North Africa unrest

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Yemen Protests Rage Despite Saleh Deal

Skeptical thousands still throng Sanaa square

(Newser) - Thousands of anti-government protesters held their ground today in the Yemeni capital's Change Square despite President Ali Abdullah Saleh's acceptance yesterday of an Arab proposal to leave office after 32 years in power. A coalition of seven opposition political parties also agreed to the proposal with several reservations,...

Heavy Shelling Continues in Misrata: Rebels

At least 25 dead, dozens wounded in latest round

(Newser) - Heavy fighting continues in Misrata despite claims by Libya’s government that the army has halted operations there , and at least 25 have been killed and 71 wounded in the latest round. Libya’s deputy foreign minister said early today that the army has not withdrawn from the city, but...

Syria Protests: Forces Fire on Funerals, Kill at Least 3
 Syria's Two-Day 
 Death Toll Rises to 120 

Syria's Two-Day Death Toll Rises to 120

Two lawmakers resign over government force

(Newser) - The death toll from two days of violence in Syria reached 120 today as security forces fired on tens of thousands of mourners who shouted for the regime's downfall during funeral processions, a human rights group said. Ammar Qurabi, the head of Syria's National Organization for Human Rights,...

Gadhafi Abandons Misrata; Rebels Jubilant

But government forces leave boobytraps as they go

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's troops backed away from Misrata today, reports the AP, as jubilant rebels claimed victory after having withstood nearly two months of shelling. "Misrata is free, the rebels have won. Of Gadhafi's forces, some are killed and others are running away," said a rebel. A...

Syrian Police Open Fire on Protesters

 Syrian Police Open 
 Fire on Protesters 
at least 49 dead

Syrian Police Open Fire on Protesters

At least 27 dead, witnesses and human rights groups say

(Newser) - Syrian security forces fired tear gas and live bullets into crowds of protesters at rallies across the country today. At least 49 people were killed, according to human rights groups, and witnesses tell the AP that one of them was an 11-year-old boy. The state-run news agency reports that officers...

Tunisian Slap That Triggered Arab Unrest 'Didn't Happen'

Family forgives policewoman for 'slap heard 'round the world'

(Newser) - The case against the Tunisian policewoman who inadvertently sparked a wave of protests across the Arab world has been dropped. Vegetable seller Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in protest after Fadia Hamdi allegedly slapped him in the face and confiscated his wares in December. President Zine El Abidine Ben...

Rebels: Gadhafi Days Away From Retaking Misrata

European troops may enter besieged city

(Newser) - The last western Libyan city still in rebel hands is likely to fall to Moammar Gadhafi's forces within days unless NATO steps up its intervention, a rebel spokesman says. Misrata has been under seige for seven weeks and its people are like "rats in a cage," the...

WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables: US State Department Secretly Funded Syria Opposition
 US Secretly Funded 
 Syrian Opposition 
wikileaks reveal

US Secretly Funded Syrian Opposition

Diplomatic cables show $6M went to one group

(Newser) - Newly released diplomatic cables show that the US State Department has secretly funded opposition groups in Syria, as well as a London-based satellite TV channel that offers anti-government programming. The cables, released by WikiLeaks, show that the State Department has given as much as $6 million since 2006 to the...

Seif Gadhafi: Attack on Libya Just Like WMDs, Iraq

Gadhafi's second son backs Libyan tactics against rebels

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's second son was supposed to bring reform to Libya. But now Seif al-Islam Gadhafi is defiant, insisting Gadhafi's forces have not killed any civilians, and vowing to put down the rebel uprising. In his view, the opposition is made up entirely of terrorists led by al-Qaeda,...

In Libya, Moammar Gadhafi's Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya; Meanwhile, 3 Killed in Syria
Gadhafi Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya
plus: 3 killed in syria

Gadhafi Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya

'We don't really know who is holding what': rebel fighter

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's forces shelled the eastern edge of Ajdabiya today, bringing the fight to the front-line rebel town that has been the scene of fierce fighting in recent weeks. Rebel forces fired back with rockets and no government forces entered the city, said a rebel fighter. Rebels acknowledged the...

