
Read recent news stories and current events about Florida on Newser.com

Stories 2861 - 2880 | << Prev   Next >>

Florida Election Supervisors Refuse Voter Purges

County officials say the state's list is flawed

(Newser) - In Florida voting, the buck stops with county election supervisors—and they're not letting noncitizen voter purges go on any longer. "We’re just not going to do this," says one. "The list is bad," he says of a list of 2,700 people whom...

Tampa Paper to Gov. Scott: You're Like George Wallace

Editorial: Stop the Florida voter purge

(Newser) - The Tampa Bay Times today calls on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to stop the state's controversial purge of voters , but the editorial is most notable for what accompanies it: a 1963 photo of Gov. George Wallace trying to stop blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama. It asks...

Florida Defies Feds, Purges Voter Lists

GOP says purge needed to keep non-citizens off voting rolls

(Newser) - Feds are telling Florida to quit purging its voter lists, insisting the process is kicking off many legitimate voters, but Florida won't stop, reports the Guardian . State officials say the purging, which so far has removed 2,600 names, is necessary to ensure that non-citizens aren't voting. But...

George Zimmerman Back in Jail
 George Zimmerman Back in Jail 

George Zimmerman Back in Jail

Trayvon Martin suspect surrenders ahead of deadline

(Newser) - George Zimmerman is back behind bars this afternoon after surrendering to Florida authorities after a judge revoked his bail and gave him 48 hours to turn himself in, reports the New York Times . Zimmerman lawyer Mark O'Mara announced his client's return to jail in a blog post, and...

Woman's Long-Lost Dad Is Face-Eating Victim

Janice Poppo DiBello had never met her father, Ronald Poppo

(Newser) - The estranged daughter of the homeless man whose face was eaten in that horrific Miami crime was astonished to find that her long-lost father was the victim. New Jersey's Janice Poppo DiBello, 44, had never met her biological father, Ronald Poppo, 65, who is now hospitalized with most of...

Florida Candidate Changes Name to .Com Address

Meet VoteforEddie.com

(Newser) - On the congressional ballot in Florida this November, voters will see the name of one of the candidate's websites: VoteforEddie.com . That's because Eddie Gonzalez, a contender for the spot in the House of Representatives, legally changed his name to, yes, VoteforEddie.com, reports AP . "Since I'...

500K Jobless Lose Benefits Earlier Than Expected

...in just the first 6 months of 2012

(Newser) - Come June, about 70,000 people will lose long-term unemployment benefits sooner than they expected, bumping the number of people who've had the rug pulled out from under them in the first six months of the year to nearly 500,000, the New York Times reports. Congress renewed its...

Victim of Naked Face-Eater Fights for Life

Miami police are quiet on details in the aftermath of gruesome attack

(Newser) - The man attacked Saturday in Florida by a naked man who tried to chew off his face is fighting for his life in a Miami hospital, reports the Miami Herald , which reveals that the attacker also reportedly tried to gouge out the victim's eyes. But beyond that, there are...

Killer Florida Mom Shot Her 4 Kids 18 Times

Tonya Thomas, children had troubled past

(Newser) - Tonya Thomas shot her four children 18 times in Tuesday's massacre , and two of them were shot as the gun pressed against their chests, according to the medical examiner's report. She used jacketed, hollow-point bullets, which cause more damage than full-metal jacket rounds, and used a single Taurus...

Cops: Florida Mom Kills Her 4 Kids, Herself

Friend got a warning text from Tonya Thomas, didn't see it

(Newser) - A 33-year-old mother shot and killed her four kids, ages 12 to 17, before killing herself as police closed in on her home today, reports MSNBC . Police say they don't have a motive, but they say Tonya Thomas sent a text to a friend about 3am declaring that she...

Skulls Buried in Florida Backyard Date to 1200 AD

Investigators have no idea how Inca skulls got there

(Newser) - Police in Florida investigating two skulls found in a backyard say that while they definitely have a mystery on their hands, they're not looking for a killer. That's because investigators have determined that the skulls belong to a man and a 10-year-old boy who died in Peru as...

236K Lose Jobless Benefits
 236K Lose Jobless Benefits 

236K Lose Jobless Benefits

Some of country's hardest hit states see benefits expire

(Newser) - Unemployment benefits abruptly dried up for 236,300 people this weekend, as federal support for the long-term unemployed expired in some of the country's hardest-hit states. Thanks to a law Congress passed in February, long-term benefits are being scaled back from 99 weeks to 79 weeks, the Hill explains....

Woman Gets 20 Years for Firing Warning Shot

Florida's Marissa Alexander was fending off husband

(Newser) - A Florida woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison today for firing what she says was a warning shot to scare away her attacking husband. In the intensely controversial case, Marissa Alexander claims she was fleeing from her abusive husband when she fired a gun into the wall of...

Child Porn Suspect Wields Samurai Sword on Computer

He strikes as police enter his apartment

(Newser) - Yesterday's line of the day from the crime blotter involved a disassembled gun hidden inside a bunny, a bear, and Mickey Mouse. The Miami Herald may have topped it today with a lede spotted by BoingBoing .
  • "A Florida man stabbed his computer with a Samurai sword after being

Florida Teacher Made Teens Wear 'Cone of Shame'

Yep, the kind of cone that dogs wear

(Newser) - Some teachers work their students like dogs—but in Florida, one science teacher apparently treated her students like canines. Laurie Bailey-Cutkomp, 47, made at least eight of her ninth-graders wear a "cone of shame" last month, reports the Tampa Bay Times . And this particular cone isn't a dunce...

Obama Has a Gay-Marriage Headache in 7 States

Decision could cause problems during election in key states

(Newser) - President Obama’s official embrace of gay marriage will certainly energize some of his supporters, but it’s also sure to give him grief in these seven states, as rounded up by Politico :
  • North Carolina: As evidenced by the recently-passed constitutional amendment banning it, gay marriage is not very popular

White Supremacists Busted Near Disney World

'American Front' was preparing for a race war: Police

(Newser) - Ten hard-core white supremacists have been arrested in Florida, where they were training for a race war in America, reports Reuters . Those arrested were members of the American Front neo-Nazi group, and the suspects include local leader Marcus Faella, 39. They trained on his property in St. Cloud—about 10...

Florida County's Libraries Ban 50 Shades of Grey

Cite concern over 'pornographic' EL James books

(Newser) - A Florida county's library system has banned the erotic-fiction 50 Shades of Grey trilogy in light of its "perceived pornographic nature," a spokesman tells NBC Miami . Brevard County's 17 libraries had ordered 19 copies of the three EL James books, and there was a waiting list...

Hispanics Key to 2012 Electoral Map

And things aren't looking good for Mitt Romney

(Newser) - If he wants to win in November, Mitt Romney will need to make giant strides among Hispanics, and he knows it. A failure to do so "spells doom for us," he was caught saying at a fundraiser. President Obama already appears to have a large electoral-vote lead—247...

Florida Band Players Face Charges in Hazing Death

Music profs resign in separate incident

(Newser) - Florida A&M band members will be hit with criminal charges today following a six-month investigation into the hazing death of drum major Robert Champion . The charges come as two music professors at the school have had to resign over alleged involvement in another hazing incident, their lawyer says. A...

Stories 2861 - 2880 | << Prev   Next >>