breast cancer

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Cynthia Nixon: I Survived Breast Cancer

'Sex and the City' star comes clean about her battle 2 years ago

(Newser) - "Sex and the City" actress Cynthia Nixon quietly fought breast cancer two years ago while performing on Broadway, she revealed for the first time yesterday. "I didn't really want to make it public while I was going through it. I didn't want paparazzi at the hospital," the...

Alcohol Linked to Breast Cancer
 Alcohol Linked to Breast Cancer 

Alcohol Linked to Breast Cancer

A drink a day raised risk 32% for older women: study

(Newser) - Alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer in older women by more than 50%, according to a new study. In an analysis of data from more than 184,000 post-menopausal women, those who had one or two drinks a day were 32% more likely to develop breast cancer tumors,...

Cancer Drug Sales Push Genentech Profits Up 12%

But analysts say Avastin sales slowing

(Newser) - Biotech firm Genentech said sales of its blockbuster cancer drug Avastin fueled a first-quarter profit increase of 12%, reports the Wall Street Journal, but the $600 million in sales was below analysts’ projected $622 million, causing some to grumble the drug may have reached a sales plateau. Genentech stock edged...

As Mammograms Go Digital, Docs Call More Women Back

Imaging changes prompt cancer concerns as experts learn the ropes

(Newser) - As more radiologists switch from film to digital mammogram imaging, they must learn new interpretation techniques—and that means more healthy women face a dreaded recall for further testing, the New York Times reports. During the changeover, “there’s an increase in the rate of things you think are...

Alcohol and Hormones Raise Cancer Risk: Study

Even casual drinking heightens breast cancer risk 3-fold, researchers say

(Newser) - Postmenopausal women who drink casually while taking hormones will raise their chance of getting breast cancer, researchers said today. A Danish study of 5,000 women showed that those on estrogen and other hormones increased breast cancer risk three-fold by downing one or two drinks a day; a third drink...

Drug Therapy Cuts Risk of Breast Cancer Relapse

Aromatase inhibitors work after tamoxifen regimen ends

(Newser) - New research shows that women can cut the risk of breast cancer recurring years later by taking certain drugs, the Washington Post reports. Studies show that the drugs, known as aromatase inhibitors, sharply reduced the risk of cancer's return after women had finished their regimen of the widely used tamoxifen....

Women at Risk After Hormone Therapy: Study

Breast cancer risk continues, but other health threats diminish

(Newser) - Breast cancer remains a risk for women even after they stop taking hormone therapy, researchers said yesterday. A follow-up to a 2002 study showed that women who dropped estrogen and progestin still had a 24% greater breast cancer risk. But their chance of a stroke, heart attack, or blood clot...

Hormone Therapy Skews Diagnosis
Hormone Therapy Skews Diagnosis

Hormone Therapy Skews Diagnosis

Drugs increase false mammogram results, unnecessary biopsies

(Newser) - Women who use hormone replacement therapy to combat menopause symptoms are more likely to get false mammogram results and have unneeded biopsies, new research shows. The UCLA analysis of an earlier study of more than 16,000 women found that 35% of those on hormones received skewed test results, as...

Insurer Owes Patient $9M for Ending Policy

Calif. firm canceled her plan in the middle of chemo treatments

(Newser) - A California health insurance company owes a breast cancer patient $9 million in damages after it canceled her policy in the middle of chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer, the LA Times reports. The arbitration judge called Health Net’s actions “despicable." The hefty ruling, the largest of its...

FDA Clears Avastin for Breast Cancer

Ruling rejects own panel's advice; drug now used for lung, colon treatment

(Newser) - The FDA has approved a drug currently prescribed to treat lung and colon cancer for use on breast cancer patients, the AP reports. The decision defies the advice of the FDA's own advisory panel, which recommended that Avastin not be used to treat breast cancer on the grounds that it...

US Cancer Deaths on the Rise
US Cancer Deaths on the Rise

US Cancer Deaths on the Rise

But mortality rate is still dropping, doctors say

(Newser) - Cancer deaths in the US rose slightly in 2005, according to the American Cancer Society's latest report, but the news isn't all bad: the cancer mortality rate declined 1%, continuing the downward trend since the early 1990s, the Dallas Morning News reports. "As an aging population, we will see...

City Lights Linked to Breast Cancer
City Lights Linked
to Breast Cancer

City Lights Linked to Breast Cancer

Scientists believe lights suppress tumor-fighting hormone

(Newser) - Women who live in areas with a large about of night-time light face an increased risk of breast cancer, and scientists believe it may be because the light interferes with a tumor- fighting hormone, reports the Washington Post. Researchers compared satellite images at night with cancer registries and found breast...

Obesity Linked to Cancers
Obesity Linked to Cancers

Obesity Linked to Cancers

Strong connections between weight and cancer in men and women

(Newser) - Researchers have identified a powerful link between being overweight and the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Strong links were discovered between obesity and cancer of the esophagus in men and women, and uterine endometrial and gallbladder cancers in women, reports WebMD. Researchers also found modest connections between obesity...

More Women Electing Extra Cancer Surgery

Double mastectomies on the rise, despite less-invasive options

(Newser) - More women are going to extremes after a breast cancer diagnosis, opting for double mastectomies instead of single ones or mere lumpectomies, the Washington Post reports. The number rose 150% over 5 years, despite evidence that less-invasive treatments are just as effective in saving lives. "I didn't want to...

Sheryl Crow: Single, Singing & Cancer-Free

Crooner, 45, starts fresh with adopted child and new record

(Newser) - Singer Sheryl Crow took one of life's "Detours"—the name she has given to her new album—after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, the Telegraph reports. She now says that serious illness always brings a lesson: “For me, it was to quit worrying about what...

Hormone Therapy May Triple Risk of Breast Cancer

Risk increases in just three years, study finds

(Newser) - Millions of women who take combination hormones to counter symptoms of menopause may be three times more likely to develop a certain type of breast cancer, according to a new study. Most researchers assumed it takes five years of daily estrogen and progestin to increase cancer risks, but the threat...

Breast Cancer Risk Seen for Latinos, Blacks

Scientists find higher prevalance of mutated gene in new study

(Newser) - A genetic mutation that increases the risk of breast cancer has been linked to Hispanic and young black women, according to a new study. The findings could lead to changes in screening, the San Jose Mercury News reports. In the survey of 3,181 women with breast cancer, 16.7%...

Researchers Find New Breast Cancer Marker

Discovery predicts which early tumors will become cancerous

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of women may avoid unnecessary treatment for breast cancer in the future, thanks to the discovery of a means to predict which precancerous breast tumors will become cancerous, the Chicago Tribune reports. Researchers found molecular markers that can be used to identify—out of 50,000 women...

Study: Many Can Safely Skip Chemo for Breast Cancer

Gene test predicts risk of recurrence

(Newser) - Thousands of breast cancer patients could be spared the misery and expense of chemotherapy, or at least get a milder regimen than what's usually prescribed, according to a new study. A new genetic test that predicts women's risk of recurrence shows that up to 40% of patients with early stage...

Mammograms Hard to Read Even When There's a Lump

Radiologists miss tumors 21% of the time

(Newser) - The accuracy of mammograms is highly dependent on the radiologist reading them, not only in finding easy-to-miss tumors but in diagnosing visible lumps, reports Reuters. "On average, 21 percent of breast cancers were missed and 4.3 percent of women underwent a biopsy even though they didn't have breast...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>