New York Times

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

The Internet Is Watching You
The Internet Is Watching You

The Internet Is Watching You

Biggest companies gather data on the average user hundreds of times a month

(Newser) - Long gone are the days of Internet anonymity. Big Web companies know all about you, says a study commissioned by the New York Times. The Internet giants track users’ behavior across sites, gathering details on a typical person several hundred times a month. That information lets them target content and—...

SNL May Have Triggered Tougher Scrutiny of Obama

Sketches lampooned starry-eyed coverage

(Newser) - A Saturday Night Live sketch 10 days ago lampooning the perceived media bias favoring Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton may have changed the way Obama has been covered in the last several days, AP reports. The SNL debate skit showing starry-eyed journalists fawning over Obama echoed complaints by Clinton's supporters....

Journos Find Fault With NYT Story
Journos Find Fault With
NYT Story

Journos Find Fault With NYT Story

Some didn't run McCain bombshell; Times ' own ombudsman bashed it

(Newser) - The New York Times’ bombshell story about John McCain’s ethics problems—and his allegedly inappropriate relationship with a lobbyist—is nearly a week old, but the media world is still reacting:
  • The Cleveland Plain Dealer’s ombudsman explains that his paper’s editor was too uncomfortable with the romantic

McCain Support Comes From All Corners
McCain Support Comes From
All Corners

McCain Support Comes From All Corners

Left-wing bloggers climb on anti- Times bandwagon

(Newser) - One day after the New York Times reported on John McCain's "close bond" with Vicki Iseman, reaction is still developing, and not necessarily along ideological lines. Observers of the observers offer their impressions.
  • Popular liberal bloggers, "breaking with partisan patterns, are expressing discomfort," Ben Smith of Politico

Right Rallies to McCain's Defense Against NYT

But Limbaugh, others say that's what you get for wooing Dems, press

(Newser) - Conservative media figures who previously shunned John McCain stood up for him today—but also said he had it coming to him for wooing the mainstream press, ABC reports. Sean Hannity called the New York Times story on McCain's relationship with a lobbyist “beyond disgraceful." Rush Limbaugh, lumping...

McCain Story Spurred Turmoil at Times

Editor pushed for better evidence of affair, irking reporters amid buzz

(Newser) - Today’s New York Times bombshell alleging improper ties between John McCain and a lobbyist dropped only after three months of feuding between reporters who thought they’d “nailed” a story and the Gray Lady’s unsatisfied editor, the New Republic reports. One writer quit the paper over the...

Will McCain Bombshell Help or Hurt With the Right?

Bloggers debate impact of Times story

(Newser) - Now that the New York Times’ long-awaited story on John McCain’s relationship with a female lobbyist is finally out—matched by a similar Washington Post story—how will it affect the presidential race?
  • The New Republic’s Christopher Orr says the article may cut both ways for conservatives, with

McCain Denies Charges of Impropriety with Lobbyist

Calls female lobbyist a 'friend,' denies any 'unwarranted access or influence'

(Newser) - A subdued John McCain, flanked by his wife, held a press conference today to deny all charges in a New York Times story alleging improprieties involving a female lobbyist. Saying he is "disappointed" in the Times, and that the story alleging a romantic relationship is "not true,"...

Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out
Turn On,
Tune In,
Cop Out

Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out

Obama embodies paradox of candidates who did inhale

(Newser) - The days when drug use could derail a Supreme Court nomination or make a hairsplitting presidential candidate look ridiculous are long gone, Hendrik Hertzberg writes in the New Yorker, and Barack Obama has broken yet another barrier: He is apparently "marginally less of a pothead than he has made...

Murdoch's Journal Amps Up Politics, Speeds Up Stories

Politics come first; coverage gets to the point

(Newser) - A month into the Rupert Murdoch era, the Wall Street Journal hasn't exactly turned into Fox News, but it has ratcheted up its political coverage, David Carr writes in the New York Times. The Journal's managing editor tells Carr the change is driven by both the drama of the presidential...

