college students

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Today's College Is More Like Kindergarten

Students log just 27 hours of class, study time a week

(Newser) - In 1961, college students spent 16 hours in class each week and another 24 hours studying, making college the equivalent of a full-time job. Today, just 27 hours are spent in class and studying—or the same amount of time, the Washington Post points out, as the typical five-year-old spends...

Colbert-Inspired Super PACs Break Out Nationwide

Stephen Colbert's PAC motivates America's college students

(Newser) - Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, has spawned a new breed of nutty super PAC imitators, CNN reports. College students inspired by Stephen Colbert's super PAC experiment are finding that a stamp and a few pieces of paper suffice to start a political action committee. "I was just...

30 Students Pepper-Sprayed in Santa Monica

They chanted against cuts and fees outside trustees meeting

(Newser) - At least 30 Santa Monica College students were pepper-sprayed when they chanted outside a trustees meeting last night to protest budget cuts and fee hikes. "I got pepper-sprayed with no warning," said one student, 21, who had been standing in a hallway outside the meeting. A college spokesman,...

We Need a for College Admissions

Our current system is badly outdated: Kevin Carey

(Newser) - It's time to bring the college admissions process into the modern age, writes Kevin Carey at the Atlantic . He doesn't mean the process by which elite students get into Ivy League schools—he means the real world, where the vast majority of students end up picking a school...

Sexting: 4 Out of 5 College Students Sext
 4 in 5 College Kids Sext 
study says

4 in 5 College Kids Sext

And a fifth of the messages get forwarded

(Newser) - Racy text-messaging is simply a part of college life, a study suggests: Some 78% of 200 students in a University of Rhode Island survey say they’ve received sexts, and 56% have gotten sexts containing pictures, Time reports. Most of these messages, it should be noted—about 73%—weren’t...

To Rake in the Dough, Major in Petroleum Engineering

Pysch major not the optimal choice for those seeking riches

(Newser) - Debating between engineering and English? Prospective college students may want to factor in a new census-based survey of salaries and careers in USA Today that projects the lifetime earnings of 171 college majors:
  • No. 1: Petroleum engineering majors can expect to make $4.8 million over a 40-year career, an

Many Succeed in Business School Without Really Trying

Both students, teachers to blame

(Newser) - A senior accounting major at one Virginia university only goes to class to take tests or give presentations. On weeks he doesn't have a test, he may not crack open a textbook. If he has a take-home test, he can usually Google the answers. In a typical day, he says,...

Walken Lookalike Stalking NJ College Students

Schizophrenic banned from state campuses

(Newser) - A mentally ill man with an uncanny resemblance to actor Christopher Walken has been hospitalized after stalking students at several colleges. Tony Kadyhrob, 68, was arrested and released on bail after trying to pull a Rider College student into his car last week, reports the New York Daily News . A...

In College, More Virgins, —and More Casual Sex

Studies find less commitment all the way around

(Newser) - The college life is getting more chaste—and more randy—at the same time, according to recent studies. A Stanford sociologist who surveyed a whopping 17,000 college students since 2005 found that a hefty 24% of seniors said they were virgins. That's a percentage on the rise, reports USA ...

Florida Town Reverses, Courts Spring-Breakers

Panama City Beach is looking to rev up tourism after BP spill

(Newser) - A year and a half ago, Panama City Beach in Florida decided to try to shift its image from party central for college students on spring break to a more family-friendly destination, reports the Wall Street Journal . The Deepwater Horizon oil spill has brought a quick change of heart. With...

Freshmen More Stressed Than Ever
 More Stressed 
 Than Ever 
survey says

Freshmen More Stressed Than Ever

First-year college students report low emotional health

(Newser) - College freshmen might not be learning much —but that doesn’t mean they’re not stressed. The levels of emotional health in incoming freshmen hit a record low last year, probably thanks in part to the recession. According to an annual survey, students who rated themselves as having “...

Kids Don't Learn Much in First 2 Years of College

They're more interested in socializing, surprise, surprise

(Newser) - Yet another reason to skip college : You probably won’t learn all that much anyway. A new book reveals that almost half of the undergrads in America learn basically nothing during their first two years, USA Today reports. Even after four years, 36% of students had made few significant gains...

Sorry Kids, Adderall Only Makes You Think You're Smarter
Sorry Kids, Adderall Only Makes You Think You're Smarter

Sorry Kids, Adderall Only Makes You Think You're Smarter

Study suggests so-called 'smart pills' have little effect

(Newser) - Bad news, overachievers: taking so-called “smart pills” like Adderall and Ritalin to improve your mental performance probably doesn’t actually work. It’s a trend that’s been sweeping through colleges, and even the ranks of adult professionals, but scientists are having trouble finding brain-boosting effects of the drug...

Four Loko Numbers Add Up to Trouble

Controversial drinks has a potent punch

(Newser) - The Huffington Post weighs in on the controversy over Four Loko with a breakdown of numbers related to the caffeinated drink nicknamed "blackout in a can."
  • 2: Number of college campuses that have banned it.
  • 4: Number of cans of light beer with the equivalent alcohol in one

'Drunkorexia' Walloping College Kids

Skipping eating for booze threatening health

(Newser) - College kids suffering from eating disorders are increasingly grappling with the added complication of "drunkorexia." Drunkorexics, most of them women, skip eating to reserve calories for binge drinking. While many students are proud of their ability to down copious amounts of booze without gaining weight by relying on...

What Happens in College Stays in College
 What Happens in 
 College Stays in College 

What Happens in College Stays in College

But not if you're in college at age 40, Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Ah, college: That time of experimentation and rebellion—and especially youthful indiscretions, most of which oughtn't be fodder for debate when indiscreet youths grow up and run for political office, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. "Nothing anyone did in college short of a felony should count...

Seton Hall Student Dead After Party Shooting

Woman, 19, is killed and four others injured

(Newser) - A 19-year-old Seton Hall University student is dead after an overnight shooting that injured four other people at a private party, say authorities in New Jersey. Jessica Moore died from her injuries this afternoon—she had been hospitalized in critical condition after the shooting just after midnight. Police say the...

Digital Age Lets Schools Track Students' Whereabouts

From K through college, there's no hiding

(Newser) - From kindergarten to college, students these days are usually not far from the eyes—prying or protective, depending on your view—of administrators. Two cases in point:
  • The Chicago Tribune reports on districts keeping track of young students on school buses through a combination of GPS technology and ID cards.

Finally, Another College-Only Social Network

No more friend requests from Grandpa

(Newser) - If you’re one of those people who was mortified to receive your mom’s Facebook friend request, this should make you happy: CollegeOnly is here, and—like Facebook’s original incarnation—you actually need to be a college student to join the social networking site. Its creator realized that...

Fake 'Obama Mom' Ads Dupe Students
Fake 'Obama Mom' Ads
Dupe Students

Fake 'Obama Mom' Ads Dupe Students

They're similar to ploys used to hawk subprime loans

(Newser) - Pro Publica sheds light on a particularly scummy practice all the rage on the Internet designed to sucker low-income single mothers: So-called "Obama mom" ads are springing up all over promising mothers that the president wants them to return to school so badly he's created special federal loans...

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