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Harvard Gets Its Biggest Donation Ever: $350M

Money goes to School of Public Health

(Newser) - An alum is handing Harvard its biggest donation ever. The university's School of Public Health will receive $350 million from Gerald Chan, 63, the head of a property developer in Hong Kong. He chose the School of Public Health for his donation after he was inspired by a teacher...

Bobby Jindal Sues White House Over Common Core

Says education standards amount to nationalizing education

(Newser) - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is suing the Obama administration over Common Core education standards, arguing that they represent a federal effort to wrest control over education from the states, the AP reports. According to the suit filed today, the White House has "effectively force[d] states down a path toward...

White Students Now a Minority in Public Schools

Demographic shift raises big issues for school systems

(Newser) - American public schools will pass a watershed this fall: For the first time, there will be more minority students than non-Hispanic whites, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The shift comes even as schools become more racially segregated, and leaves school systems facing issues such as integration and...

How Programming Courses Could Replace Degrees

You don't need BA to land job in the growing field: Christopher Mims

(Newser) - While US students rack up more than a trillion dollars in debt, the demand for computer programmers is far outpacing the supply: By 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a million programming jobs will have gone unfilled. And to land these positions, there's little need for a...

School Slammed for Using 'Tea Party' History Books

Charter school is pushing religious propaganda, group says

(Newser) - Reigniting the church-and-state debate, a group in Washington is criticizing a charter school for teaching history with books embraced by the tea party movement, the Arizona Republic reports. Americans United for Separation of Church and State says the Heritage Academy in Mesa, Arizona, shouldn't be using two books by...

Swedish City May Ban Homework

Backers say kids should cover all material during school hours

(Newser) - For most kids, it's a dream that can never come true—but in one Swedish city, the idea of a ban on homework could become a reality. The Left Party in the city of Hallstahammar says kids should be able to learn everything they need during the school day,...

Ditching Teaching Tenure Won't Help Students

Catherine Rampell: Our real concern is hiring good teachers, not firing bad ones

(Newser) - A California judge this week dealt a blow to the practice of granting tenure to public school teachers, ruling that it allows bad teachers to keep their jobs and thus deprives students —especially minorities—of their right to an education. It's a closely watched case that will likely...

Judge: Teacher Tenure Robs Poor Kids of Education

California judge calls it unconstitutional in landmark case

(Newser) - No more tenure for teachers? A judge in California ruled that granting lifetime jobs to educators often results in lousy schools in poor neighborhoods, reports the Los Angeles Times . Citing Brown v. Board of Education, Judge Rolf Treu said tenure for public school teachers violates the state's constitution because...

Zuckerberg Throws $120M Into Local Schools

Priscilla Chan says it's an 'incredibly personal issue'

(Newser) - As debate rages over Silicon Valley's gentrification of the Bay Area, Mark Zuckerberg yesterday gave parents there a reason to applaud their wealthy neighbors. The Facebook founder and his wife, Priscilla Chan, announced that they're sinking $120 million into San Francisco-area schools over the next five years, the...

Malala Portrait Sells for $103K; Money Going to Nigeria Girls

Her charity will use the money for education in that country

(Newser) - A British artist's portrait of Malala Yousafzai —the Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for girls' education—sold for $102,500 at auction today at Christie's. Sale proceeds will go to the Malala Fund charity, and the fund said the money would in...

NBA Should Be Hawking Education to Young Fans
NBA Should Be Hawking Education to Young Fans

NBA Should Be Hawking Education to Young Fans

Youth programs should focus on more than just basketball: LA Times essayist

(Newser) - The NBA rightfully earned praise for its swift punishment of Donald Sterling's racism, writes Ralph Richard Banks in the LA Times . But he thinks the league can do much more to tackle "a more subtle and pervasive form of racial inequality"—the dismal state of education for...

Why Asian Kids Are Schooling White Students

It's simple: They work harder, study finds

(Newser) - Researchers in the US and China are investigating the roots of a school-age stereotype: Why are Asian-American students more successful than their white peers? It's not a matter of innate cognitive ability, the experts find. Instead, Asian-American students often simply try harder, the study says, via . That...

School District Drops Holocaust-Denial Lesson Plan

Educators wanted to promote 'critical thinking skills'

(Newser) - A California school district is scrapping a lesson plan that allowed middle school students to deny the existence of the Holocaust, Fox News reports. After a wave of criticism and a reported death threat, Southern California's Rialto Unified School District backpedaled on its unusual method of teaching eighth-graders about...

Education Helps You Recover From Brain Injury

People with college degrees recover at higher rate in study

(Newser) - College degrees may have an unexpected benefit: helping people recover from serious traumatic brain injury, NPR reports. A study of 769 adults found that a year after injury, 10% without a high school education had fully recovered, compared to 39% with a college degree. Those with advanced degrees fared even...

School Stops Giving Kids Mountain Dew Before Tests

Principal had read it was beneficial

(Newser) - No more pre-test infusion of sugar and caffeine for these kids. A grandmother complained when she learned that children at a Florida elementary school were getting a dose of Mountain Dew before taking standardized tests, Florida Today reports. They received three tablespoons of the soda, along with some trail mix,...

Tennessee Overwhelmingly Passes Free College Bill

Bill Haslam to sign proposal offering free 2-year schooling

(Newser) - Soon, every high school graduate in Tennessee will be able to afford at least some further education. The state's House overwhelmingly passed the "Tennessee Promise" bill Tuesday night; it offers graduates a two-and-a-half-year free ride to any qualifying associate's degree or technical certificate program, the Tennessean reports....

New SAT Ditches 'Obscure' Words

College Board releases sample questions, more info

(Newser) - The new SAT , coming in 2016, will be more geared toward real-world applications—which means, among other things, that it's bidding adieu to "obscure" vocabulary words. Taking their place: "high-utility" words. The College Board today released 211 pages of info designed to give students "everything [they...

It's Time to Expand College Programs in Prison

Degrees will make ex-cons less likely to end up back in jail, says Bill Keller

(Newser) - Andrew Cuomo got flak when he announced plans to fund college classes for inmates in 10 of New York's prisons, and ended up backing off the idea. But he was right, writes Bill Keller in the New York Times . After all, "what is prison for?" Yes, one of...

If Schools Want to Teach Creationism, Let Them
If Schools Want to Teach Creationism, Let Them

If Schools Want to Teach Creationism, Let Them

It's a distracting sideshow from education system's bigger problems: 'Time' columnist

(Newser) - It's the kind of story that seems like it should get people riled up: Among the private schools getting $1 billion in taxpayer money in tuition vouchers are religious schools that teach creationism in place of actual science, according to Politico . But at Time , Nick Gillespie isn't feeling...

Black Kids More Likely to Get Suspended ... in Preschool

Racial disparities start very young, new Department of Education report reveals

(Newser) - Black kids are suspended much more often than white kids—and by kids, we mean kids. Almost half of all children suspended from preschool more than once are black, according to a new Department of Education study, even though black students make up just 18% of preschoolers overall. Until now,...

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