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Kamala Harris' Views on Fracking in the Spotlight
For Kamala Harris,
Fracking Comes to the Fore
the rundown

For Kamala Harris, Fracking Comes to the Fore

VP adamantly opposes a ban, but it's a big shift from her position as a 2019 candidate

(Newser) - In Kamala Harris' interview with CNN Thursday night, what might have been the "sharpest moment" arose over the vice president's views on fracking, per Politico . Harris made clear she opposes a ban—a stance that will play well in Pennsylvania, seen as something close to a must-win for...

Massive Lithium Find Made in Pennsylvania

Researchers say fracking wastewater could provide 40% of US supply of critical mineral

(Newser) - Researchers in Pennsylvania say they didn't have to dig to find a huge source of a critical mineral. In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports , the University of Pittsburgh researchers say wastewater from fracking in the state could provide up to 40% of the national demand for...

Media Attention Fades, but Their Well Water Is Still Foul

Associated Press looks at the legal aftermath of fracking in Dimock, Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Meeting with a man whose well water has been polluted for years, officials in the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office asked him whether he’d consider accepting a treatment system from the gas driller charged with fouling his aquifer. Not a chance, Ray Kemble of Dimock told them. "Are...

State: Let's Use $16M in Virus Aid for Fracking

North Dakota officials say it would create jobs, but critics are outraged

(Newser) - North Dakota officials are hoping to use federal coronavirus funds for fracking grants—a move that has critics up in arms, the Grand Forks Herald reports. A state energy commission voted unanimously Friday to reallocate over $221 million in congressional virus aid to state agencies, including $16 million for fracking....

A Stunning Reversal on Big Pipeline

Atlantic Coast Pipeline is no longer happening

(Newser) - The companies looking to build the controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline have abandoned the $8 billion project, a stunning reversal that got this reaction out of a senior attorney for the Southern Environment Law Center: "Wow! Wow!" Dominion Energy and Duke Energy partnered on the 600-mile-long, 42-inch-wide natural gas...

RuPaul Reveals 'Hypocritical' Secret on His 60K Acres

America's favorite drag queen talks about his property in Wyoming, South Dakota

(Newser) - RuPaul, the fracking queen? Apparently so. The host of RuPaul's Drag Race let slip in an interview that he's leasing out his massive Wyoming and South Dakota acreage to oil companies, the Guardian reports. In an NPR interview, the revered drag queen corrected host Terry Gross about his...

Over 7 Hours, 10 Candidates Talked Climate Change

Democrats reveal their priorities in CNN town halls

(Newser) - Top Democratic presidential contenders talked tough Wednesday on cutting climate-damaging emissions from oil, gas, and coal, turning their focus to global warming in a marathon evening of town halls. While Republicans might find ammunition in the overwhelming—and overwhelmingly costly—scope of the plans, the 10 Democrats who participated in...

Judge Blocks Wyoming Drilling, Cites Climate Change

Governor criticizes, but environmental advocates sees decision as 'Holy Grail'

(Newser) - A judge blocked oil and gas drilling across almost 500 square miles in Wyoming and said the US government must consider climate change more broadly as it leases public land for energy exploration. The order marks the latest in a string of court rulings over the past decade that have...

Babies Born Near Fracking Wells Are Smaller
Babies Born Near Fracking
Wells Are Smaller

Babies Born Near Fracking Wells Are Smaller

Risk is especially high for those within half-mile, says big new study out of Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Expectant moms who live close to fracking sites are significantly more likely to give birth to underweight babies, according to a comprehensive new study out of Pennsylvania. And the closer they are to the well, the greater the risk, say researchers in the journal Science Advances . The researchers found that...

Nuns Oppose Fracking Pipeline by Building Chapel in Cornfield

Natural gas pipeline would go through land they consider sacred

(Newser) - The sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ order own land in Lancaster County, Penn., that they consider sacred. Now Williams, an energy company, wants to run a gas pipeline through that land—and the nuns have constructed a chapel on the grounds, in the middle of a...

