Mitt Romney 2012

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GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education
GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education

GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education

Opinions: Santorum, Romney hear it from the right and left today

(Newser) - Republicans are coming across as education bashers on the campaign trail, a sentiment that columnists on both the left (Paul Krugman) and right (Michael Medved) express frustrations with today:
  • Medved, Wall Street Journal : He warns that the "angry, populist tone" of the campaign is alienating the GOP from college

Why I Won&#39;t Shut Up About Mitt Romney&#39;s Poor Dog
Why I Won't Shut Up About Mitt Romney's Poor Dog
gail collins

Why I Won't Shut Up About Mitt Romney's Poor Dog

Gail Collins thinks story is a nice 'diversion' from GOP contest

(Newser) - We've all heard the terrible story about how Mitt Romney once drove 12 hours to Canada with the family dog, Seamus, strapped to the roof of the car —and if you're a regular Gail Collins reader, you've heard the story many times. The New York Times...

Dems: Romney Can't Face Limbaugh, Let Alone Iran

David Axelrod, Romney camp trade slams

(Newser) - The Rush Limbaugh chronicles surfaced on the campaign trail again, with David Axelrod veering off the topic of Super Tuesday to criticize Mitt Romney for his tepid response to the "slut" comment, reports the Huffington Post . If Romney can't stand up to "the most strident voices in...

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways
 7 Super Tuesday Takeaways 

7 Super Tuesday Takeaways

Including how Mitt Romney is like a world-devouring super villain

(Newser) - Now that the dust has cleared, what did we learn on Super Tuesday ? Among the biggest takeaways:
  1. Republicans don't love these guys: "It's almost like a bad version of Goldilocks. Nobody is just right," quips Philip Elliott of the AP . Exit polls showed that a

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

 Mitt Romney 
 Fails to Land 

Mitt Romney Fails to Land Knockout

Race set to drag on despite Mitt winning 5 states

(Newser) - As the dust from Super Tuesday settles, the good news for Mitt Romney is that he won the most states, including the grand prize of Ohio. But he definitely wasn't crowned the champion. Rick Santorum scored decisive wins, and those victories—plus Romney's narrow margin of victory in...

Energy, not Math, on Santorum&#39;s Side
 Energy, not Math,  
 on Santorum's Side 

Energy, not Math, on Santorum's Side

Results good enough to carry him forward ... for now

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won six out of 10 Super Tuesday states, including the big prize of Ohio, but you won't find many pundits calling him the big winner. Instead, pundits are painting him as bruised, while Rick Santorum emerges with a good enough night to carry him forward:
  • Santorum's

Economy, Gas Prices Top Voter Concerns
Gas Prices, Economy Top Voter Concerns: Exit Polls
super tuesday

Gas Prices, Economy Top Voter Concerns: Exit Polls

Social issues not a major concern, polls find

(Newser) - Super Tuesday voters handed victories to three different candidates, but Republicans in all 10 states shared similar concerns, exit polls found. The economy was the number one issue in every state. Despite the recent focus on social issues, few voters names abortion as their chief concern, and there was little...

Super Tuesday Results: Who Won What

Romney wins Ohio, 5 others; Santorum wins 3; Newt 1

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took the biggest Super Tuesday prize of all, Ohio, by a razor thin margin. The state was called for Romney only after 99.4% of precincts reported, giving him 38% to Rick Santorum's 37%. Earlier, Newt Gingrich got a crucial home-state win in Georgia, while Santorum grabbed...

Gingrich: &#39;I&#39;m the Tortoise&#39;
 Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise
the speeches

Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise

All candidates focus on moving on

(Newser) - Super Tuesday began with four candidates in the mix, and it ended the same way. All four are focusing on what comes next:
  • Rick Santorum, speaking before Ohio's results were in, said he would pick up a "couple of gold medals" tonight along with a "whole passel

Obama to GOP: Stop 'Casual' Talk About War in Iran

President also announces new housing initiatives

(Newser) - President Obama hammered Republican presidential hopefuls today for their "casual" talk of the possibility of war with Iran. "What is said on the campaign trail—those folks don’t have a lot of responsibilities," Obama said in his first White House press conference since October. "They...

