
Stories 141 - 145 | << Prev 

Bill Gates Even Gave Away Richest-Guy Title

'Forbes' list wouldn't be a contest if he hadn't discovered philanthropy

(Newser) - Forbes will unveil its 2011 billionaires list tomorrow, and Bill Gates will certainly make an appearance, reports Reuters . But it turns out the longtime richest guy in the world fell to No. 2 last year not because of Microsoft's waning fortunes, but because he literally gave away the title. "...

Zuckerberg, 15 Other Tycoons Vow to Give Away Fortunes

Facebook founders join Gates, Buffett's 'Giving Pledge'

(Newser) - Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz, the youngest billionaires in America, have become the youngest billionaires in history to pledge to give away most of their money. The pair are among 16 billionaires who have recently signed the "Giving Pledge" organized by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, the...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'
 Christine O'Donnell: 
 'Very Useful Idiot' 

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'

Lends 'populist cover' to billionaire-backed movement

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell's fictional resume and anti-masturbation antics may have liberals laughing , but she's no joke, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Her ascent is a pure "godsend" for the GOP. Unlike Rove and the Republican old guard, O'Donnell is more than willing to "play the role...

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party
 Bankroll the 
 Tea Party 
Frank Rich

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party

The Koch Brothers and Murdoch pay for 'populist' uprising

(Newser) - This weekend, "real" mad-as-hell Americans gathered in Washington to "reclaim" America. But, writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , there's something missing from this picture of leaderless populism: "The sugar daddies who are bankrolling it." Said daddies are none other than Rupert Murdoch and the...

Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'
Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'
robert reich

Thanks for the Generosity, You 'Robber Barons'

The rich-poor divide is getting even worse

(Newser) - It's "admirable" that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett got their billionaire buddies to pledge huge sums to charity, writes Robert Reich at Salon . Not so admirable is "what this reveals about how much money is now concentrated in so few hands," he says. "It’s more...

Stories 141 - 145 | << Prev