Lance Armstrong doping

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Doping Probe Got Earful From Lance's Ex-Teammates

Officials point to lengthy team 'doping conspiracy'

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong could lose his Tour de France titles—thanks in part to his own former teammates. "More than 10 cyclists," as well as other team employees, spoke "face-to-face" with the US Anti-Doping Agency regarding Armstrong's alleged doping . The agency says it has uncovered a years-long...

Lance Armstrong Faces New Doping Charges

US agency's move means he can't compete in triathlons

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France titles still aren't safe: He faces serious new charges that he doped his way to cycling glory, reports the Washington Post . The newspaper obtained a letter from the US Anti-Doping Agency announcing the formal charges, which also mean that he is immediately...

Lance Armstrong Escapes Doping Charges

Federal prosecutors close investigation

(Newser) - Good news for Lance Armstrong: Federal prosecutors won't charge him with doping, reports the AP . Authorities announced today that they're shutting down a two-year investigation into whether Armstrong juiced his way to repeated Tour de France glory. Armstrong has denied the charges all along, even as former teammates...

Cyclist Banned for Life After Admitting He Doped

Philip Zajicek admitted to multiple doping violations

(Newser) - Cyclist Philip Zajicek has been banned for life after admitting to multiple doping violations in a case stemming from an investigation into EPO and human-growth hormone trafficking from China. Zajicek is a former US junior champion who received a first sanction in 2004 after testing positive for a stimulant. He...

Swiss Lab to FBI: Armstrong Test Was Fishy

Statements to feds throw new light on '60 Minutes' flap

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's drug tests in the 2001 Tour de Suisse returned "suspicious" results "consistent with EPO use," Swiss anti-doping lab chief Martial Saugy told the FBI last September, according to a new AP report. The revelation is the latest twist in the feud between Armstrong and...

Lance to 60 Minutes: Say Sorry for Sloppy Reporting

Armstrong's defense asks for on-air apology for dope story

(Newser) - Steadfast in his innocence, Lance Armstrong’s attorneys are demanding an on-air apology from 60 Minutes after the head of Switzerland's anti-doping laboratory denied allegations that the cyclist tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs at the 2001 Tour de Suisse. Armstrong’s lawyer said the May 22 segment was built...

60 Minutes: Armstrong Urged Teammates to Dope

Champ continues to deny mounting charges

(Newser) - Not only did Lance Armstrong use banned substances to boost his cycling performance, he helped lead a systematic doping program on his team by encouraging and promoting the deception along with managers and doctors, according to a 60 Minutes report. "He obviously was the biggest rider in the team...

Cyclist Surrenders Gold Medal Over Doping

Tyler Hamilton gives it up; Lance Armstrong still denying

(Newser) - Congratulations, Viatcheslav Ekimov of Russia. It looks like you've won the gold medal in cycling at the 2004 Olympics. The US cyclist originally awarded the medal, Tyler Hamilton, surrendered it last week and has admitted to doping, reports Bloomberg . Hamilton also is making headlines by accusing former Tour de...

I Watched Lance Armstrong Dope: Teammate

Tyler Hamilton says he witnessed champ inject EPO

(Newser) - Another former teammate says he witnessed cycling champ Lance Armstrong use banned substances. Tyler Hamilton, who raced alongside Armstrong in the Tour de France for three seasons, told CBS ' 60 Minutes that he saw his teammate inject himself with EPO, a drug that raises endurance by boosting the number...

Lance Armstrong Retires From Cycling—For Real This Time
 for Real 
 This Time 
'retirement 2.0'

Armstrong Retires— for Real This Time

Though comeback wasn't stellar, he has no regrets

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong is embarking upon "Retirement 2.0," as he calls it. Retirement 1.0 came in 2005, after his seventh consecutive Tour de France win. His comeback, which began in 2009, failed to produce an eighth win, but he tells the AP that even though "I...

Teammates: Armstrong Was Doping 'Instigator'

Cyclist continues to deny all charges

(Newser) - As a federal grand jury hears testimony related to Lance Armstrong’s alleged doping, Sports Illustrated takes a closer look at the scandal. Among the new information to be detailed in next week’s issue, based on documents and interviews:
  • Former teammate Floyd Landis recalls an instance when customs officials

France on Armstrong Probe: We Will Share 'Everything'

It has his urine samples from the 1999 Tour de France

(Newser) - Are things about to get really bad for Lance Armstrong? The US is taking France up on its offer to share evidence related to the Armstrong doping investigation, an official source tells the AP . Talks between US officials and France's anti-doping agency are scheduled for this week, and France—which...

France Joins US in Drug Probe of Lance Armstrong

(Newser) - Seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong's blood is coming out of the closet. Pierre Bordry, head of France's anti-doping agency, is ready to collaborate fully with a US federal investigation into allegations that Armstrong's backup "B" samples from 1999 contained EPO—a banned blood-boosting hormone. All Jeff Novitzky,...

Why Landis is Probably Telling the Truth

His statements are too imaginative to be lies

(Newser) - Everyone seems weirdly eager to discount Floyd Landis’ increasingly vivid stories of doping by Lance Armstrong and the rest of the US Postal Service team. But not Steven Levitt, of the New York Times’ Freakonomics blog. “I’ve never studied lying academically,” he writes, “but I have...

Landis: Armstrong Team Sold Bikes for Doping

Lance denies that and other new allegations

(Newser) - Happy Tour de France day. Let's celebrate with more allegations from Floyd Landis against Lance Armstrong, followed by another denial from Armstrong. In a lengthy Wall Street Journal article , Landis:
  • Claims some of the bikes intended for the US Postal Service team were sold for cash instead of going to

Landis Tried to Blackmail Armstrong: Lawyers

Attorneys blast 'false and incredible concoctions'

(Newser) - Floyd Landis' blockbuster accusation that Lance Armstrong and their teammates were doping—and his admission that he was, too—was nothing more than an extortion attempt, lawyers for Armstrong's racing team said today. Armstrong "told Landis he had nothing to hide and that he was not going to submit...

Ouch: Armstrong Denies Doping, Then Crashes

'I have nothing to hide' cyclist declares

(Newser) - Lance Armstong held a hasty press conference today before the fifth stage of the Tour de California to refute Floyd Landis' doping allegations . “I have nothing to hide,” he declared. “I think history speaks for itself here.” (Maybe still a little distracted, he then suffered a...

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too
Landis Admits Doping,
Says Lance Did It, Too
fingers entire US team

Landis Admits Doping, Says Lance Did It, Too

Authorities told of elaborate regimen used by entire US team

(Newser) - Floyd Landis might just be the Jose Canseco of cycling. The disgraced cyclist has sent letters to the US Anti-Doping Agency and the FDA agent who broke the BALCO case outlining an elaborate doping regimen used by the entire US Postal Service Cycling Team from 2002 to 2005, the New ...

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