Kamala Harris

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Roseanne Barr Finds Controversy Again

She goes after MeToo accusers as 'hos'

(Newser) - Roseanne Barr is making headlines yet again over controversial statements, this time in regard to the MeToo movement, Sen. Kamala Harris, and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused the Supreme Court's Brett Kavanaugh of assault. The comments came during an interview with conservative radio host Candace Owens. The...

Harris' Dad: Ancestors 'Must Be Turning in Their Grave'

He accuses her of perpetuating Jamaican stereotype

(Newser) - "Half my family's from Jamaica, are you kidding me?" Kamala Harris joked in an interview earlier this month while admitting she'd previously smoked pot and "inhaled." The 2020 Democratic candidate is now getting a tongue-lashing from an angry Jamaican: her own father. "Myself and...

Sanders' Fundraising Team Should Be Celebrating

Campaign raised a whopping $5.9M in 24 hours

(Newser) - Front-runner, indeed . Just 24 hours after officially kicking off his campaign for president, Bernie Sanders has lined his pockets with $5.9 million raised from more than 225,000 donors, according to the Vermont senator's campaign. The New York Times reports the tally is "not unexpected" but...

Trump Is Worried About One Candidate the Most

Joe Biden; his campaign, however, is focusing on Harris, Warren, and Booker, reports Politico

(Newser) - As the Democratic field begins to take shape for 2020, Politico reports that President Trump is worried about Joe Biden—who remains undecided about a run—more than any other candidate. Trump reportedly thinks that Biden would give him the toughest run in a general election, but that's assuming...

Kamala Harris Joins 2020 Race
Kamala Harris
Joins 2020 Race

Kamala Harris Joins 2020 Race

California senator seen as one of the most prominent black women in politics

(Newser) - The field of 2020 Democratic challengers is already getting crowded. California Sen. Kamala Harris announced Monday on ABC's Good Morning America that she's in. Harris is the fourth prominent woman to join the race, behind Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. She is also...

Trump Had Warned California. Today, Another Shot Fired

President says he's cutting off FEMA money unless state gets 'act together, which is unlikely'

(Newser) - When President Trump demanded California get its wildfires in check , he apparently meant business. "Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest fires that, with proper Forrest Management, would never happen," Trump said in a Wednesday tweet, ultimately replaced with one in which "...

On the Line for Senators During NBA Finals: Booze

California, Ohio pols bet each other wine, beer as Warriors take on Cavaliers

(Newser) - With the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers meeting for their f ourth straight NBA finals , senators from Ohio and California are keeping things interesting with a bet. California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris have bet a case of California chardonnay and a case of beer from Anchor...

Senators: Trump Lacks 'Legal Authority' for 'Bloody Nose' Hit

Democrats warn that Congress must OK any preemptive strike on North Korea

(Newser) - If President Trump has any plans to give North Korea a "bloody nose" with a preemptive nuclear strike, he'd better go through the proper channels first. That's the gist of a letter, due to be delivered to Trump Monday, from 18 Democratic senators that warns of the...

Senators Accused of Sexism After Sen. Harris Shut Down

She was interrupted by male colleagues for a 2nd time

(Newser) - Senators were accused of sexism and possible racism Tuesday after the only minority woman on the Senate Intelligence Committee was shut down by male colleagues during the questioning of Attorney General Jeff Sessions . Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat, was reprimanded by GOP Sens. John McCain and Richard Burr for...

4 Wins for Diversity on Election Night
4 Wins for Diversity
on Election Night

4 Wins for Diversity on Election Night

US has its first Latina senator

(Newser) - Though Hillary Clinton failed to become the first female US president, diversity prevailed on Election Night in other ways. The history-making results in four states:
  • Nevada: Former Nevada attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto, 52, won a competitive race to take retiring Sen. Harry Reid's seat, becoming the first Latina

US Senate Hopeful Dabs on Her Opponent

'RIP Dabbing'

(Newser) - "The dab is dead because it's been used by a politician during a US Senate debate," the San Francisco Chronicle eulogizes. "RIP dabbing. It was a good run." NPR explains: Loretta Sanchez, one of two Democrats competing for California's first open US Senate seat...

Who Might Take Scalia&#39;s Seat?
 Who Might Take Scalia's Seat? 

Who Might Take Scalia's Seat?

Look toward the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit

(Newser) - With the death of Antonin Scalia , the longest-serving justice on the Supreme Court, comes the inevitable question of who might succeed him on the bench. Some of the bigger names being floated, via USA Today and Roll Call :
  • Sri Srinivasan: The 48-year-old Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit judge

Native Americans Don't Love Senate Candidate's 'War Cry'

Loretta Sanchez made 'offensive' gesture during Democratic convention

(Newser) - She jump-started her campaign for a US Senate seat just days ago , but Loretta Sanchez has already put her foot in her mouth—by putting her hand to her mouth. The California congresswoman was talking with a group of Indian Americans at her state's Democratic convention Saturday night when...

Calif. AG Will Try to Block Act Legalizing Gays' Murder

Kamala Harris seeking court order to avoid title and summary

(Newser) - California's AG is doing her best to ensure a proposed ballot measure that would legalize the murder of gay people never makes it off her desk. Kamala Harris yesterday declared she's seeking a court order that would allow her to stop the Sodomite Suppression Act , proposed by lawyer...

Who Replaces Eric Holder?
 Who Replaces Eric Holder? 

Who Replaces Eric Holder?

Deval Patrick, Kamala Harris turning up on lots of lists

(Newser) - With Eric Holder leaving the post of attorney general, attention shifts to who will succeed the man President Obama today praised as "the people's lawyer." (Read Obama's full remarks here .) Whoever it is will surely face a bruising confirmation battle given Republicans' disdain of Holder,...

California AG Wants Gay Marriages to Resume Now

But appeals court might wait 25 days

(Newser) - So when will wedding bells resume tolling in California for gay couples? It typically takes 25 days for a Supreme Court ruling to take effect, explains the San Jose Mercury News . That would take us to July 21, but state attorney general Kamala Harris said today that it's not...

Obama Apologizes for Praising AG's Looks

He calls California attorney general Kamala Harris to say sorry

(Newser) - President Obama caused such a ruckus by praising the looks of California attorney general Kamala Harris that he called her last night to apologize "for creating this distraction," an aide tells USA Today . During a fundraiser in the state yesterday, the president called attention to Harris in the...

Obama Chided for Praising Attorney General's Looks

Once again, critics call White House a 'boys' club'

(Newser) - President Obama has been criticized for making his second-term Cabinet too much of a boys' club, and a comment he made yesterday only served to resurrect the debate, reports the Washington Post . After praising the legal abilities of California Attorney General Kamala Harris while at a fundraiser in the state,...

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Not DOA 

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA

As Wayne LaPierre calls mayor 'reckless,' 'insane'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was today busily putting his mouth where his money will be tomorrow, Politico reports, when he kicks off a $12 million ad blitz targeting 13 senators considered vulnerable on gun control. Appearing on Meet the Press, the New York City mayor said "we are going to win"...

More High-Profile GOPers Sign Pro-Gay Marriage Brief
More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

Deadline for Obama to do same is today

(Newser) - Prominent Republicans keep coming out of the woodwork to sign onto a legal brief that pushes the Supreme Court to throw its weight behind gay marriage. More than two dozen have added their names since the amicus brief first made headlines , bringing the total signatures up to more than 100....

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