradication of genetically modified crops. The French president spoke at the close of a national environment summit that counted Al Gore in attendance. But the conference failed to generate...

Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2
Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2

Oceans Are Absorbing Less CO2

(Newser) - Oceans are absorbing half the CO2 they were in the mid-'90s, according to a study that collected more than 90,000 North Atlantic measurements over 10 years. Oceans typically absorb about a quarter of the world’s carbon emissions, but the new data suggest they're becoming “saturated,” which...

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run
Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

(Newser) - Nobel or not, Al Gore still isn’t running for president. “I’m involved in a different kind of campaign," Gore told Norwegian TV in an interview broadcast today. "It’s a global campaign to change the way people think about the climate crisis.” Many hoped...

Gore Inspires ‘Deranged’ Righty Hatred

Krugman speculates about why he drives conservatives so batty

(Newser) - Conservatives are incensed over Al Gore’s Nobel prize, and the Times' Paul Krugman says he knows why: The former veep “keeps being right.” The reactions range from the Journal's refusal to mention his name while rattling off more worthwhile contenders to a National Review suggestion that climate-sensitive...

Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later
Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later

Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later

Bush has the war, Gore has the peace prize--who's the real winner?

(Newser) - The Gore camp couldn't resist gloating yesterday: "Bush earned the Iraq war, and Al Gore earned the Nobel Prize. Who knew Al Gore would one day thank the Supreme Court for their judgment?"  The day after the prize, the Washington Post takes a look at how the fortunes...

White House by Way of Oslo?
White House
by Way of Oslo?

White House by Way of Oslo?

Nobel sparks new round of speculation that Gore will take to the campaign trail

(Newser) - Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize will increase calls for the Oscar winner to run for president. The Politico says the laureate’s likely to stay out of the race—after this, a political campaign would be an awful downer, the Washington Post notes—but not until he’s drawn...

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

(Newser) - Al Gore and the International Panel on Climate Change are the joint winners of this year's Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee lauded Gore and the United Nations organization for their pioneering environmental advocacy, and described Gore as "probably the single individual who has done the most" to raise...

Would He, Could He, With Nobel?
Would He, Could He, With Nobel?

Would He, Could He, With Nobel?

Groupies are hoping the Nobel could rouse Gore to presidential run

(Newser) - Groups hoping for an Al Gore presidential run are crossing their fingers for the former VP to win the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow. Supporters say the award might be more convincing than the Oscar and Emmy he has already racked up. "It's like waiting for Grateful Dead tickets to...

Clinton 2008 Looks Oddly Like Gore 2000

Frontrunner forces warmth and seems too calculating, Rich says

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is riding high in the polls now, but so was Al Gore around this time in 2000, Frank Rich warns. Worse, the New York Times columnist says, Clinton displays an alarming number of the ex-VP’s worst qualities as a campaigner. During TV appearances, she provides “rambling...

Do Carbon 'Offsets' Really Offset Anything?

Inconvenient Truth director says offsets have 'symbolic quality'

(Newser) - Everyone from Al Gore to Coldplay has jumped on the carbon offset bandwagon, but the Los Angeles Times reports that their payments don’t actually make the air any cleaner. Here's how they work: "Offset” companies invest in existing clean energy and win the right to sell “reductions”...

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

Al Gore III Pleads Guilty in Drug Bust

Ex-VP's son picks rehab stint over prison after latest brush with law

(Newser) - Al Gore III pleaded guilty to four drug charges today and elected to enter a rehab program to avoid prison time, People reports. The ex-VP's 24-year-old youngest child was busted with marijuana and prescription drugs—including Vicodin, Xanax and Valium—after being pulled over in southern California for speeding in...

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban
Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Rio Reverses Live Earth Ban

Environmental show will go ahead as planned

(Newser) - The Rio incarnation of Live Earth, the ecofriendly concert extravaganza scheduled for tomorrow on all seven continents, is back on. Security concerns led a judge to put the kibosh on the event, which is expected to draw up to a million would-be environmentalists to Copacabana beach, but organizers have lined...

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