Mitt Romney 2012

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Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

 Bill Clinton: 
 Smear Romney 
 as a Dirty ... 


Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

Bill Clinton tweaks anti-Romney strategy

(Newser) - Forget branding Mitt Romney as the father of ObamaCare, a flip-flopper, or a champion Etch-a-Sketcher—just call him a conservative, says Bill Clinton. The former president is pushing the current one to adjust his campaign strategy against the likely Republican nominee: Where the Obama team has long knocked Romney for...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

Rudy Giuliani Endorses Romney, Rules Out VP Job

He says he'd have endorsed pal Gingrich if he'd run a better campaign

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani officially endorsed Mitt Romney in a Fox News appearance today, putting aside any lingering animosity from their 2008 contest—and his longstanding friendship with Newt Gingrich. Giuliani had spoken glowingly of Gingrich earlier in the campaign, and says he would have endorsed him if he'd run a...

Arizona Immigration Law Headed to Supreme Court

Politically-charged case could echo in November

(Newser) - Just weeks ago, it was the ObamaCare tussle . Now the Supreme Court is moving on to another politically-charged, high-profile case: a battle over Arizona's controversial immigration law. The case centers on whether Arizona overstepped the boundaries of state power with aggressive police checks on suspected illegal immigrants. But "...

New Romney Spokesman Tweaking Left and Right

Left calls Richard Grenell sexist, right annoyed that he's gay

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's newly appointed foreign policy spokesman Richard Grenell has only been on the job a couple of days, but already he's drawing plenty of heat from both sides of the aisle. The left is upset with Grenell's tendency to make sexist attacks on women, particularly on...

Obama's Big Donors Slow to Write Checks

His fundraising is down compared to 2008

(Newser) - Whether because of the economy, fighting with Wall Street, or the lack of an exciting primary battle of his own, President Obama's fundraising this election cycle is behind where it was in 2008—$196 million as of the end of the March, down from $235 million in March 2008,...

Polygamy Roots Could Hurt Mitt: Montana Gov

Father was 'born on a polygamy commune in Mexico,' Schweitzer says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's family history could count big time against him this fall, according to Montana's Democratic governor. The candidate could be hurt politically "because his father was born on a polygamy commune in Mexico," Brian Schweitzer tells the Daily Beast . Women are "not great fans...

Obama Digs at Romney: No 'Silver Spoon' for Me

He got an education and worked for his success, he says

(Newser) - President Obama spoke in Elyria, Ohio, today and delivered a not-so-thinly-veiled jab at Mitt Romney, notes the Hill : "I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth." Obama didn't mention Romney by name, but the message was clear as he sought to identify himself with...

Romney, Obama in Dead Heat
 Romney, Obama in Dead Heat 

Romney, Obama in Dead Heat

Santorum's exit gives him a boost: CBS/ NY Times

(Newser) - Another new poll (like this one before it) suggests that Rick Santorum's exit from the race has pushed Republicans to rally behind Mitt Romney. A CBS/New York Times survey of registered voters has Romney dead even with President Obama at 46%. Last month, the president held a 3-point lead....

Romney Camp: Obama Ate Dog Meat

Conservatives push back on Seamus story

(Newser) - Here come the dog wars: The Romney campaign, apparently sick of fielding questions about Seamus the Irish setter, is drawing attention to a dog-unfriendly incident in President Obama's past. The president said that he was fed dog meat as a child in Indonesia in his autobiography, Dreams From My ...

Romney: Media Part of 'Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy'

Says intention is to 'divert the message'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney borrowed a phrase from Hillary Clinton today but put his own twist on it, warning of a "vast left-wing conspiracy." The media is a part of it, he explained on Breitbart TV, and their intention is to "do everything they can to divert from the...

Obama 2012 Is Getting Dangerously Cocky

His advisers would do best to remember this isn't a done deal

(Newser) - For months, Michael Tomasky has been telling people that Barack Obama will win reelection easily. "But now I'm jumpy," he writes in the Daily Beast , "because everybody else, and I mean everybody, seems to think this now, too." And that, sadly, includes the Obama campaign,...

Boehner Endorses Romney
 Boehner Endorses Romney 

Boehner Endorses Romney

'It's clear now' Mitt will snag nomination, House Speaker says

(Newser) - John Boehner is officially backing Mitt Romney for president. The Huffington Post notes that the House speaker has dodged the issue for weeks—and the opening line of his endorsement wasn't exactly enthusiastic. "It's clear now that Mitt Romney is going to be our nominee," Boehner...

Ted Nugent: I'll Be 'Dead or in Jail' if Obama Wins

Secret Service is looking into it

(Newser) - Let's see, Ted Nugent said something controversial at the NRA convention. It wasn't the line about living under a government that is "wiping its ass with the Constitution," the comparison of four Supreme Court justices to a "stoned hippie," or even the plea to...

A $2B Election? It's on Track for 2012

Romney, Obama campaigns could each spend $1B

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $750 million for his 2008 run, and John McCain's sum nudged the combined total over the $1 billion mark. How quaint. Come November, the nation's first $2 billion election could be in the books. A memo from the Romney campaign obtained by the New York ...

Ann Romney: Dog Loved Riding Atop Family Car

But Mitt wouldn't transport Seamus same way again

(Newser) - Mitt and Ann Romney spoke to ABC 's Diane Sawyer for their first joint interview of the campaign, and addressed the Seamus issue in response to requests from viewers. The dog, who was in a carrier strapped to the roof of the family car during a 12-hour road trip...

Poll: Romney Catching Obama
 Poll: Romney Catching Obama 

Poll: Romney Catching Obama

Reuters finds two in statistical dead heat

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's exit from the GOP race has given Mitt Romney a boost in his face-off against President Obama, according to the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll. The poll found that Obama's lead against Romney has shrunk from 11 points a month ago to just four points now. Some...

Enough With the &#39;Wars&#39; on Everything
 Enough With 
 the 'Wars' on 


Enough With the 'Wars' on Everything

John Heilemann: Obama accused of battling everything from 'women' to 'reality'

(Newser) - As the war for the White House heats up, Republicans are accusing President Obama of a wealth of other wars—on oil, coal, energy, religion, the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and reality, to name a few. And now both campaigns are accusing each other of waging a war on women....

Romney: Welfare Moms Need 'Dignity of Work'

Pundits see holes in attacks on Hilary Rosen

(Newser) - New twists in the saga on working moms: The Romney campaign has hammered Democrats over Hilary Rosen's comment that stay-at-home mom Ann Romney had never worked—a comment Ann Romney called an "early birthday gift." But MSNBC unearths video of Mitt Romney himself arguing that parents on...

Who&#39;s Winning, State by State
 Who's Winning, 
 State by State 

Election analysis

Who's Winning, State by State

Obama's 2008 wins could bring success in 2012

(Newser) - If President Obama can retain most of the states he won in 2008, his general election prospects look good. But it's by no means a done deal, an AP analysis shows. As it stands, the Democrats appear to have 186 electoral votes in the bag; Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and...

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