Mitt Romney 2012

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Romney Super PAC Spent 2x What It Raised Last Month

Restore Our Future spent $13.9M in January

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future were big spenders in January, according to the latest campaign filings. Restore Our Future spent $13.9 million in January—mostly on attack ads—and raised less than half that amount during the same period, Politico reports. Romney's campaign...

Romney's Auto Bailout Stand Haunts Him in Michigan

Chrysler, General Motors should never have been rescued, Mitt argued

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's opposition to the Detroit bailout plan may come back to haunt him in the Michigan primary , the New York Times reports. Not only did Bain Capital, the equity firm he founded, refuse to pump money into a flailing General Motors—Romney himself wrote an op-ed for the...

Contested Convention Would Be Disastrous

David Frum explains how it would pan out

(Newser) - As the GOP struggles to settle on a candidate , some are talking about a "brokered convention," at which party leaders would choose the nominee. But today's parties don't have the kind of power players that used to dominate the political scene—and "you can't...

Jittery GOP Eyes Daniels, Christie

But some call new candidacy a 'fairy-tale'

(Newser) - Republican insiders are increasingly worried that Mitt Romney will come up short with voters—so once again, they're looking toward Indiana and New Jersey for help. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie are hearing renewed calls to enter the race, sources close to the governors tell Politico . For Daniels, "...

Romney Closing Gap in Michigan

Rick Santorum's 15-point lead shrinks to 4

(Newser) - Last week, Rick Santorum led Mitt Romney in the Michigan race by 15 points ; now, that lead is down to just four points, Public Policy Polling finds. Some 37% of voters say they support Santorum, compared to 33% for Romney; Ron Paul follows with 15%, while Newt Gingrich stands at...

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State
 Mitt Must Win 
 Home State 

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State

Says Romney loses all credibility if he can't win Michigan

(Newser) - Woe be to the GOP candidate who can't carry his own home state, says Newt Gingrich: "If Santorum loses Pennsylvania, Romney loses Michigan, or I lose Georgia, I think you have a very, very badly weakened candidacy, for any one of the three of us," Gingrich said...

Forget Hope: Obama Shops Slogan Change for 2012

Incumbency, economy changes 'Change' message

(Newser) - After four years in office and facing continued unemployment and a weak economy— albeit with some signs of life —"Change we can believe in" just isn't going to cut it anymore. So the Obama campaign team is on the hunt of a new slogan, reports Reuters . Some...

Gingrich to Get $10M From Billionaire Backer

Sheldon Adelson will write another big check to super PAC

(Newser) - It's good news for Newt Gingrich—and maybe Mitt Romney: Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson will fork over at least $10 million more to the pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future, a source tells CBS News . That about doubles the family's contribution to the super PAC, whose barrage of...

Debate Frenzy Ending? CNN Cancels One in March

Everyone but Newt Gingrich turned it down

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich would probably love to fill an hour or more of debate time all by his lonesome, but CNN would rather he not. The network canceled a debate scheduled for March 1 after Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum bowed out, reports the National Journal . The trio cited...

Romney Keeps Mum on Mormon Baptism of Jews

Pressure builds to respond to baptism of Nazi-hunter's parents

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is keeping his mouth shut about controversial Mormon baptisms of dead Jews, even though Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel has demanded he speak up. A researcher discovered that the late parents of famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal were baptized in Mormon ceremonies in Utah and Arizona last...

Santorum Releases 4 Years of Tax Returns

Records bare rise in media, consulting fees, nearly double Romney's rate

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has released four years of his tax returns to Politico , and they show that while his income falls a long way short of Mitt Romney's or Newt Gingrich's, his Washington connections have helped him prosper since leaving Congress. His income hit $1.1 million in 2009—...

Santorum Ad Goes After Mud-Slinger 'Rombo'

Romney's negative attacks will backfire, it warns

(Newser) - The newest buzz-generating character on the campaign trail is "Rombo," courtesy of a Rick Santorum ad. In it, a Mitt Romeny lookalike tries to spray Santorum with a mud gun only to have it backfire on his white shirt. Romney's "negative attack machine is back, on...

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan
 Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

And his supporters think he'll win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign machine has revved into overdrive in Michigan, sending top operatives to the state and pouring money into TV ads, including a $1.3 million buy yesterday—not that Team Romney thinks it's got anything to worry about. Despite the most recent poll data , Romney's...

Economy Hikes Obama Poll Numbers

Prez now ahead of all four GOP contenders

(Newser) - The rising economy may be enough to carry President Obama to a second term, according to the latest New York Times / CBS poll. The percentage of people feeling optimistic about the economy has surged over the last few months, the poll found, and Obama's approval rating is back...

Obama: 47 Romney: 42 Roseanne: 6

Comedian polling better than 'undecided'

(Newser) - She swears it's no joke, and Public Policy Polling is apparently taking Roseanne Barr's presidential run at face value. It included her in a new poll and found that she would draw 6% of the vote in a race against President Obama (47%) and Mitt Romney (42%). She...

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
 Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
Nate Silver

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans

Nate Silver says Rick Santorum's voters are a lot more enthusiastic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's got a big problem in his fight with Rick Santorum: His supporters are a lot less enthusiastic, observes Nate Silver of the New York Times . According to one poll, Santorum is beating Romney by 11 points among people who are definitely going to vote. Romney leads by...

Detroit Bust Would've Been Better Than Bailout

Ex-Prez Bush says bailout his idea, and a good one

(Newser) - Three years ago, Mitt Romney wrote that President Obama should " Let Detroit Go Bankrupt ," instead of bailing out the struggling auto industry, in a famous New York Times column. And today? Even with the American auto industry on the rebound, Michigan's GOP primary looming on Feb. 28,...

Romney, Santorum: It&#39;s a Tie
 Romney, Santorum: It's a Tie 
new polls

Romney, Santorum: It's a Tie

Two candidates are basically sharing first place at this point

(Newser) - Three polls, three declarations about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum: virtual tie, statistical tie, and essential tie. According to Pew , Gallup , and the New York Times/CBS News , Romney officially has some company at the top following Santorum's wins in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri :
  • Pew's poll, released yesterday, puts

Dog Lovers to Protest Mitt at Westminster Dog Show

The Dogs Against Romney 'Super Pack' not happy with how he treated his pooch

(Newser) - Dog lovers are still hounding Mitt Romney over his treatment of a family pet on a road trip in 1983 . The Dogs Against Romney "Super Pack" plans to hold a protest outside the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show to "ensure pet lovers are aware that Mitt Romney is...

National Review to Gingrich: Drop Out

Conservative magazine's editors urge Newt to exit presidential race

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review have a message for Newt Gingrich: It's time to go. Rick Santorum is increasingly emerging as Mitt Romney's main challenger, as he overtakes Gingrich in contests won , delegates, and poll numbers , and the conservative magazine's editors want to see a Romney-Santorum...

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