EPA Does U-Turn on Fracking's Threat to Drinking Water

Agency now says scale of impact is unknown

(Newser) - Weeks before it gets an exceptionally fracking-friendly new chief , the Environmental Protection Agency has done a U-turn on the threat the process may pose to drinking water. The final version of a long-awaited report has removed a sentence that says fracking is not having a "widespread, systemic impact" on...

EPA Shuts 17 Fracking Wells After Okla.'s Strongest Quake

Wells were on tribal land; dozens of others will also close

(Newser) - Federal regulators have shut down 17 wastewater disposal wells in the Osage Nation of northeastern Oklahoma following a weekend earthquake that matched the state's strongest on record, state officials confirmed Tuesday. Because the wells are located on tribal land, Oklahoma regulators have no jurisdiction over oil- and gas-producing facilities...

Profs: Doubt Climate Change? Get Out of Our Class

Hundreds have objected to UCCS course online

(Newser) - Hundreds online are fuming after professors at the University of Colorado told students that man-made climate change wouldn't be open for debate in their online course. In an email to students who complained after an initial lecture for "Medical Humanities in the Digital Age," professors Rebecca Laroche,...

Gore Daughter Rejects Plea Deal in Trespass Case

She says she won't stay away from Boston pipeline protest

(Newser) - Karenna Gore isn't backing down from Boston's fracking pipeline protests. Al Gore's daughter, who was arrested after blocking pipeline construction during a protest last month, has rejected a plea deal on trespassing charges that would have required her to stay away from the natural gas pipeline site...

Lawsuit: CEO Used $1M in Funds on Escorts, Strip Clubs

Chris Faulkner allegedly charged it to his 'whore card'

(Newser) - A Texas energy company CEO dubbed the "frack master" is charged with defrauding investors of about $80 million, including misappropriating at least $30 million for personal expenses, including private jets and gentlemen's clubs, to "maintain a lifestyle of decadence and debauchery," according to a lawsuit filed...

Cops: No Sign Fracking Tycoon Killed Himself

He died in fiery wreck a day after indictment

(Newser) - The timing of energy tycoon Aubrey McClendon's death raised suspicions , but police say they've found no connection between the fiery car crash he died in and the fact that the former Chesapeake Energy CEO had been indicted just a day earlier for alleged bid-rigging, reports the Wall Street ...

Lawmaker Sets River on Fire, Blames Fracking

Jeremy Buckingham makes his case in Australia

(Newser) - Could fracking be behind methane gas that's bubbling up in an Australian river? A lawmaker there gave his answer by going out on a boat and setting fire to the water, ABC News Australia reports. "Unbelievable!" says Jeremy Buckingham in a video (WARNING: LANGUAGE) as flames leap...

Jury Awards 2 Couples $4.2M Over Fracking Pollution

Couples argued methane reached water wells in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - It was worth the wait: Two Pennsylvania couples were awarded $4.2 million on Thursday, more than six years after first accusing Cabot Oil & Gas of contaminating their well water. Originally among a group of 44 Susquehanna County residents who sued Cabot in 2009, these two couples—Nolen Scott...

Energy Tycoon Dies in Crash One Day After Indictment

Aubrey McClendon 'drove straight into the wall'

(Newser) - Just a day after being indicted by a federal grand jury over alleged bid rigging, energy tycoon Aubrey McClendon died Wednesday morning in a fiery car wreck that occurred after he "drove straight into [a] wall" in Oklahoma City. Authorities say they need time to determine if the crash—...

Huge Fracking Leak Forced Evacuation in US City

Officials in Arlington, Texas, take Vantage Energy to task

(Newser) - A massive leak of fracking fluid poured into the streets of Arlington, Texas, two months ago and forced the evacuation of a hundred homes. Now city officials have taken Vantage Energy to task for its "unacceptable" handling of the 43,000-gallon spill, WFAA reports. During a city council meeting...

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