Kandahar Air Field

2 Stories

50 Killed in Afghanistan Airport Attack

Kandahar battle lasted more than a day

(Newser) - Afghanistan says its forces have repelled a Taliban attack on the Kandahar airport that lasted more than 24 hours and killed 50 people, mainly civilians. The Defense Ministry said Thursday that the dead included 38 civilians, 10 Afghan soldiers, and two police officers. It said the 11 "terrorists" who...

Six Decapitated in Afghan Bank Heist

Police think they were poisoned the night before

(Newser) - Six Afghan private security guards were beheaded during a bank robbery in northern Afghanistan, police said today. An unknown number of robbers raided a Kabul Bank in Balkh province, making off with $269,000 in US and Afghan currency. It appeared the guards had been poisoned beforehand, with someone slipping...

2 Stories