Fox News

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Hasselbeck Swaps The View for Fox
Hasselbeck Swaps
The View for Fox 

Hasselbeck Swaps The View for Fox

She's joining Fox and Friends this fall

(Newser) - Another empty seat is coming up at The View: Elisabeth Hasselbeck is leaving the ABC talk show for a new gig on Fox and Friends, the network has confirmed. The departure comes as part of a shake-up that includes the exit of Joy Behar and the retirement of Barbara Walters...

Sorry, Twitter: US Still Gets its News From TV

55% say TV is still their main news source; 2% Twitter, Facebook

(Newser) - The revolution will not be tweeted, live streamed, or Instagrammed. Not yet, anyway. For now, TV remains America's No. 1 news source, according to a new Gallup poll. And those results held true regardless of age, politics, gender, education, or employment status, Politico reports. Of those surveyed, 55% said...

Fox News Sued: Boys Saw Dad's On-Air Suicide

Sons 'severely distressed' by footage

(Newser) - After hearing of a suicide broadcast live on Fox , two Arizona boys looked for it on YouTube after school, only to realize in horror that they were watching their own father's death, according to a lawsuit filed against the network. JoDon Romero shot himself after a police chase and...

Glenn Beck: I Could Have Said Things Differently

Says he regrets being so divisive in years past

(Newser) - A reflective Glenn Beck says he regrets that some of his fiery opinions caused division in the country over the last several years. He wasn't fully aware of the perilous times and people "at each other's throats," said the conservative radio host, who accepted a First...

Fox's Female Hosts Slam Male Colleagues as Sexist

Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren amazed guys think women shouldn't be breadwinners

(Newser) - If you've missed the hullabaloo that erupted over a new study showing that moms are now the primary or sole breadwinner in 40% of households with kids, much of it played out today on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show. The background is that a slew of conservative men,...

House Probes Whether Holder Lied Under Oath

AG claimed he 'never heard of' potential press prosecutions

(Newser) - Did Eric Holder lie under oath when he testified before the House Judiciary committee on the surveillance of reporters earlier this month? The committee is probing the attorney general, who said the "potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material" is "not something I’ve ever...

Holder Backed Fox News Probe
 Holder Backed Fox News Probe

Holder Backed Fox News Probe

Attorney general signed off on controversial search warrant

(Newser) - Eric Holder has deftly sidestepped accountability for the Justice Department's spying on the AP by saying he recused himself from the case , but he can't pull the same trick in the Fox News case . The attorney general personally signed off on the search warrant targeting Fox reporter James...

Gov't Spied On Fox Journalist, Too

Examined James Rosen's emails, phone records

(Newser) - Of all the news organizations the government could spy on, it chose to tangle with ... Fox News. And this one goes further than the AP . The Justice Department examined Fox News reporter James Rosen's personal emails, phone records, and visits to the State Department, the Washington Post reports. The...

MSNBC Runs More 'Opinion' Stories Than Fox News

Only CNN runs mostly straight news: Pew study

(Newser) - Sorry, Fox-haters: MSNBC runs more opinionated programming than its conservative cable-news counterpart, according to a Pew study . Fox News still runs more opinionated coverage than straight news, but that's 55% opinion to 45% news, as compared to 85% opinion and 15% reporting at MSNBC, reports Mediaite . Pew found that...

Stewart, Fox Mock Sequester Panic

Get ready for the end of life as we know it: hosts

(Newser) - It's not often that the Daily Show and Fox News are on the same page—but it seems the sequester is bringing them together. Both shows are ridiculing the current automatic-budget-cut obsession, Mediaite reports, with Jon Stewart last night donning a hazmat suit. We're "four days away...

Herman Cain Joins Fox News
 Herman Cain Joins Fox News 

Herman Cain Joins Fox News

Network also added Scott Brown recently

(Newser) - Well, Fox News needed to fill the void left by Sarah Palin's absence ... so the network hired Herman Cain as a contributor, it announced today. Cain, the former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, will also contribute to the Fox Business Network. He says he's looking forward...

