US-Mexico border

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For 3rd Straight Month, Border Arrests Exceed 50K

It's highest level since Trump took office

(Newser) - More than 50,000 people were arrested trying to cross the US border in May, the third consecutive month that figure has been reached. The high volume suggests that tough new rules put in place by the Trump administration—including the separation of migrant children from their parents—are not...

Border Impasse Over Migrant Caravan Ends

At least 8 were allowed to enter US

(Newser) - US border inspectors have allowed some of the Central American asylum-seekers from a "caravan of migrants" criticized by President Trump to enter the country for processing, ending a brief impasse over lack of space. Now, the migrants who crossed Mexico in a caravan may face a long legal path....

Controversial Caravan Reaches US Border. Now What?
Caravan at Border Must
Prove 'Credible Fear'
the rundown

Caravan at Border Must Prove 'Credible Fear'

About 200 migrants will make plea for asylum, a process that can take months or longer

(Newser) - The caravan of migrants that has drawn the attention of President Trump is much smaller than it used to be, but an estimated 150 to 200 Central Americans are now at the US-Mexico border hoping to gain entry into America. US border officials have slowed things down at least temporarily...

Central American 'Caravan' With Women, Kids Reaches Border

About 130 migrants are hoping to find asylum in US

(Newser) - About 130 Central Americans, mostly women and kids, have arrived at the US-Mexico border in a "caravan" of asylum-seeking immigrants that has drawn the fury of President Trump. Two busloads arrived late Tuesday in the Mexican border city of Tijuana at two migrant shelters just steps from one of...

California Rejects Border Duties for Its National Guard Troops

Says some jobs federal government wants done are too closely tied to immigration enforcement

(Newser) - California has rejected the federal government's initial plans for National Guard troops to the border because the work is considered too closely tied to immigration enforcement, two US officials tell the AP . The state informed federal officials it will not allow its troops to fix and repair vehicles, operate...

Feds Will Pay for 4K National Guard Personnel at US Border

Mattis approved the move Friday night

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has approved using Defense Department money to pay for as many as 4,000 National Guard personnel to perform border security missions as requested by President Trump , the AP reports. Mattis made the decision Friday night. It means the federal government will foot the bill for...

National Guard Could Be Deployed to Border Today

President Trump is working on an 'immediate' plan, Homeland Security secretary says

(Newser) - President Donald Trump and border-state governors are working to "immediately" deploy the National Guard to the US-Mexico border to fight illegal immigration, with some troops potentially arriving later Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said. "The threat is real," Nielsen said at an afternoon briefing, adding that...

After Trump Call, Mexican Prez Scraps US Visit

Border wall appears to be major sticking point as Peña Nieto has yet to visit DC under Trump

(Newser) - After what the Washington Post is calling a "testy" 50-minute phone call between President Trump and his Mexican counterpart, the latter will not be visiting the former as planned. The major sticking point seems to be Trump's border wall, and Enrique Peña Nieto's refusal to pay...

Couple Exchanges Vows Over Mexico-US Border

A Mexican bride and her American groom took advantage of the 'Door of Hope'

(Newser) - For just the sixth time in nearly five years, a gate known as the "Door of Hope" was opened along the border between Mexico and the United States, allowing family members from the two countries to temporarily reunite. Only this time those doors were open long enough for a...

Workers Now Ready to 'Punish' Border Wall Prototypes

Workers will attack walls for the next 2 months

(Newser) - The US government announced Thursday that six prototypes for President Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico have been completed and will be subjected to punishment to test their mettle—by workers wielding sledgehammers, torches, pickaxes, and battery-operated tools. The testing, lasting up to two months, could lead to officials...

California Sues Trump Over His Border Wall

State AG Xavier Beccera filed the lawsuit Wednesday

(Newser) - “No one gets to ignore the laws," Xavier Becerra says. "Not even the president of the United States." The California attorney general sued the Trump administration Wednesday over the president's proposed border wall, which Becerra says violates myriad environmental laws, the Los Angeles Times reports....

Yes, That's a Giant Toddler Peering Over Border Wall

French artist JR erects giant photo in Tecate, Mexico

(Newser) - President Trump's DACA decision isn't the only thing causing a stir about immigration. A French artist known as JR has erected a giant photo of a toddler so that it appears the boy is peering over a border wall in Tecate, Mexico, toward the US side. And it'...

Feds Choose 4 Border Wall Prototypes

Next steps will be building, testing

(Newser) - Thursday was a big day in the border wall business: US Customs and Border Protection announced that four concrete wall prototypes had been chosen from among more than 200 proposals. The border wall designs, each 30 feet long and up to 30 feet tall, will be built in the San...

Border Agents Watch as Drone Flies 13 Pounds of Meth Into US

Agents recovered the drone and drugs and arrested a 25-year-old man

(Newser) - Looks like automation is impacting everyone's livelihoods, even drug smugglers. The Los Angeles Times reports Border Patrol agents arrested a 25-year-old man on suspicion of importing a controlled substance Aug. 8 in California after watching a drone carrying 13 pounds of meth fly over the border fence from Mexico....

Trump: Border Wall Needs Holes Because of Sacks of Drugs

Openings to see what's happening on other side are necessary, president says

(Newser) - President Trump is serious about a plan to put solar panels on his proposed border wall. There's "a very good chance" panels will be included in the final design and "we have major companies looking at that," Trump told reporters as he flew to France on...

Border Wall Prototypes Will Go Up This Summer

Up to 8 designs will be built in San Dieg o

(Newser) - People trying to make their way into the US illegally in the San Diego area may have their choice of eight kinds of border wall to tackle by September. Department of Homeland Security official Ronald Vitiello said Tuesday that authorities hope to have up to eight prototype border wall sections...

DHS Chief: Don't Expect Border Wall 'From Sea to Shining Sea'

Company proposes storing nuclear waste along wall

(Newser) - President Trump's vision of a "big, beautiful wall" along the entire length of America's border with Mexico probably won't become reality, Homeland Security chief John Kelly admitted during a Senate hearing Wednesday. Kelly told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that he couldn't...

Trump Wants $1B to Build 62 Miles of Border Wall

Texas AG won't object to use of eminent domain

(Newser) - What's "big, beautiful," and roughly $3,000 a foot? It's President Trump's border wall, according to Homeland Security budget documents obtained by CNN . The documents outline a request of $1 billion to cover 62 miles of border wall—48 miles of new barriers in San...

Family of Teen Who Drank Liquid Meth at Border Gets $1M

It was 'the most inhuman kind of cruelty,' lawyer says

(Newser) - Customs and Border Protection has paid $1 million to the family of a Mexican teen who died three years ago after sipping liquid meth at the US-Mexico border. Cruz Marcelino Velázquez Acevedo, 16, was traveling through the pedestrian entrance at the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Nov. 18,...

Mexican Pol Scales Border Fence to Send Trump Message

Braulio Guerra filmed, photographed himself atop 30-foot-high Tijuana border fence

(Newser) - Braulio Guerra decided words weren't enough to get his point across on how he feels about President Trump's proposed border wall, so the athletic congressman from the Mexican state of Queretaro apparently put his climbing skills to work. BuzzFeed first reported on Guerra's high-profile stunt: showing himself...

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