Is This Man Unfit to Print?
Is This Man
Unfit to Print?

Is This Man Unfit to Print?

Times op-ed page's new conservative voice isn't putting staffers' worries to rest

(Newser) - The criticism that rained down on the New York Times following the hiring of William Kristol as the op-ed page's second conservative voice not only hasn't died down, the New Republic reports, but is mounting—and the call is coming from inside the house. Multiple mostly anonymous current and former...

New York Times Endorses Clinton, McCain

Gray Lady lauds 'easy' choices as it skewers Giuliani

(Newser) - In an ornery pair of editorials, the New York Times has endorsed Hillary Clinton and John McCain for their parties' presidential primaries. The paper's editorial board calls itself "hugely impressed" with the New York senator's credentials and says "she is capable of uniting and leading." The Times ...

White House Slams NYT for 'Misleading' CIA Story

Disputes its officials were in on destruction

(Newser) - The Bush administration refuted a New York Times story today that White House lawyers discussed with the CIA whether or not to destroy detainee interrogation videotapes, CNN reports. "The New York Times' inference that there is an effort to mislead in this matter is pernicious and troubling," a...

Blackwater Guard Kills NY Times Dog
Blackwater Guard Kills
NY Times Dog

Blackwater Guard Kills NY Times Dog

Pooch attacked bomb-sniffing K-9, says security firm

(Newser) - Another fatal shooting by a Blackwater guard in Baghdad is under investigation by the US embassy. The victim this time is a dog kept by the staff of the New York Times, reports Reuters. The guard shot the dog, Hentish, last week before a visit by a diplomat to the...

Lesbian Gossip Trumps Mideast Peace Plan

Tabloid buzz draws more readers from hard news; CJR upset

(Newser) - Sure, Condoleezza Rice is trying to broker Mideast peace, but isn't she really gay? Like Hillary Clinton? And isn't John Edwards having an affair? A recent spate of articles has swung the political spotlight on gossip, the Times of London reports—and the Columbia Journalism Review is so concerned that...

We Goofed on Petraeus Attack Ad: Times Editor

Public editor takes paper to task on 'personal' attack

(Newser) - The public editor of the New York Times slammed the newspaper yesterday for violating its own policies when it ran the now notorious "General Betray Us" ad. The ad, placed by, was a personal attack on General Petraeus, which is prohibited by the Times standards for acceptable...

NY Times Makes All Online Content Free

Paper scraps reader web fees; hopes to recoup from advertisers

(Newser) - The New York Times is ending its two-year experiment with paid online subscriptions and making all of its content free to  internet readers, Reuters reports. The move goes into effect tomorrow. Previously, those who wanted to read columnists such as Maureen Dowd and other premium content had to pay $7....

2 Soldiers Who Questioned War in Times Killed

GIs were skeptical of progress, but vowed to keep fighting

(Newser) - Two of the seven soldiers who wrote last month's influential New York Times op-ed criticizing the Iraq war died Monday when their truck veered off an elevated highway and flipped over. Seven GIs and two detainees were killed when the 5-ton cargo truck crashed. The military made no mention of...

All the Space That's Fit to Sell
All the Space That's Fit to Sell

All the Space That's Fit to Sell

Newspapers, fighting to stay alive, turn to their landmark buildings in efforts to raise cash

(Newser) - Newspapers, in an effort to bring in cash and stave off extinction, are selling iconic properties in downtown districts, the Journal reports. The latest example is the Philadelphia Inquirer, whose new owner hopes to net $70 million for its Beaux-Arts tower; the Boston Herald and Minneapolis Star Tribune are also...

Murdoch Sets Crosshairs on Times
Murdoch Sets Crosshairs
on Times

Murdoch Sets Crosshairs on Times

Billionaire Journal owner hopes to poach business from Gray Lady

(Newser) - With the ink still drying on his takeover of The Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch is already setting his sights on the New York Times—the current newspaper of choice for the Northeastern elite. The Australian tycoon is planning to challenge the Times by expanding the Journal's "coverage of...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>