Fox News

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Forget Steele; Roger Ailes Runs the GOP
Forget Steele; Roger Ailes Runs the GOP
Howard Fineman

Forget Steele; Roger Ailes Runs the GOP

Fox chief is in it for the ratings, but he's the right's kingmaker

(Newser) - The true leader of the Republican Party isn’t its loose-lipped chairman, Michael Steele, nor the dour Mitch McConnell, distracted John McCain, or disinterested Bushes; it’s Roger Ailes. “The president of Fox is, by default, the closest thing there is to a kingmaker in Anti-Obama America,” writes...

Glenn Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' on Sarah Palin

He doesn't let her equivocate while naming her favorite founding father

(Newser) - Glenn Beck called "Bullcrap" on Sarah Palin's first answer when he asked her to name her favorite founding father. He interjected with the comment when she responded, "Well, all of them, because they came collectively together with so much,” notes Talking Points Memo . She eventually settled on...

Beck: Can Palin Lead Us Without Losing Her Soul?

Fox host reads from diary, professes to being 'nervous'

(Newser) - It was conservative-icon story hour last night on Glenn Beck's show, with the Fox host kicking off an hour-long interview with new Fox analyst Sarah Palin by—what else?—reading to her from his diary. Professing to be "a little nervous" about meeting her, Beck wonders in his entry...

Beck, Palin Offer to Co-Host SNL
 Beck, Palin Offer 
 to Co-Host SNL 

Beck, Palin Offer to Co-Host SNL

Ex-governor bets host a steak NBC will say yes

(Newser) - Uniting Sarah Palin on-air with Glenn Beck produced the expected fireworks on Fox News today, with the duo making NBC an offer the network will be hard-pressed to refuse: They want to co-host Saturday Night Live. “How could they say no?” Palin wondered, and bet Beck a steak that...

Palin Hire a Genius Move, Whether or Not She's Good

Ailes knows nobody better defines the America Fox serves

(Newser) - Roger Ailes "is a genius" and hiring Sarah Palin is his latest masterstroke—even if she never says anything interesting on Fox News. Ailes’ rivals at other networks “still hire talent for their abilities,” explains Michael Scherer of Time . “Ailes knows you can also hire talent...

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut
 Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut 

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut

GOP star talks Obama, Pelosi, Iran with O'Reilly

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made her much-anticipated debut on Fox News tonight, appearing as a contributor on Bill O’Reilly’s show. The former Alaska governor (and weekend sportscaster for an Anchorage TV station) hit on President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and US relations in with Iran, Colby Hall notes for...

Sarah Palin Lands Fox News Gig

 Sarah Palin 
 Fox News Gig 

Sarah Palin Lands Fox News Gig

Ex-governor will be regular contributor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has signed a multiple-year deal to be a regular contributor to Fox News. Palin won’t get a regularly scheduled show but will host a series that airs occasionally, a network source tells the New York Times . The deal appears designed to allow Palin to pursue other ventures...

Ailes Drives Fox News' Fantastic Success

CEO's midwestern values shaped right-wing powerhouse

(Newser) - “Television is not a gimmick, and if you think it is, you’ll lose again,” a 27-year-old Roger Ailes told Richard Nixon as he sought the Oval Office in 1968. Days later, Ailes had a job aboard the ultimately successful campaign. Decades later, many similarly derided the launch...

Glenn Beck Calls 'African-American' a 'Bogus' Term

Shock jock offers vocabulary lesson

(Newser) - Glenn Beck doesn’t like the 2010 US Census form one bit, because it allows people to identify themselves as “African-American,” a “bogus, PC, made-up term” that is “not a race.” Speaking on his Fox News show, the host offered his objections to the designation....

Is Stephen A. Smith the Next Glenn Beck?

Scathing Gilbert Arenas column, move to Fox, spark speculation

(Newser) - Is Steven A. Smith trying to reinvent himself as Fox’s latest conservative personality? Since ESPN gave the noted sports shouter the boot, Smith has slogged as a part-time political and social commentator, popping up occasionally on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. But now he’s landed a new gig...

