
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

US Ship Broke Laws: China
 US Ship Broke Laws: China 

US Ship Broke Laws: China

Impeccable may have been snooping on Chinese nuclear subs

(Newser) - Beijing said that a US Navy surveillance ship approached by several Chinese vessels this weekend was conducting illegal information-gathering, the Washington Post reports. The US had completely misrepresented the incident in its complaint, a Foreign Ministry rep. said, as the USS Impeccable was in a "Chinese exclusive economic zone"...

Webcam on Board, Teen Drivers on Alert

Mom and Dad monitor kids' driving, hoping for more road safety

(Newser) - If a pilot program sees good results, teen drivers may soon find themselves under surveillance, reports the Washington Post. Parents in southern Maryland find the new webcam system, which records possible unsafe driving practices, a useful tool. Their offspring, however, aren't thrilled at the prospect of losing one of their...

Military Snooped on Troops' Phone Sex

Intercept operators listened to calls of troops, journalists, aid workers for fun

(Newser) - The US military routinely listened in on highly personal private phone calls of Americans calling home from the Middle East, two former operators told ABC News. President Bush has insisted that only the calls of terror suspects are monitored, but the whistleblowers say operators monitored the calls of blameless military...

Web Lets Parents Peek Into School Day

New online tools to monitor lunches, grades, attendance

(Newser) - Parents are taking advantage of new web tools to monitor their children’s activities at school, the Los Angeles Times reports. A California program set to debut next year will allow doting parents to keep an eye on what kids buy for lunch, and let school officials know about food...

Doc, I Think I'm on Reality TV
Doc, I Think I'm on Reality TV

Doc, I Think I'm on Reality TV

Psychiatrists see Truman Show delusion so often it's got its own syndrome

(Newser) - In The Truman Show, Jim Carrey's life was nothing more than a reality TV program, with actors playing his friends and family and millions of viewers watching his every move. Those themes of surveillance and artificiality pervade the lives of a growing number of psychiatric patients—people who think they...

Cops Knocked Over Using GPS to Tail Suspects

Privacy advocates question warrantless, undetectable tracking

(Newser) - As GPS units become cheaper and easier to use, police forces around the country are turning to the technology to easily track suspects. The Washington Post examines the advantages of this new crime-fighting weapon, and the privacy concerns it’s raising among critics. Cops can easily attach a GPS device...

Maryland Cops Spied on Peaceniks

Activists branded terrorists & drug dealers

(Newser) - Groups opposing the death penalty and the war in Iraq were infiltrated and spied on by undercover Maryland State Police officers, according to police logs obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union. Some activists were placed on terrorist and drug trafficking databases with no evidence they were involved in any...

Big Brother Comes to Sweden
 Big Brother Comes to Sweden 

Big Brother Comes to Sweden

New surveillance law has country partying like it's 1984

(Newser) - Don’t believe the hype: “Sweden is no cuddly liberal democracy,” writes Nathalie Rothschild for Spiked, berating her home country for “introducing the most Draconian surveillance law in Europe.” Known as the FRA law but nicknamed "Lex Orwell" by opponents, the legislation gives intelligence agencies...

Big Brother Sees Washington
 Big Brother Sees Washington 

Big Brother Sees Washington

City develops extensive CCTV surveillance network

(Newser) - If you plan to go outdoors in Washington, DC, comb your hair first, because someone's probably going to see you. The capital is ramping up a video surveillance system that puts most others in the entire world to shame, the LA Times reports. Unsurprisingly, the 5,625-camera network has captured...

US Firms Complicit as China Fortifies Police State

'Bush would do what they are doing here in a heartbeat if he could,' expert says

(Newser) - Free Tibet protests 3 months ago allowed China to road-test a new security network before the summer Olympics, Naomi Klein writes in Rolling Stone. Under the so-called “Golden Shield,” China is now installing closed-circuit cameras nationwide linked to facial recognition and other biometric software—technology from big-name US...