Romney: I&#39;d Be Like Reagan on Iran

 Romney: I'd Be 
 Like Reagan 
 on Iran 

Romney: I'd Be Like Reagan on Iran

Mitt would pursue 'peace through strength,' he says in 'Washington Post' op-ed

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has an op-ed in today's Washington Post explaining how he'd deal with Iran. The answer? He'd do what Ronald Reagan would, rather than what the "feckless" Barack Obama is doing. In Romney's telling, the Iran hostage crisis ended because "the Iranians well...

Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines
 Super Tuesday: 
 4 Candidates, 
 4 Storylines 


Super Tuesday: 4 Candidates, 4 Storylines

Your look at what to watch for today

(Newser) - It's here at last: Super Tuesday, the day 10 states cast their ballots in the 2012 primary. Here's what's at stake for each of the candidates today:
  • Mitt RomneyExpected to win: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia. Really wants to win: Ohio and Tennessee. Winning both would give him

Ann Romney: I Don't Consider Myself Wealthy

'It can be here today and gone tomorrow,' she says

(Newser) - In what some Democrats are calling another Romney wealth gaffe , Ann Romney told a Fox interviewer that she doesn't consider herself wealthy. "We can be poor in spirit, and I don’t even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing,” she said after being asked whether...

Romney Targets Blue-Collar Voters

Campaign seeks to draw Ohio working-class vote away from Santorum

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has gone all-out to win over working-class voters ahead of today's critical Super Tuesday primary in Ohio. The candidate, fighting back against Rick Santorum's appeal to this vital demographic, spoke surrounded by heavy equipment at campaign events in factories yesterday, focusing squarely on the economy, and...

Santorum in '93: Feds Should Fix Health System

Mitt Romney, flip-flopper? Try Santorum on health care

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has criticized Mitt Romney for flip-flopping on health care , but it turns out Santorum once supported government involvement in health care himself—in his own words, "to alter that marketplace to make it work better." Santorum gave an interview during a heated senatorial campaign in 1993...

Gingrich: Romney Too Rich to Get Gas Prices

Mitt doesn't understand importance of lowering prices, Newt says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney recently panned Newt Gingrich's promise of $2.50-per-gallon gasoline if he's elected president, and Gingrich fired back today on Fox & Friends , claiming Romney just doesn't understand the importance of lowering the price. "If you’re Mitt Romney and you’re rich enough, maybe...

Day Before Super Tuesday, All Eyes on ... Limbaugh

Focus on social issues hurts GOP: strategists

(Newser) - A day before Super Tuesday, the GOP name getting the most play may be ... Rush Limbaugh. Social issues like contraception are taking center stage in the Republican presidential campaign—though birth control is a matter that's "nowhere near the top of what most Americans are most focused on...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

Everybody Slams Limbaugh
 Everybody Slams Limbaugh 

Everybody Slams Limbaugh

Also, will Eric Cantor or Rand Paul be vice president nominee?

(Newser) - Today's talk show theme: Pile on Rush Limbaugh. The conservative talk show host took a bipartisan drubbing worthy of a gold-stuffed piñata, reports Politico , as both sides lambasted his slut comment and subsequent apology . A sampling:
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "I know he apologized, but forgive me if

Eric Cantor Endorses Romney

Just ahead of Super Tuesday, joins chorus of GOP seeking unity

(Newser) - Christmas came early today for Mitt Romney: With just days before the Super Tuesday primary bonanza, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has given the candidate his endorsement, reports Politico . Appearing on Meet the Press this morning, Cantor signaled that he wanted an end to the primary bloodletting: "W e...

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