
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Another Reporter Flubs Speech on Live TV

Paramedics called after Canadian reporter starts garbling sentences

(Newser) - Another TV reporter has suffered an on-air loss of his ability to speak. Mark McAllister of Global Toronto began slurring his words and speaking incomprehensibly while speaking about strife in Libya, reports the Toronto Star . The station issued a statement saying McAllister had suffered a minor medical issue.

Serene Branson Spills Cause of Grammy Flub

Says she's now feeling 'fine, wonderful,' after complex migraine

(Newser) - It wasn’t a stroke that caused Serene Branson’s unintelligible reporting on Grammy night—it was a migraine. Specifically, a complex migraine known as a “migraine with aura,” whose symptoms can mimic stroke symptoms, her doctor tells the Los Angeles Times . But the CBS reporter, who viewed...

Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism
Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism

Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism

Calling a lie a 'lie' isn't the same as 'taking sides': Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper has been using the word “lie” a lot in recent days while describing statements made by Mubarak and his regime. Despite the fact that the statements he’s describing are “factually false,” his liberal use of the word “lie” has gotten Cooper mocked and...

Russia Expels Journalist After WikiLeaks Stories

'The Guardian' correspondent wrote articles critical of Putin

(Newser) - This won't help the perception that Vladimir Putin is a wee bit thin-skinned: When a British reporter tried to re-enter Russia after writing a series of damning articles based on the WikiLeaks cables, he got this message from a security official: "For you, Russia is closed," reports the...

Russian Reporter in Coma After Brutal Beating

Pro-Kremlin group had labeled him a 'traitor'

(Newser) - A brutal attack on a Russian reporter in Moscow has left him in a coma, the BBC reports. Two men ambushed Oleg Kashin, who writes for Kommersant, outside his apartment and beat him with metal rods. Fellow journalists and even President Dmitry Medvedev condemned the assault on the 30-year-old victim,...

Now I Know How Palin Feels: Ex-Post Blogger

David Weigel, ousted for bashing Matt Drudge, speaks out

(Newser) - When he got the call asking him to comment on yet more emails he had written—this time bashing Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich—David Weigel knew he was screwed. The Washington Post blogger had already apologized for leaked emails in which he said Matt Drudge ought to light himself...

TV Reporter Claims She Shoplifted for Story
TV Reporter Claims She Shoplifted for Story
brilliant lie dept

TV Reporter Claims She Shoplifted for Story

...except that she's a traffic reporter

(Newser) - A Connecticut television reporter who was busted for shoplifting insisted she did it for the sake of a story—except that said reporter covers traffic. Desiree Fontaine explained it was for an "on the side," freelance assignment, though she didn't tell officers who commissioned the hard-hitting project. Police...

NYT Reporter Ridicules Pajamas-Clad Bloggers

He defends article on Afghan mineral deposits

(Newser) - New York Times reporter James Risen is not a big fan of bloggers. Yahoo News blogger John Cook, formerly of Gawker, learned this when he called Risen to ask about criticism of his recent story on Afghan mineral deposits. (Original story here ; sample of criticism here .) "Do you...

Gerald Posner Cops to 'Accidental Plagiarism'

 Gerald Posner Cops 
 to 'Accidental 
the internet made me do it

Gerald Posner Cops to 'Accidental Plagiarism'

Daily Beast reporter blames 'warp speed' of web in mea culpa

(Newser) - Gerald Posner didn’t mean to do it, but he admits he is a plagiarist and has now resigned from his reporting gig at the Daily Beast. His undoing, he writes on his blog , was the blazing pace of Internet journalism and his own naïveté. “For the Beast...

Miffed Mel Gibson Calls Reporter A-Hole

Edge of Darkness star gets testy after being asked about DUI bust

(Newser) - Mel Gibson's on the comeback trail after his 2006 DUI arrest and anti-Semitic rant—but he may want to brush up on the charm a little more. The actor, out promoting new flick Edge of Darkness, called a reporter at Chicago's WGN-TV an asshole after he was questioned about the...

