
Read recent news stories and current events about Florida on Newser.com

Stories 2921 - 2940 | << Prev   Next >>

School's Plan to Boost Test Scores: Feed Kids Placebos

Florida elementary school students given 'FCAT PowerBars'

(Newser) - A Florida elementary school wants its students to perform better on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test … so it's feeding them "placebos." Hagen Road Elementary students will be given an "FCAT PowerBar"—aka an apple-flavored cereal bar with a label reading, "Warning: Improves Writing...

Miami Man Arrested for Threatening Obama

Joaquin Amador Serrapio pleads not guilty after house raid

(Newser) - Federal agents arrested a 20-year-old Florida man for allegedly threatening President Obama during a presidential fundraising trip to Miami last week, NBC Miami reports. Agents raided the home of Miami resident Joaquin Amador Serrapio on Thursday and took him into custody, where he pleaded not guilty to a federal magistrate....

7 States Sue Over Birth Control Rule

Measure on religious employers violates First Amendment, they say

(Newser) - The White House plan to make sure that employees of religious institutions get birth control coverage is back in the news. The attorneys general of seven states—Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas—have sued the federal government over the requirement, reports the Hill . They say the...

Woman Plows Car Into Slow Drive-Thru Customer

Jennifer Lynn Betterly wasn't pleased with the speed at a KFC/Taco Bell

(Newser) - It's called fast food, people. Or so may have gone the thought process of one Jennifer Lynn Betterly, a Florida woman who had just about enough of waiting in line at the KFC/Taco Bell drive-thru in Largo on Saturday night. And so she did what any hungry diner would...

Florida Man Tried to Cash $100 Check ... Gets $3.3M

Well, after being mistaken for a robber and having his head kicked by police...

(Newser) - It's not every day that you walk into a bank planning to cash a $100 check—and ultimately find yourself $3.3 million richer. That's what happened to Rodolfo Valladares, just not quite that smoothly. Valladares, sporting a Miami Heat hat, walked into a Florida Bank of America...

Judge Orders Man to Take Wife on Date
 Judge Orders Man 
 to Take Wife on Date 

Judge Orders Man to Take Wife on Date

Joseph Bray ordered to take his wife bowling, to Red Lobster

(Newser) - Let the punishment fit the crime? A Florida man who appeared in court this week on a domestic violence charge was ordered by the judge to ... take his wife on a date. The charge apparently grew out of an argument Joseph Bray had with his wife—whose birthday he failed...

3 Dead in Florida Hostage Standoff

Man appears to have killed 9-year-old son

(Newser) - Police are still sorting out what happened at a Florida RV park last night, after a standoff that left three people dead and two others badly hurt. Police got a call about a shooting at the park just before 6:30pm, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel . When they arrived,...

Florida Abolishing 'City That Never Was'

Conservationists thwarted developers' plans for Islandia

(Newser) - Florida's smallest city, which spans 33 islands at the north end of the Florida Keys and is home to many more manatees than people, is about to be wiped off the map. The city of Islandia only ever really existed in the minds of developers, who declared it a...

Pythons Squeezing Life Out of Everglades

Invading snakes blamed for drastic decline in mammal populations

(Newser) - The native mammals of the Florida Everglades have been all but wiped out by huge numbers of pythons and anacondas descended from released pets, a new study finds. After nearly a decade of night-time road surveys in the 1.5 million-acre national park, researchers found that raccoon and opossum sightings...

Newt Slams Obama, Mitt on 'Anti-Religious Policies'

Obama has declared 'war on Christianity,' he says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's latest campaign pledge is to overturn all "anti-religious" policies on his first day in office. On the campaign trail in Florida yesterday, the candidate—a prominent opponent of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque—portrayed himself as the candidate of religious freedom, the Wall Street Journal reports....

GOP Erasing District of Tea Party Star

Allen West tells Obama, Democrats 'get the hell out of United States'

(Newser) - Strong conservative , Tea Party favorite, and rising star Allen West could find his congressional seat gerrymandered Democrat—by none other than the Republican Party. West's "sacrifice" at the hands of his own party smells like the latest example of the establishment fighting back against the Tea Party,...

Florida Winner Must Appeal to &#39;5 States&#39;

 Florida Winner 
 Must Appeal 
 to '5 States' 
Tue: primary day

Florida Winner Must Appeal to '5 States'

Florida primary a 'microcosm' of US politics: experts

(Newser) - All eyes will settle on Florida tomorrow as the Republican candidates battle to win the state—or, quips Politico , the "five states of Florida." The state is so diverse in its positions that "it's as good a microcosm of the country as you’re gonna find...

Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla.
 Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla. 

Jeb Bush Staying Silent in Fla.

Rubio also neutral as GOP focuses on state

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been racking up endorsements in Florida but the state's two most prominent Republicans are staying silent. Sen. Marco Rubio says he won't be endorsing a candidate and Jeb Bush has failed to join the party establishment in backing Mitt Romney against Newt Gingrich. Romney has...

Romney's Plan: Make Newt Mad

Mitt went on the offensive after loss in South Carolina, devastating Gingrich

(Newser) - After getting his hat handed to him in South Carolina , Mitt Romney did not tuck tail and wait to see if Florida would continue the GOP's dalliance with Newt Gingrich or finally cement him as the "inevitable" candidate. Rather, the New York Times reports that he turned to...

Romney Pulls Ahead of Gingrich in Florida

New poll shows Mitt at 38%, Newt at 29%

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is on a roll: After an impressive debate performance last night, he's No. 1 in Florida in a new poll. The Quinnipiac Poll has Romney with 38%, followed by Newt Gingrich with 29%, Ron Paul with 14%, and Rick Santorum with 12%. That's quite a difference...

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

 Stakes Colossal 
 for Newt Tonight 
Debate Preview

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

Polls show Romney may have stopped his momentum ahead of CNN Florida debate

(Newser) - The GOP field will have its last debate before the Florida primary tonight, and it just might be a doozy. Here's why:
  • Newt Gingrich's polling advantage may have vanished. The latest CNN poll has Mitt Romney at 36% and Gingrich at 34%, a statistical tie, and a far

Gingrich Promises Moon Colony by 2020

Wants to go boldly into future with 'grandiose' space vision

(Newser) - A stellar idea or just lunacy? Either way, Newt Gingrich wants an American colony on the moon by the end of his second term, reports Politico . Speaking in Florida, home to much of NASA, Gingrich called his moon proposal a "Northwest Ordinance for space," and "grandiose,"...

Romney Pushes Back on 'Anti-Immigrant' Charge

Says Gingrich attack 'unbecoming of a presidential candidate'

(Newser) - Immigration took center stage today as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich fought for votes among Latinos in Florida:
  • Romney criticized Gingrich for calling him "anti-immigrant," calling it "very sad for a candidate to resort to that sort of epithet," reports ABC . At a Univision forum, he

Gingrich: Let's Free Cuba Like Libya

He also blasts Romney's immigration plan as an 'Obama-level fantasy'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich went fishing for Latino voters in a Univision interview today, calling on the US military to back any uprising in Cuba. "I find it fascinating that Obama is intrigued with Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, but doesn't quite notice Cuba," Gingrich said, according to the Washington ...

Gingrich Super PAC Blasts Romney as Obama Pal

Meanwhile, Gingrich says marital problems make him 'more normal'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's super PAC is jumping into the Florida mudslinging contest, with an ad bashing Mitt Romney over his role in helping to devise mandate-based health care. The Winning Our Future PAC, riding high thanks to a $5 million donation from the wife of Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson,...

Stories 2921 - 2940 | << Prev   Next >>