EU Eyes Anti-Terror Camera for Every Seat

System watches movement, faces

(Newser) - A camera may be planted in every airline seat in Europe, if an EU plan under development is approved. Dubbed SAFEE (Security of Aircraft in the Future European Environment), the system would also aim cameras at the aisles. Software would then watch for suspicious movements, gestures, and even facial expressions.

Facebook App 'Nose' Where U R
 Facebook App 'Nose' Where U R 

Facebook App 'Nose' Where U R

SNIFF allows users to pinpoint cell phone locations

(Newser) - A Facebook application launching in the UK will put people’s friends on the map—in real time, reports the Times. The Social Network Integrated Friend Finder or ‘Sniff’ app lets users pinpoint a friend’s cell phone down to the nearest 650 feet. Privacy is a priority: users...

House in Rare Hush-Hush Huddle on Spy Bill

First secret session called in 25 years

(Newser) - The House held its first secret session in 25 years last night to debate a revamped spy bill, Reuters reports. Republicans said they needed the secrecy to give examples of how proposed changes to surveillance laws could endanger national security. The Democrats consented—but some skeptics suspected it was a...

Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe
Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe

Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe

ATM surveillance photos show man who used Eve Carson's bank card

(Newser) - Police issued photos today of a "person of interest" in the killing of UNC-Chapel Hill student president Eve Carson, the News and Observer reports. The ATM camera shots show a black man, about 20, who used Carson's bank card and may have been driving her Toyota Highlander. "This...

Bush Urges Congress to Pass Surveillance Bill
Bush Urges Congress
to Pass Surveillance Bill

Bush Urges Congress to Pass Surveillance Bill

Threat growing as House holds up bill over immunity for telecoms, prez charges

(Newser) - President Bush urged Congress this morning to pass an update to the terrorist surveillance bill that expired more than a week ago, CNN reports. Bush said the delay poses "a risk of opening a gap in our intelligence gathering." The bill stalled in the House over a provision...

Stalling Spy Bill Hurts Intel, Admin Asserts

Letter pushes House Dems to pass new wiretapping rules

(Newser) - As House Dems refuse to pass the Senate’s wiretapping bill, the administration is heaping more pressure on them to change their minds, reports Muckraker. A letter to the House intelligence committee from top administration officials claims that the failure to pass the bill is causing “lost intelligence information”...

Mall Gunman Photos Released
Mall Gunman Photos Released

Mall Gunman Photos Released

Police have killer's face, actions on videotape

(Newser) - Images from surveillance videos showing Robert Hawkins, the 19-year-old who killed eight people, and then himself, at Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, Wednesday, were released by the authorities today, the AP reports. Three still images taken by mall security cameras show Hawkins walking into the mall seemingly unarmed, then with...

Mom and Pop Go Big Brother
Mom and Pop Go Big Brother

Mom and Pop Go Big Brother

AT&T rolls out surveillance equipment for small businesses

(Newser) - AT&T will sell technology that allows small businesses to remotely monitor their employees and places of business over the Internet. The Remote Monitor program lets a user check cameras, sensors, and other gadgets in real time over the net. “It is Big Brother, but in this day and...

UK Is Ready for Its Closeup
UK Is Ready
for Its Closeup

UK Is Ready for Its Closeup

With 1 surveillance camera for every 15 Britons, unexamined life is nonexistent

(Newser) - The nation that embraced the "Big Brother" TV show is becoming eerily like the society George Orwell envisioned, reports the LA Times. Litterers under closed-circuit surveillance respond to commands to pick up trash they drop, and errant cyclists are ordered to dismount in pedestrian-only areas. Britons increasingly are trading...

Bush Presses Congress for Snooping Law

Says current law should be expanded and made permanent

(Newser) - Bush pressed lawmakers for extra snooping rights today, the AP reports. Yet many Dems already regret the current law, which allows Feds to spy on some Americans without a warrant. One senator says that "the law did provide authority for collection, but it did not include sufficient protections for...

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