New York Times

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NY Times Calls Obama Book &#39;Chick&#39; Lit
 NY Times Calls 
 Obama Book 
 'Chick' Lit 
'Chicks' Furious

NY Times Calls Obama Book 'Chick' Lit

Critics see label as slight to serious book, author

(Newser) - A generally gushing review in the New York Times of a book by its own Washington correspondent hit an Internet landmine when it referred to the book as "chick nonfiction," observes New York Magazine . The reconfiguration of the term "chick lit" was no doubt meant to be...

Asthma Attack Kills Famed NYT Reporter

Anthony Shadid snuck into Syria to cover uprising

(Newser) - One of the world's great foreign correspondents has died while covering the Syrian uprising. Anthony Shadid, a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent, died from an apparent asthma attack a week after slipping across the border from Turkey to gather information on the resistance movement. Times photographer Tyler...

Michelle Frightened at First: Book

Details of Jodi Kantor book continue behind-the-scenes look

(Newser) - Details from The Obamas, by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, continue to trickle out , and ABC News reports on revelations of a personal nature. According to Kantor, Michelle Obama felt "frightened and alone" during her first days in the White House. The first lady wanted to stay behind...

NY Times Mistakenly Sends Email to 9M People

It was apparently just a miscue, not spam

(Newser) - Nearly 9 million people got a puzzling email from the New York Times today, but fears of a massive hack are apparently unfounded. Turns out, it was good old-fashioned human error. The newspaper meant to send the email only to a few hundred people who had recently canceled home delivery,...

Pa. Newspaper Calls Out NY Times on Abuse Case

Editor says profile made victim's identity common knowledge

(Newser) - Pennsylvania's Patriot-News has led the way on reporting of the Jerry Sandusky rape allegations at Penn State, and now the paper is publicly calling out the New York Times in its handling of the story. Editor David Newhouse writes that a recent profile of "Victim One" in the...

NYT Sues HuffPo Over Mom Blog

Says 'Parentlode' too close to 'Motherlode'

(Newser) - It’s a battle of the mom blogs—though in both cases, the woman behind them is the same. The New York Times is suing the Huffington Post over the latter’s “Parentlode” blog , saying the name is too similar to the Times’ “Motherlode.” Both blogs have...

How Verizon and Other Wireless Companies Rip You Off
 How Wireless 
 Rip You Off 

How Wireless Companies Rip You Off

...and what the FCC can do about it

(Newser) - Wireless carriers call for minimum regulations on their industry, claiming their market is competitive. But with consumers bound by two-year contracts, it’s easy for companies like Verizon and AT&T to take advantage. It’s time for the FCC to get serious about protecting wireless users, the editors of...

Steve Jobs Called Fox News a &#39;Destructive Force&#39;
 Steve Jobs Called Fox News 
 a 'Destructive Force' 

Steve Jobs Called Fox News a 'Destructive Force'

Jobs complained to Murdoch about channel, supported New York Times

(Newser) - Steve Jobs told Rupert Murdoch to his face last year that Fox News is "destructive" and that he was "blowing it" with the conservative news channel, reports Gawker , in the latest round of excerpts from Walter Isaacson's biography of the Apple founder . Jobs was invited to speak...

Rumsfeld Kills NYT Subscription Over Krugman

Rummy fumes after reading columist's 'repugnant piece'

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore—so he's canceled his subscription to the New York Times. "After reading Krugman’s repugnant piece on 9/11, I cancelled my subscription to the New York Times this AM," the former defense...

O'Reilly Rips 'Ideological' Hacking Coverage

Accuses liberal 'New York Times' of exploiting story to hurt Murdoch

(Newser) - Fox News' dead silence on the phone hacking scandal threatening Rupert Murdoch's media empire has finally been broken. And no surprise, Bill O'Reilly is insisting there is absolutely "no intrusion" of the burgeoning scandal on Murdoch's US operations, and that heavy-handed coverage of the scandal is...

Abramson Named as NYT's First Female Editor

Bill Keller resigns, will write full time

(Newser) - Jill Abramson will become the New York Times ' first female executive editor in 160 years, succeeding Bill Keller, who is leaving the post to write full-time for the paper. Abramson, a former investigative reporter and Washington bureau chief, has served as managing editor since 2003. Born and raised in...

Racist Birther Debacle a ‘Low Moment’ for US

'New York Times' says country should be embarrassed

(Newser) - President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate —in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term...

Onion Punks Times With Tiger Beat Goof
 Onion Dupes New York Times 

Onion Dupes New York Times

Apparently Times ' editors don't read the teen-girl tabloid

(Newser) - Remember the time Barack Obama graced the cover of Tiger Beat magazine accompanied by the news that he had won the "slumber party" vote? Oh, wait a minute, that was a "news" story published by the Onion . Apparently, someone forgot to tell the New York Times, which included...

Donald Trump Vs. New York Times Columnist Gail Collins: It's on!

 Trump Vs. 
 NYT Scribe: 
 It's on! 

Trump Vs. NYT Scribe: It's on!

Gail Collins hits back at the Donald

(Newser) - Last week it was apparent that there's no love lost between Donald Trump and New York Times columnist Gail Collins , but this week it's all-out war. Seems the Donald responded to Collins' column, which tweaked him as a loopy birther, with a letter to the editor tweaking her in turn...

New York Times Asks Twitter to Plug Paywall Loophole

Paper aims to firm up pay barrier before launch

(Newser) - The pay barrier for the New York Times' online content goes up on Monday and the newspaper is scrambling to make it more like a wall and less like a curtain full of holes. Users will be allowed 20 page views a month before the barrier comes down. But articles...

Freed NYT Reporters Recount Ordeal

One remembers being told, 'You're going to die tonight'

(Newser) - Tyler Hicks and his New York Times colleagues were trying to leave Ajdabiya when their driver stumbled into a checkpoint manned by Gadhafi’s forces—and Hicks immediately knew something was wrong. “I was yelling to the driver, ‘Keep driving! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!’”...

Libya Releases Captured NYT Journalists

They are at Turkish embassy and heading home soon

(Newser) - The four detained New York Times journalists have been released by the Libyan government, the Times reports. They were captured by Moammar Gadhafi's forces six days ago and were released today into the custody of Turkish diplomats. Beirut bureau chief Anthony Shadid, reporter and videographer Stephen Farrell (who was captured...

New York Times Subscription Paywall to Go Up This Month; $15 for Unlimited Access
NY Times Paywall 
Starts This Month

NY Times Paywall Starts This Month

Unlimited access will be $15 a month

(Newser) - The New York Times website will start charging customers for unlimited access starting March 28, the newspaper announced . Users will be able to read up to 20 articles for free, but beyond that, they’ll have to pay $15 per month for full access to the site and mobile app....

Dick Morris: Best Seller List at Times Is Rigged

Conservative books shunted to 'Advice'

(Newser) - Is the New York Times intentionally sweeping conservative pundits' books under the rug? That's what Dick Morris and Bill O'Reilly alleged last night. “There’s a war going on” between the Times and Fox News, and the Times has "stepped it up," O’Reilly declared last night,...

New York Times' Deepwater Horizon Article to Become Movie

 Coming Soon: 
 Gulf Spill, the Movie 

based on NYT opus

Coming Soon: Gulf Spill, the Movie

Summit, Participant grab film rights to 'New York Times' article

(Newser) - It’s not every day that a Hollywood studio buys the rights to a New York Times article, but that’s what Summit Entertainment—the studio best known for the Twilight films—has just done. Summit, along with Participant Media and Imagenation Abu Dhabi, has just picked up the rights...

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