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Howard Kurtz

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run

...If he were running, which he's totally not. Really. Maybe.

(Newser) - Listen to Mike Huckabee unload on Obama ("he's never run even a Sno-Cone stand") on his Fox News show and you'd probably conclude he's running for president in 2012, writes Howard Kurtz. Huckabee insists that he’s unconcerned with his political career, that he’s really not sure...

Ooops: Goldline, Fox 'Clarify' Glenn Beck's Ties to Gold

Company says it was wrong to call Beck a 'paid sponsor'

(Newser) - Fox News seems to be watching Jon Stewart. After the drubbing Stewart gave Glenn Beck last week for pumping gold on his show, even as he was listed as a "paid spokesman" for Goldline, a company that sells gold coins, the network fired off a letter to Beck’s...

Ann Coulter: Wait, Meghan McCain Did Tiger Woods?
Ann Coulter: Wait, Meghan McCain Did Tiger Woods?

Ann Coulter: Wait, Meghan McCain Did Tiger Woods?

The conservative-diva feud continues

(Newser) - Ann Coulter tossed a little more fuel on the embers of her feud with Meghan McCain, comparing her to self-proclaimed Tiger Woods mistress (and alleged prostitute) Jamie Jungers. In a 3am Fox News segment caught by the night owls at Mediaite, Coulter commented on a video of Jungers by saying,...

Stewart Nails Glenn Beck for Promoting Gold

Fox host both fuels and profits from gold craze

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s cozy relationship with the gold industry—he talks about the metal on his show and is a paid spokesman for Goldline—has so far stayed comfortably under the radar, but Jon Stewart took aim at it last night with a segment on the Daily Show. Does Beck's...

Glenn Beck Rips Ill. Rep's Hubby

Rep. Jan Schakowsky's spouse compares Fox host to McCarthy

(Newser) - Glenn Beck picked the wrong congressperson's spouse to pick on. The Fox host went after Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s husband, Robert Creamer, who has done time for bank fraud, claiming he wrote a “prison manifesto” the Obama administration is following for health care reform. "This is a...

Anderson Cooper's Ratings Plummet

With no election, CNN primetime stalwart staggers

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper may be widely respected, but he isnt widely watched. Anderson Cooper 360 is down 62% since last November, and down 70% among the 25-to-54 demographic that’s so important to advertisers, according to Nielsen figures. Last month the CNN 10pm stalwart came in second behind Fox’s On ...

Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet
Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet
reality check

Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet

Claim that only 10% of cabinet had private sector cred debunked

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s claim that “under 10%” of Barack Obama’s cabinet appointees have “any experience in the private sector” turns out to be a bad statistic pulled from the internet. The tidbit originated in a study from JPMorgan Private Bank CIO Michael Cembalest, PolitiFact reports. Cembalest looked...

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
 O'Reilly to Huckabee: 
 Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
Cop Killer Blame Game

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'

But other conservatives are less understanding

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee’s a “standup guy,” and shouldn’t beat himself up for granting clemency to suspected cop killer Maurice Clemmons, Bill O’Reilly told him last night. “It’s not your fault, governor,” O’Reilly declared. “I mean, look, you’ve got 1,200...

Hannity Beats O'Reilly in Ratings War

His interview with Sarah Palin trumps that of his Fox colleague

(Newser) - Sean Hannity's interview with Sarah Palin helped him achieve a rare feat: his show beat the O'Reilly Factor as the top-rated cable news program of the week. Hannity's Nov. 18 interview drew 4.2 million viewers, a shade above Bill O'Reilly's talk with her the next night at 4.12...

Beck Will Host Conventions to Educate America
Beck Will Host Conventions
to Educate America
the big plan

Beck Will Host Conventions to Educate America

He's shifting toward political organizer, plans big DC rally

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is fashioning himself into a political organizer. Beck unveiled his promised "big plan" today at a Florida rally , in a letter to supporters, and in an interview with the New York Times . He plans a series of educational "conventions" across the country to teach people "...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>