Mitt Romney 2012

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Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

Kerry Blasts Romney as a Flip-Flopper

Few politicians 'have changed on as many issues as he has'

(Newser) - Maybe John Kerry was for Mitt Romney before he was against him, but count the Massachusetts senator as definitely not a Romney fan now. Kerry took a moment out of an appearance on Meet the Press to specially blast the former governor of his state, reports Politico, saying, "There...

Pro-Mormon Ads Specifically Skirt Primary States

'I'm a Mormon' ads not running in Iowa, NH, SC

(Newser) - The Mormon Church has stepped up an advertising campaign aimed at overcoming their poor image among many Americans . The ads, which stress that Mormons are regular people, are airing in 21 media markets—but not in the key primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Church officials say...

Romney Staff Wiped Records Before '08 Bid

Dems demand Massachusetts emails

(Newser) - Just before Mitt Romney left the Massachusetts governor's office and launched his previous bid for the presidency, 11 of his top aides took the unusual step of buying their state-issued hard drives, and the administration's emails were wiped from a server, the Boston Globe finds. The Democratic National...

GOP Pounces on Obama's 'Lazy' Remark

He was talking about foreign investment, but it doesn't matter

(Newser) - Prepare to hear the word "lazy" a lot in future political ads. As Politico notes, Republicans are jumping all over comments President Obama made last weekend in response to a question about the US luring foreign investors. "We’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the...

Paul Krugman: Why Mitt Romney's Wrong About Vouchers for Veterans

 Why Romney's 
 Wrong About 
 Veterans' Health 
paul krugman

Why Romney's Wrong About Veterans' Health

Current system exemplifies effective healthcare: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - With his proposal to give veterans vouchers for private insurance, Mitt Romney’s trying to fix something that ain’t broke. In fact, the current Veterans Health Administration is “a huge policy success story, which offers important lessons for future health reform,” writes Paul Krugman in the New ...

One More Time: Republicans Debate Again
 Romney: Obama Win 
 Means Nukes for Iran 

Romney: Obama Win Means Nukes for Iran

Perry doesn't stumble, pokes fun at his previous gaffe

(Newser) - Unsparing in their criticism of President Obama, Republican presidential hopefuls also disagreed among themselves tonight on Afghanistan, waterboarding, and Iran. Some debate highlights:
  • Mitt Romney: "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.

Republican Debates Thrive in Reality TV Culture
 Why Do We Tune In? 
 'Cause It's Reality TV 
GOP Debates

Why Do We Tune In? 'Cause It's Reality TV

'Instantaneous' judgment reflects shows like 'Survivor'

(Newser) - The Republican presidential debates are exerting a strong influence on this year's race, and even seem entertaining—but why? It's not just Rick Perry's penchant for the deadly 53-second pause or Michele Bachmann's ability to reinterpret US history , analysts say. It's our reality-TV culture of...

Things to Watch in Tonight's GOP Debate

Focus is on foreign policy

(Newser) - The Republican candidates are back at it tonight in a debate expected to focus on foreign policy. David A. Graham at the Daily Beast has five things to watch, including:
  • Artful dodges: Yeah, the theme is foreign policy, but given weak voter interest, expect the candidates to pivot toward national

Now Who's No. 2, All by Himself?

As GOP contenders stumble, Newt Gingrich is gaining traction

(Newser) - Is Newt Gingrich finally winning over the GOP base, or is he just the latest not-Mitt-Romney? Despite early gaffes ( big debts at Tiffany's , paid-for Twitter followers ) that sent his support plummeting, created money problems , and caused staff members to resign en masse, Gingrich has not only stuck...

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina
Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

He wasn't expected to, but nobody seems to be challenging

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn’t supposed to win South Carolina. That’s been the conventional wisdom all election cycle, given his fourth-place finish here in 2008. And yet, CNN can’t help but notice that with the clock ticking, Romney’s still at or near the top of the polls in...

Election 2012: New Poll Shows Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Tied for Second Behind a Damaged Herman Cain
 Gingrich, Romney 
 Tied for Second 
new poll

Gingrich, Romney Tied for Second

Behind a damaged Herman Cain, according to new poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Newt Gingrich appears to have crawled his way into the top tier of the GOP presidential field. A new CBS News poll has Gingrich tied with Mitt Romney for second place, at 15% each. Ahead of both is Herman Cain with 18%, but the poll...

Eastwood: I Love Herman Cain's Story

'He’s a doer and a straight-talker,' director says

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood, currently promoting his J. Edgar Hoover biopic J. Edgar, tells the Los Angeles Times that while he's a liberal on many issues, he cast his vote for Eisenhower in 1952 and hasn't picked a Democratic presidential candidate since. "I’ve always been very liberal when...

Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Others Losers in CNBC Debate
 So, Who Else Lost the Debate? 
GOP Debate Roundup

So, Who Else Lost the Debate?

Because Rick Perry obviously did

(Newser) - The moment that will live in infamy from last night’s debate , the gaffe that overshadowed everything else, was Rick Perry’s utter meltdown as he forgot one of the agencies he himself wanted to eliminate. But there were other people onstage, and here’s how people are grading them...

'Oops': Perry Forgets Name of Agency He'd Abolish

He fumbles badly; Cain allegations get barely a mention

(Newser) - The GOP candidates debated again tonight, with a wonky focus almost exclusively on the economy, reports AP . Despite all the policy talk, though, it's a safe bet that a big story line will be a doozy of a blooper by Rick Perry: He promised to abolish three federal agencies—...

Jon Huntsman's New Website: 'Scared Mittless'

Site depicts Mitt Romney running away from the race

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is taking aim at Mitt Romney with a cheekily named attack site/Internet ad mocking his strategy of avoiding pesky things like reporters. Called " Scared Mittless ," the site, which was spotted by the Atlantic Wire , features a video detailing his various evasions spliced together with clips of...

President Obama Will Win Election But Can't Fix Economy: Poll

 Obama Will 
 Win, Can't Fix 
nbc/wsj poll

Obama Will Win, Can't Fix Economy

Americans like Obama but fear for country: poll

(Newser) - If a national poll can combine devastating news and a bright ray of sunshine for President Obama, this is it. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows that about 75% of respondents don't like Obama's economic policies and fear the country is headed in the wrong direction....

Romney's Health Plan: The New 'Public Option'

Mitt's approach to Medicare looks a lot like Dems' original proposition: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - He wouldn’t put it this way, but Mitt Romney’s newly unveiled health care plan effectively offers the public option Republicans so opposed in 2009. Romney proposes providing seniors an as-yet-undetermined lump sum to pay either for Medicare or one of many private health plans. This could take his...

Election 2012: Republican Slate Should Have GOP Panicking, Writes Matt Latimer

 Dear GOP: 
 It's Time to Panic 

Dear GOP: It's Time to Panic

GOP field can't beat struggling Obama: Matt Latimer

(Newser) - On the surface, things aren’t looking good for President Obama—but if Republicans want to beat him, they’ll need a viable candidate. And that’s something they don’t appear to have, writes Matt Latimer for the Daily Beast . Instead, they’ve got battered Herman Cain, who’s...

5 Reasons the Republican Presidential Primary Race Is Unusual
 5 Ways the GOP 
 Race Is Just Weird 
'post' analysis

5 Ways the GOP Race Is Just Weird

Late starts and low fundraising set a different tone in 2012

(Newser) - This year's race for the Republican presidential nomination is rather odd, and not because of sexual harassment allegations or possibly drunken speeches . The Washington Post lists five ways this year is a weird one:
  • Starting late and developing slowly. Republicans lollygagged out of the gate, with Mitt Romney filing

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