
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Paging Dr. Nurse: New Degree Sparks Turf War

Physicians irked at nurses' doctoral status

(Newser) - A doctoral degree for nurses has sparked a backlash from physicians, who say referring to nurses by the title "doctor" could be confusing to patients, NPR reports. “I can just imagine a patient walking into my exam room and saying, ‘Now, Dr. Smith, are you a doctor...

Calif. Medical Board to Investigate Octuplet Births

Doc who performed in vitro fertilization procedures may have violated standards

(Newser) - California’s Medical Board is investigating whether there was a violation of medical standards by the doctor who helped Nadya Suleman become pregnant with octuplets, the Whittier Daily News reports. Suleman told NBC all 14 of her children were born through in vitro fertilization performed by one California specialist. “...

Docs Remove Donor Kidney Through Vagina

Less-painful procedure could pave the way to more donations

(Newser) - Doctors in Maryland removed a kidney from a donor through the vagina in what they believe to be the first operation of its kind, the Baltimore Examiner reports. The procedure reduced the 48-year-old donor’s pain and recovery time compared with more traditional methods. “We are all about trying...

Bill Could Kill Doc-Owned Hospitals
 Bill Could Kill 
 Doc-Owned Hospitals 

Bill Could Kill Doc-Owned Hospitals

Feds may see $1.2B in savings if for-profit facilities come under new regulation

(Newser) - A clause in a child-health bill just passed by the House would restrict Medicare payouts for, and the expansion of, doctor-owned hospitals, the specialized-care units blamed for hurting income at nonprofit facilities, the Wall Street Journal reports. There are 200 such facilities nationwide, touted for their efficiency but criticized for...

Nazi Doc Linked to Brazil Twin Record

Historian believes Mengele continued quest to create master race

(Newser) - Nazi "Angel of Death" Dr. Josef Mengele may have continued his mission to create a master race after World War II in a small Brazilian town, the Daily Telegraph reports. A historian probing the sadistic Auschwitz doctor's post-war life in Latin America has linked him to the mysteriously high...

Hawaii's Online Health Care Brings Back House Call

Patients can consult with doctors via the web

(Newser) - Hawaii now allows residents to consult a physician online, CNET reports. Beginning today, Hawaiians can conduct doctor visits via online chat, telephone or video conferencing. Physicians are available 24/7. While even advocates of the system doubt it can replace in-person visits, the service is expected to be useful for follow-up...

Early C-Sections Raise Babies' Health Risks

(Newser) - Doctors and parents often schedule elective C-sections too early, raising the risk of health problems for the baby, USA Today reports. Nearly one in four such Caesarians occur before the recommended 39th week of pregnancy, a new study shows. It makes a difference: Babies delivered by elective C-section at 37...

Drug Companies Agree to Stop Docs' Free Goodies

Critics charged stacks of free trinkets were attempt to influence doctors' decisions

(Newser) - The piles of freebies drug companies lavish on doctors will go the way of the VHS tape as of tomorrow, the New York Times reports. The industry, facing criticism that it is trying to unduly influence doctors' decisions, has voluntarily decided to stop handing out pens, stethoscope holders, bandages, T-shirts,...

Docs Want Medical Devices That Talk to Each Other

(Newser) - Even as electronic consumer gadgets grow more sophisticated, medical technology lags, relying on wires that one doctor calls “malignant spaghetti,” the Boston Globe reports. Because devices such as heart monitors and IV drips can’t communicate easily, human error enters the equation. "My bank can notify me...

Cleveland Clinic First to Divulge Docs' Drug Ties

Research center strives for complete disclosure on potential conflicts of interest

(Newser) - One of America's leading medical research centers will reveal all links its doctors and scientists have to drug companies and makers of medical devices, the New York Times reports. The move by the Cleveland Clinic—stung by conflict-of-interest accusations when cozy relationships between staff and suppliers have been discovered—is...

'Conscience' Rule Threatens to Reignite Abortion Battle

Bush's last-minute new rule for medical workers sparks controversy

(Newser) - An expanded "right of conscience" rule for medical workers planned by the Bush administration could hand Barack Obama a major battle over medical ethics, the Los Angeles Times reports. Doctors and nurses can already legally refuse to perform abortions, but the new rule would allow any health care worker...

Skip Doctor-Rating Websites
 Skip Doctor-Rating Websites 

Skip Doctor-Rating Websites

Physicians find sites mostly content-free, easily manipulated

(Newser) - The Internet allows people to rate just about anything, so you’d think that rate-your-doctor websites would be a useful, possibly even live-saving resource, right? Not so, writes Kent Sepkowitz for Slate. A physician himself, Sepkowitz set out to find out what he could learn about himself and various colleagues....

Warning Labels Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Prescription labels, doctor's cues can trigger symptoms

(Newser) - Ignorance truly is bliss when it comes to prescription drugs. The side effects listed on warning labels have a self-fulfilling quality, researchers tell the Wall Street Journal. People sensitive to this "nocebo effect" should think twice before reading that their pills can cause nausea, vomiting, irritability, or difficulty concentrating....

Cell Phones Also Annoy Your Skin

'Mobile phone dermatitis' could explain mysterious facial rashes

(Newser) - Cell phones won’t melt your brain, but they do cause “mobile phone dermatitis,” Reuters reports. A British dermatological organization is cautioning doctors to consider allergy-causing nickel found on many phones in cases of “a rash on the cheek or ear that cannot otherwise be explained.”...

Patients Could Polish Their Bedside Manner, Docs Say

Lousy rapport impairs treatment, survey finds

(Newser) - Odds are you're annoying your doctor, according to a Canadian study that asked nearly 300 physicians about their daily frustrations. As the Globe and Mail reports, many had difficulty establishing rapports with patients, who routinely resisted or flouted their advice —which can lead to patient safety problems. “When...

Cindy's Addiction: It Claimed Several Other Victims

Misuse of charity embroiled doctor, aide

(Newser) - Cindy McCain is open about her painkiller addiction in the early 1990s—to a point, the Washington Post reports in an account of that period. Though she speaks of it frequently as a story of personal struggle, what she doesn't say is that she was in serious legal jeopardy for...

Patients Paying $1B in Medical Bills They Don't Owe

Health-care providers engage in illegal practice to get funds

(Newser) - Millions of patients throughout the country are footing the bill for medical payments they don’t owe, BusinessWeek reports. In a practice known as balance billing, health-care providers stick weary patients with the cost of their treatment not covered by insurers. The practice is often illegal, but, according to estimates,...

Senator Told It's Unethical to Deliver Babies

Ethics panel sees conflict in Coburn's pro-bono work

(Newser) - Sen.Tom Coburn, an obstetrician by profession, is a stubborn guy. Known around the cloakroom as Dr. No, he isn't about to let anyone tell him to stop delivering babies when he's at home in Oklahoma at recess. The Senate Ethics Committee insists it's a conflict of interest, even though...

Night Docs Need Electronic Info System to Save Lives

Inadequate handoff details can cost lives

(Newser) - The night-float hospital system, in which one resident works the night shift so that others can sleep, was created so that patients could receive care from rested, focused doctors. But there are rarely mechanisms in place to ensure the night workers have all the patient information they need when they...

Doctors Fume Over Website Selling Fake Sick Notes

Australian physicians want it shut down

(Newser) - In an Internet version of a classic schoolboy trick, a website is peddling fake doctors' notes to Australians looking to get some paid time off, reports The $40 certificates have infuriated the medical community, which wants the police to step in. Two backpackers reportedly set up the...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>