Senate Health Committee

13 Stories

How Reid Rescued the Public Option
How Reid Rescued
the Public Option

How Reid Rescued the Public Option

Opt-out plan bridged divides in Dem caucus

(Newser) - The public health insurance plan was brought back from the brink of oblivion thanks to Harry Reid's swift adoption of an "opt-out" plan brought to his attention just three weeks ago. In backroom negotiations with members of the Democratic caucus, the majority leader found that the federal approach bridged...

Public Option a Go: Reid
 Public Option a Go: Reid 
health care reform

Public Option a Go: Reid

Senate bill will include government health plan, with opt-out

(Newser) - Harry Reid will include a public insurance plan in the pending health care reform bill, with a provision allowing individual states to refuse to participate. The Senate majority leader’s bill is likely to include an “opt-out” version of the public plan, taken from the Senate health committee, as...

Drug Makers' Big Spending Pays Off on Hill

Biologics debate shows how lobbyists shape health debate

(Newser) - Drugmakers could get quite a gift from the health care reform bill. Senate and House amendments passed this summer give the makers of biologics—next-generation wonder drugs derived from living matter—12 years of exclusivity on their hyperexpensive products. That’s 7 more years than normal drugs get, and critics...

Will Real Senate Leaders Please Stand Up?

Kennedy's death left a void—and no one is stepping up to fill it

(Newser) - As Democrats fight among themselves over health care, it’s becoming painfully clear that they lack a clear public leader on the issue, writes Manu Raju for Politico. In part it’s because, with a number of House and Senate committees involved, there are too many cooks stirring the pot,...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

No Vote on Health Care Reform Before Fall: Reid

More time is needed to build support for bill, majority leader says

(Newser) - The Senate will not vote on the health-care bill before the August recess, Majority Leader Harry Reid said today, citing the need to build bipartisan support—or even unified Democratic support—for such comprehensive reform, the AP reports. “Working with Republicans, one of the things that they asked for...

Obama Steams as Baucus Holds Up Health Bill

(Newser) - The health care reform bill is now in the hands of the Senate Finance Committee and chairman Max Baucus won't be rushed, Politico reports. The Montana Democrat, under pressure from the White House to get a deal done, has been locked in talks to build bipartisan consensus for financing the...

Reid Pulls Plug on GOP-Friendly Health Plan

(Newser) - Harry Reid yesterday pulled the plug on painstaking efforts to win bipartisan support for health care reform, telling Max Baucus to drop a proposal, aimed at wooing Republicans, that would tax health benefits and leave out a public insurance option. The Senate majority leader told Baucus, the Finance Committee chairman...

Senate Dems Shave $400B Off Health Care Bill

Plan charges employers who don't insure, has gov't option

(Newser) - Senate Democrats outlined a revised health care bill last night that lops $400 billion off the price tag of an earlier trillion-dollar proposal. The plan trims costs, the AP reports, by including a government-run insurance option to compete with private insurers and charging employers $750 annually for each employee not...

Senate Hits Brakes on Health Care

(Newser) - Would-be health care reformers had a bad day yesterday, hitting a series of obstacles that makes hitting President Obama’s August deadline increasingly unlikely, Politico reports. The Senate Finance Committee said it wouldn’t have a package before the July 4 recess, and the Congressional Budget Office slapped a $1....

Chemo Will Keep Kennedy Out of Health Care Debate

Senator calls for legislation to go forward as he starts fresh round of chemotherapy

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy is undergoing a new round of chemotherapy and is expected to miss this month's debate on the health care overhaul he crafted, the Hill reports. The senator has been weakened by his brain cancer treatment, but he has insisted the process move forward during his absence from Capitol...

Dems Proceed on Health Care Without Ailing Kennedy

Dodd takes senator's place in meetings

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's absence is being keenly felt as Senate Democrats and the White House prepare to move ahead on health care legislation without him, the Los Angeles Times reports. The senator, whom lawmakers from both sides had hoped could craft a bipartisan compromise, is being treated for a brain tumor...

'I'm Not Anti- Gay,' Says Would-Be Surgeon General

Grilled in Senate on controversial paper

(Newser) - Despite arguing in a paper that homosexual sex is unnatural and a health risk, President Bush's nominee for surgeon general testified yesterday before a senate committee that he is not anti-gay. Kentucky cardiologist James W. Holsinger Jr. admitted his 1991 paper for the United Methodist Church was not scientific and...

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