Afghan Kidnappers Release Guardian Journo

British paper kept abduction secret for Abdul-Ahad's safety

(Newser) - A Guardian reporter and two Afghan journalists are free after being captured six days ago by unknown Afghans while attempting to interview militia in a remote region, the paper reports. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad and his unnamed associates were taken hostage near Pakistan’s North-West Frontier province and spent most of their...

Editor Gets Punchy Over Article&mdash;Literally
Editor Gets Punchy Over Article—Literally

Editor Gets Punchy Over Article—Literally

'2nd worst story' ever pushes vet Post hand to violence

(Newser) - An editorial dispute in the Washington Post newsroom devolved into fisticuffs last week. The item was for the Style section, a department long known for taking an anything-goes attitude toward its reporters. When the story crossed the desk of veteran editor Henry Allen—grumpy about his part-time work and the...

Lone AP Reporter Logs 300 Executions

Writer has seen more deaths than...anyone, perhaps

(Newser) - The fever pitch of executions in Texas since the 1980s has made the taking of a life at Huntsville’s prison almost de rigueur. Newsrooms that used to send a reporter every time an inmate was put to death now rely on the AP—and one AP writer in particular:...

Iran Releases Newsweek Reporter

Humanitarian considerations thought to have played role

(Newser) - Iran set free yesterday the Newsweek journalist it had held prisoner since the disputed June elections. Maziar Bahari was released on $300,000 bail, likely because of humanitarian conditions—the magazine reports that the 42-year-old is expecting his first child October 26, and the baby's mother has had serious health...

NYT Reporter Recounts 7 Months as Prisoner

David Rohde begins first-person account of capture, escape

(Newser) - New York Times reporter David Rohde begins a gripping first-person account of his 7 months as a Taliban prisoner in Afghanistan before he managed to escape. In the first of the five-part series, he writes of his capture ("I waited for the sound of gunfire. I knew I might...

Pulitzer Winner Nan Robertson Dead at 83
Pulitzer Winner
Nan Robertson Dead at 83

Pulitzer Winner Nan Robertson Dead at 83

She wrote of her own battle with toxic shock syndrome

(Newser) - Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Nan Robertson died yesterday at 83, apparently of heart disease. Robertson is best known for a vivid recounting of her battle with toxic shock syndrome in the Times Magazine, which netted her the Pulitzer in 1983, and The Girls in the Balcony, a book...

FBI Arrests Erin Andrews' Alleged Peeping Tom

(Newser) - It looks like Erin Andrews' peeping tom has been caught. FBI agents arrested a Chicago man at O'Hare airport last night and accused him of making nude videos of the ESPN reporter after altering peepholes in two hotel rooms. He tried to sell them to TMZ, then posted clips online,...

Advice to Budding Journos: Hate Is the Hottest Beat

(Newser) - Who says journalism is dead? Sure, newspapers are slashing newsroom staff and shutting down bureaus, Simon Dumenco writes in Advertising Age, but there’s still one booming sector: hate. “Everything is a hate beat these days, because everybody is consumed with hating on everybody else.” And you can...

British Army Blasts Rescued Times Reporter

'Irresponsible' Taliban abductee was warned of imminent danger

(Newser) - The death of British soldier during the rescue of a New York Times reporter has British Army brass up in arms, the Telegraph reports. Corporal John Harrison and interpreter Sultan Munadi died early yesterday in an area of Afghanistan journalist Stephen Farrell had been cautioned about. “When you look...

On Shared Birthday, Obama Surprises Reporter Thomas

Veteran White House reporter asks for 'a real health care reform bill'

(Newser) - President Obama celebrated his own birthday today by leading the White House press corps in singing Happy Birthday to veteran reporter Helen Thomas. Obama is 48 today; Thomas turns 89.

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>