Fox News Boots Dick Morris
 Fox News Boots Dick Morris 

Fox News Boots Dick Morris

Pollster frequently predicted Mitt Romney would win

(Newser) - Dick Morris is officially out at Fox News, Politico reports. The network had already sidelined the political commentator and pollster after the presidential election, in which Morris had frequently predicted a Romney landslide. He hasn't appeared on Fox for almost three months, and now the network has decided not...

It&#39;s Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News
It's Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News 
Howard Kurtz

It's Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News

Howard Kurtz: Obama, in particular, needs to stop whining

(Newser) - President Obama and Al Gore have been whining about Fox News lately, and Howard Kurtz has had enough. Dislike the network all you want, but it's successful where Gore's Current TV wasn't. "Isn't that the free market at work?" writes Kurtz for CNN . But the...

Fox Anchor to NRA&#39;s LaPierre: You&#39;re &#39;Ridiculous&#39;
 Fox Anchor to 
 NRA's LaPierre: 
 You're 'Ridiculous' 

Fox Anchor to NRA's LaPierre: You're 'Ridiculous'

And Paul Krugman calls the NRA 'insane organization'

(Newser) - Wayne LaPierre has got to be feeling a little like he had a bulls-eye on his forehead during this morning's turn on Fox News Sunday, reports Politico . With Mark Kelly renewing his call for stricter gun control, LaPierre even took heat from Fox's Chris Wallace, who blasted LaPierre'...

Mark Kelly: 'We Can Fix This'

Giffords' hubby wants background checks, assault weapon ban, limited magazine sizes

(Newser) - Mark Kelly took his campaign for stricter gun control to Fox this morning, Politico reports, telling the network that it's time to enact universal background checks and that limiting magazine capacities "would have made a big difference" in the shooting that killed six and injured wife Gabrielle Giffords....

Sarah Palin: I Left Fox to 'Broaden Audience'

It's no good preaching to the choir, she says

(Newser) - Not a Sarah Palin fan? Then you might be just the kind of person she wants to reach in her post-Fox career. Conservatives need to broaden their audience, and "I’m taking my own advice here as I free up opportunities to share more broadly the message of the...

Fox Paid Palin $16 per Word
 Fox Paid Palin 
 $16 per Word 

Fox Paid Palin $16 per Word

And 111 of those words were "Amen"

(Newser) - Now that Sarah Palin is out at Fox News , Smart Politics does the only logical thing: It calculates exactly how much value the network placed on her words. During her three-year contract, Palin made 150 appearances—an average of about one a week—and spoke 189,221 words on air....

Sarah Palin Won't Be Back at Fox News

Her contract is up, and it won't be renewed

(Newser) - Sarah Palin isn't renewing her contract with Fox News, reports Real Clear Politics . Her three-year deal has expired, and a source tells RCP that Palin rejected a network offer. The New York Times confirms that Palin isn't coming back but says it's "unclear" whether it was...

Obama &#39;Shuns&#39; Fox at Press Conferences
 Obama 'Shuns' 
 Fox at Press 
study says

Obama 'Shuns' Fox at Press Conferences

ABC gets called on the most: study

(Newser) - Does President Obama play favorites with the press? A new study shows certain media outlets getting a healthy dose of attention at news conferences, while others—notably Fox News—receive less, Politico reports. Smart Politics finds that Fox is "still shunned" at the events; its reporters, the study says,...

Stewart on Current TV Sale: Fox Has a Point

But Fox News is also a massive hypocrite, says 'Daily Show' host

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took a moment on last night's Daily Show to weigh in on Al Gore's deal to sell Current TV to Al Jazeera—or, more specifically, Fox News' reaction to it. "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our first Fox boner alert of 2013,"...

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