Newt Gingrich 2012

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Donald Trump: Vote for Mitt!

He endorses Romney at Las Vegas news conference

(Newser) - In the end, the guys in the high-rent district of the 1% stuck together: Donald Trump today said it was "honor and real privilege" to endorse Mitt Romney for president, reports USA Today . "Mitt is tough. He's smart. He's sharp. Governor Romney, go out and get...

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida
 How Newt 
 Can Rebound 
 From Florida 

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida

Politico, strategists discuss what speaker must do

(Newser) - Newton Leroy Gingrich got drubbed pretty soundly in Florida, and it'll be nearly a month before the next major primaries. What's an ex-speaker to do? Politico weighs in:
  • Have a big idea: Newt's message was all over the place in Florida. "When he wasn’t calling

Trump to Endorse Gingrich—or Romney

And Rick Santorum picks up Sharron Angle's support

(Newser) - Leave it to Donald Trump to infuse Election 2012 with the eau de reality TV: The real estate mogul and self-styled GOP kingmaker yesterday promised a "major announcement" today, which was widely reported to be an endorsement of Newt Gingrich. Except now Politico , Drudge , and CNN are reporting that...

Romney: Newt Never Calls to Concede

'I guess Speaker Gingrich doesn't have our phone number'

(Newser) - Traditionally, etiquette dictates that losing politicians call their rivals and congratulate them after an election—but apparently no one ever told Newt Gingrich that. Gingrich didn't call Mitt Romney after last night's Florida primary, or indeed after any of the contests so far, Romney said today, in interviews...

Newt: I'd Like to Be Played by Brad Pitt, Please

Because if you're going to dream, dream big

(Newser) - Today's dispatch from the Modesty Department: Newt Gingrich was asked a very classic question on a radio show yesterday, as reported by TMZ : If someone decided to make a film about the life of Newt Gingrich, who would play Newt Gingrich? The former speaker's answer: "Brad Pitt...

Media to Newt: We Can&#39;t Quit You!
 Media to Newt: 
 We Can't Quit You! 
Dana Milbank

Media to Newt: We Can't Quit You!

Dana Milbank on why reporters everywhere love Gingrich

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich said something hurtful recently. "All our friends in the news media are very excited and eager to end this race as soon as possible," he told a Florida crowd. But nothing could be further from the truth, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . "You...

Mitt Still Faces Long Fight

 Mitt Still Faces Long Slog 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Still Faces Long Slog

Super PAC cash set to keep rivals going

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won huge in Florida , but this race isn't over yet. Here's what the pundits are taking away from this one:
  • Romney has a much tougher fight ahead than John McCain did at this stage in 2008, analysts tell the LA Times . The reason: super PACs.

Newt Should Stick a Fork In It ... but He Won&#39;t
Newt Should Stick a Fork
In It ... but He Won't

Newt Should Stick a Fork In It ... but He Won't

Campaign is all but over, pundits agree, but Gingrich is sticking around

(Newser) - Mitt Romney positively trounced Newt Gingrich in Florida last night, and the pundits agree that Gingrich's shot at the presidency has been all but obliterated. They also, however, agree that he won't drop out anytime soon:
  • In the New York Times , Ross Douthat offers up four reasons why

Ron Paul Backer Roughed Up at Newt Rally

'Everyone step on his toes,' Gingrich aide said of Eddie Dillard

(Newser) - A Ron Paul supporter was roughed up by Newt Gingrich's security staff and supporters at an event yesterday, and Paul's campaign is seeking an apology from Newt. Eddie Dillard was holding a Paul sign outside a Florida voting precinct when Gingrich's bus pulled up for a campaign...

Santorum: Newt Blew His Chance

I'm the real Romney alternative, he says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich had a chance to become the clear alternative to Mitt Romney but he blew it by losing Florida, Rick Santorum says. "Gingrich has a big boost out of South Carolina and couldn't hold it, couldn't deliver in Florida," Santorum told CNN . I think they'...

Newt Who? Romney Speech Is All About Obama

Gingrich says he's not going anywhere

(Newser) - In his victory speech tonight, Mitt Romney barely mentioned his Republican rivals—maybe worse for Newt Gingrich and company, he gave them faint praise as "able competitors"—and instead focused his attention on President Obama and the general election. "Mr. President, you were elected to lead, you...

No Contest: Romney Wins Florida

He rolls to easy victory over Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - The big news organizations couldn't call this one fast enough. The moment the last of the Florida polls closed at 8pm, AP , CNN , and all the usual suspects declared Mitt Romney the winner. It wasn't tough: With all precincts reporting, Romney had 46.4%, Newt Gingrich 31.9%,...

Gingrich Expects to Lose in Nevada, Michigan

Campaign dials back expectations, sets sights on caucus states

(Newser) - It doesn't look like Newt Gingrich will win in Florida today, and his campaign doesn't think he'll win the next contest either. A campaign spokesman tried to dial back expectations today, telling CNN that Gingrich wasn't expecting much from Nevada—which holds its caucuses five days...

Romney Poised for Decisive Victory

 Romney Poised for 
 Decisive Victory 
Florida Primary Preview

Romney Poised for Decisive Victory

Florida primary polls looking good for Mitt, but there are subplots

(Newser) - Voters will be casting ballots in Florida today, and if polls are any indication, they'll be voting for Mitt Romney. But as always, there are other subplots to watch, too. Here's a rundown of what the pundits are saying:
  • Based on dozens of polls, Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight

'Eye of the Tiger' Guitarist Suing Newt Over Song Use

Survivor's Frankie Sullivan irritated that Gingrich is using 'Rocky III' song

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is going to have to start playing a different song as he battles his rivals, says Survivor guitarist Frankie Sullivan. The rocker is suing Gingrich over his use of "Eye of the Tiger" at campaign rallies, Reuters reports. Sullivan co-wrote the 1982 hit, best known as the...

Newt Slams Obama, Mitt on 'Anti-Religious Policies'

Obama has declared 'war on Christianity,' he says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's latest campaign pledge is to overturn all "anti-religious" policies on his first day in office. On the campaign trail in Florida yesterday, the candidate—a prominent opponent of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque—portrayed himself as the candidate of religious freedom, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Obama Understands People Best: Poll

More than half say he relates to average Americans

(Newser) - No-Drama Obama may be lying low these days, but most Americans say he relates to their problems best. A new Pew Research/Washington Post poll of 1,006 adults gives President Obama good marks on the empathy scale, Politico reports:
  • 55% say he relates to the needs of average people fairly

Limbaugh Blasts 'Whining' Over Negative Campaigns

Right-wing radio host slams Gingrich and Tom Brokaw

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh told his fellow Republicans to buck up and quit whining about negative campaigning . And not just them. "I’m getting tired hearing about it from everyone," Limbaugh said on his radio show . “What in the world is politics? What is it, if not this?” The...

Gingrich: Yes, I'd Endorse Romney

Even though he's 'pro-abortion, pro-gun control, and pro-tax increases'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might spend most of his time bashing Mitt Romney , but that doesn't mean he wouldn't endorse the man if it came to that. "I think re-electing Obama is a disaster and I’ll certainly endorse the Republican nominee," Gingrich said today on Good Morning ...

Which Candidate Handles Hecklers Best?

Comedians assess Santorum, Romney, Gingrich's techniques

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum have all had their share of hecklers this election season (Ron Paul has largely emerged unscathed)—but who's the best at shutting them down? At Slate , David Weigel asked two stand-up comedians to evaluate each candidate's strategy:
  • Santorum tends to launch

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