US-Mexico border

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Detained Citizen Says He Lost 26 Pounds, Couldn't Shower

Francisco Galicia and his mother are suing two agencies

(Newser) - Francisco Galicia, the US-born 18-year-old who spent more than three weeks in border custody in Texas, says he's suing two agencies over conditions in the immigrant detention center. Galicia says he lost 26 pounds before he was released last week. Along with 60 other men, Galicia said, he was...

Trump: Baltimore District a 'Rodent Infested Mess'

The president takes aim at Rep. Elijah Cummings

(Newser) - President Trump on Saturday denigrated a majority-black district represented by a congressional nemesis as a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess," broadening a campaign against prominent critics of his administration that has exacerbated racial tensions, the AP reports. Trump lashed out in tweets against Rep. Elijah Cummings, the...

Supreme Court: Border Wall Can Be Built With DOD Funds

$2.5B in Defense Department money can now be tapped by Trump administration for sections of wall

(Newser) - The Supreme Court cleared the way Friday for the Trump administration to tap billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build sections of a border wall with Mexico. The court's five conservative justices gave the administration the green light to begin work on four contracts it has awarded using...

Trump Loses Court Battle Over Asylum

Federal judge's ruling halts the policy across the Mexico border

(Newser) - A federal judge on Wednesday blocked the Trump administration from enforcing new asylum restrictions for immigrants at the US-Mexico border, marking the latest defeat for a president waging an all-out battle in the courts to stop the flow of migrants into the country, the AP reports. The ruling by US...

US-Born Teen Detained by Border Patrol Released

Francisco Erwin Galicia's case became immigration flashpoint

(Newser) - A US-born 18-year-old was released from immigration custody Tuesday after wrongfully being detained for more than three weeks, the AP reports. Francisco Erwin Galicia left a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Pearsall, Texas, on Tuesday. His lawyer, Claudia Galan, confirmed he had been released, less than a...

Report: Fentanyl Is Putting CBP Agents at Risk

CBP has enough fentanyl to kill roughly 794M people

(Newser) - Fentanyl is pouring into America, and that's putting border officers at risk. Homeland Security released a report Friday saying border agents are seizing and storing more of the dangerous drug but aren't receiving proper protection, ABC News reports. With US Customs and Border Protection grabbing enough fentanyl in...

At Border Detention Centers, Pence Says, 'The Crisis Is Real'

Trump has called reports of poor conditions 'phony'

(Newser) - Vice President Mike Pence visited a migrant detention center Friday where he saw nearly 400 men locked behind caged fences, appeared to scrunch his nose at the stench, and quickly left. Pence, who brought Republican lawmakers with him, had already taken in the sight from a bird's-eye room at...

Homeland Chief: There Are No &#39;Unsanitary&#39; Child Camps
Homeland Chief
Defends Child
sunday talk shows

Homeland Chief Defends Child Facilities

Kevin McAleenan appears on ABC's 'This Week'

(Newser) - Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan on Sunday defended conditions at US Border Patrol stations following reports of crowded and unsanitary conditions that have heightened debate about President Donald Trump's immigration policy, a trademark issue for his reelection campaign. "It's an extraordinarily challenging situation," McAleenan tells...

Court Rules Against Border Wall Funding

Appeals court says Trump can't use Pentagon cash

(Newser) - An appeals court on Wednesday upheld a freeze on Pentagon money to build a border wall with Mexico, casting doubt on President Trump's ability to make good on a signature campaign promise before the 2020 election. A divided three-judge panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in...

Mexican Police Revolt Against National Guard Plan

Deployments to southern border begin

(Newser) - Hundreds of federal police blocked highways in and around the Mexican capital Wednesday in open revolt against plans to absorb the officers into the newly formed National Guard, a move that police fear could upend their jobs. The protests came as the government officially began deploying the National Guard to...

Judge: Trump Can't Use Military Money for His Wall

'All President Trump has succeeded in building is a constitutional crisis': California AG

(Newser) - A federal judge on Friday prohibited President Trump from tapping $2.5 billion in military funding to build high-priority segments of his prized border wall in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Judge Haywood S. Gilliam Jr. in Oakland acted on two lawsuits filed by California and by activists who contended...

Trump Blames Democrats for Deaths of Migrant Dad, Toddler

Haunting photo captured their bodies

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday blamed Democrats for the deaths of a migrant father and toddler girl whose bodies are depicted in searing photographs that have become a symbol of the perils faced by those trying to cross illegally into the US, the AP reports. Speaking with reporters as he left...

Senate Passes Border Bill After Rejecting House's Version

Pelosi says House won't send the Senate bill to Trump without changes

(Newser) - The GOP-held Senate on Wednesday passed a bipartisan $4.6 billion measure to deliver aid to the southern border before the government runs out of money to care for thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children. The sweeping 84-8 vote came less than 24 hours after the Democratic-controlled House approved...

Workers Plan Walkout to Protest Sales to Migrant Camps

They're not happy about Wayfair's detention center contract

(Newser) - Workers at online furniture giant Wayfair say they don't want any part in what the US government is doing to migrants on America's southern border. Hundreds of workers are planning a walkout Wednesday to protest the company's sale of beds to a migrant detention center in Texas,...

In Area 'Rife With Human Trafficking,' a Sad Discovery

Bodies of woman, toddler, 2 babies found at US-Mexico border near Rio Grande

(Newser) - Four bodies were found along the US-Mexico border Sunday night, and three of them were young children. The remains of a 20-year-old woman, a toddler, and two infants were found in a brushy area near the Rio Grande, southeast of Anzalduas Park in the Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area, KRGV...

Mexicans No Longer Make Up Majority of Illegal Immigrants in US

For the first time, per new estimates

(Newser) - The number of Mexican immigrants in the US illegally has declined so sharply over the past decade that for the first time, they no longer make up the majority of that category, according to an estimate by the Pew Research Center on Wednesday. There were about 4.9 million Mexicans...

US Chooses Military Base to Use as Shelter for Migrant Kids

Record numbers have been arriving at the US-Mexico border unaccompanied

(Newser) - The federal government has chosen a military base in Oklahoma as the location for a new temporary shelter to house migrant children and is considering a customs port in southern New Mexico as another option as existing shelters are overwhelmed. The Office of Refugee Resettlement said Tuesday it's dealing...

Trump Accidentally Reveals 'Secret' Mexico Deal

Photographers were able to capture details

(Newser) - President Trump again claimed to have a "secret" deal with Mexico on Tuesday—and while he declined to provide details for reporters at the White House, he helpfully displayed a piece of paper that he said was part of the agreement. A photo tweeted by Washington Post photographer Jabin...

Trump: Mexico Tariffs Still Due to Kick In on Monday

'Not nearly enough' progress made in talks, he says

(Newser) - President Trump says new tariffs on all imports from Mexico will start Monday unless a lot more progress is made in talks with Mexican officials. Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held talks with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard at the White House Wednesday, but the...

New Migrant Arrest Tally Equals 'Full-Blown Emergency'

CBP reveals highest numbers in 13 years

(Newser) - American border officials arrested over 144,000 migrants in May—an eye-popping number that was released Wednesday amid contentious negotiations between US and Mexican officials over the migrant flow, the New York Times reports. According to Customs and Border Patrol , the arrest tally was 32% higher than April's, the...

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