Libyan Rebels: We're Being Armed

Qatar likely sending weapons; trainers likely on the ground

(Newser) - Libyan rebels are getting a little help from abroad in their quest to drive out Moammar Gadhafi, reports the New York Times, with Gen. Abdel Fattah Younes yesterday confirming that his troops had received weapons from nations he wouldn't name. Qatar's emir said Thursday his nation would send...

US Shops for Country to Take Moammar Gadhafi in
 No Country for This Old Man? 

No Country for This Old Man?

US and African Union looking for a country to take in Gadhafi

(Newser) - No one knows who could replace Moammar Gadhafi, but that isn't stopping the Obama administration from looking for a new home for him, reports the New York Times . Gadhafi has had good ties with many African countries, including Chad, Mali, and Zimbabwe, and there have been a few pro-Gadhafi...

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega
 Libya Rebels Advance to Brega 

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega

Leader says key oil town within reach

(Newser) - An officer with Libya's rebels says after four days of holding back, his forces have advanced to the strategic oil town of Brega. Col. Hamid Hassy said today that following scattered clashes with government forces, the rebels were now near the massive oil facilities—and have with them engineers...

Secret Hand in Syria Crackdown: Iran

And it may soon help protesters in Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Iran has a hand in the revolutions currently sweeping the rest of the Arab world. In Syria, Iran is secretly assisting President Bashar al-Assad to quell the pro-democracy demonstrations, US officials say. But in Bahrain and Yemen, Iran is looking to aid Shiite protesters, thus destabilizing the countries—both US...

Allies to Hand Gadhafi's Assets to Rebels

Rebels also say countries will sell them weapons

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s frozen assets will be lining the pockets of his rebel enemies, under an agreement struck yesterday by NATO, Arab, and African officials at a closed door meeting in Qatar, the New York Times reports. The agreement comes even as divisions arose about how far to take their...

How Rebels Hijacked Gadhafi's Phone Network

System allows for critical battlefield communications

(Newser) - Until a week and a half ago, rebel forces in Libya were waving flags at each other to communicate on the battlefield, because Moammar Gadhafi had cut off their telephone and Internet service. But now that’s all changed thanks to a plan a Libyan-American telecom executive drew up on...

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Gamal and Alaa, Detained in Egypt
 Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained 

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained

Mubarak expected to remain in hospital for the duration

(Newser) - Despite the "heart crisis" he suffered during questioning yesterday, Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was detained last night along with his two sons. The prosecutor general's office ordered Mubarak and sons Gamal and Alaa held for 15 days as authorities investigate charges of corruption and abuse. According to the...

Gadhafi's Nurse: Why I Left Him

Libyan leader changes clothes several times a day like 'a rock star'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's Ukrainian nurse Oksana Balinskaya is still talking about her infamous former employer. This time, she tells Newsweek about how Gadhafi liked to listen to Arab music on an old cassette player, would throw money and candy out of his car window while traveling through poor African countries, and...

Hosni Mubarak Denies Corruption; Protesters Killed in Egypt, Yemen, Syria

 I Am Not 
more protesters killed

Mubarak: I Am Not Corrupt

As former president speaks out, more protesters are killed

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak today gave his first public message since being ousted from the Egyptian presidency, defending himself and his family against “unjust” allegations of corruption. He agreed to cooperate with Egypt’s general prosecutor during the corruption investigation, but called the campaign against him “distortions, lies, and incitement,...

NATO Pushes Gadhafi's Forces Out of Ajdabiya

Airstrikes destroy 25 government tanks in strategic towns

(Newser) - NATO helped to push Moammar Gadhafi’s forces back from the strategic town of Ajdabiya today, with airstrikes hitting killing at least 15 government soldiers. NATO said it destroyed 25 government tanks today, 11 near Ajdabiya and 14 near Misrata, the only rebel-held city in western Libya. Before the airstrikes,...

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