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NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report
 NSA Plays Key 
 Role in Drone 
 Attacks: Report 
Snowden latest

NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report

New Snowden documents reveal agency's involvement

(Newser) - The CIA isn't the only government agency deeply involved in drone attacks. NSA tracking of phone calls, emails, and other "signals intelligence" is essential to the program, documents given by Edward Snowden to the Washington Post show. The agency has a special division, the Counter-Terrorism Mission Aligned Cell,...

Court: We Don't Rubber Stamp All NSA Requests ...

... Just 75.6% of them, top judge testifies

(Newser) - The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court doesn't just rubber stamp every request government spies send it, its top judge protests in a letter sent to Congress—just 75.6% of them. The Justice Department has previously revealed that the court approves 99% of NSA requests. But that number is misleading,...

Russia Will Use 'Prism on Steroids' to Monitor Olympics

Will track all Internet and phone communication at Sochi

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin promised the 2014 Olympics will celebrate the values of "openness and friendship" as he struggled to light the Olympic flame today, but documents obtained by the Guardian suggest that's all just hot air. Russian investigative journalists have found that the country's FSB security service has...

John McAfee Is Back With NSA-Thwarting Gizmo

Murder suspect at large unveils plans for 'Decentral'

(Newser) - If John McAfee's latest tech venture is a hit, the US government might regret letting him flee Belize. The antivirus tycoon-turned-fugitive unveiled plans to create and market a pocket-sized device that would thwart the NSA's surveillance efforts at an event this weekend in San Jose, the Mercury News...

Yet Another NSA Target: Employees' Lovers

Also, director says 'no upper limit' on how many phone records can be kept

(Newser) - We've heard that the NSA kept an eye on Martin Luther King and Muhammad Ali , but it seems there were also lower-profile targets: some of its own employees' lovers. It's referred to as "loveint" (as in, collecting intel on love interests), and the NSA says it's...

Obama's New Hurdle: Ticked-Off Democrats

Opposition has centered on Syria, NSA, Summers

(Newser) - House Republicans haven't made things easy for President Obama—but now, he's facing hurdles within his own party. The New York Times notes that liberals have lately disagreed with Obama on Syria, NSA surveillance, and the consideration of Larry Summers for the Fed chairmanship; they're also unhappy...

Terrorists Totally Into Gmail, Says Former NSA, CIA Boss

Michael Hayden: 'it's free, it's ubiquitous'

(Newser) - When it comes to email, terrorists have a clear favorite, says the former head of both the NSA and CIA: Gmail. Michael Hayden called it "the preferred Internet service provider of terrorists worldwide," though he appeared to mean email service rather than ISP, the Washington Post notes. "...

US Uses Border Searches to Seize Devices: Manning Ally

Technique allows warrantless search of electronics

(Newser) - If you cross in to or out of the US, the government might seize your electronic devices—whether it's got a warrant or not. David House, a fundraiser for Chelsea Manning's legal defense fund, found that out the hard way in November 2010, after a trip to Mexico....

Google Attempts to NSA-Proof Its Data

Working to strongly encrypt its data amid PRISM fallout

(Newser) - Amid the fallout from the NSA's PRISM surveillance program , Google is scrambling to encrypt its data, in an effort to hide it from the prying eyes of intelligence agencies, the Washington Post reports. Of course, as we learned this week , the NSA can crack encrypted data too, but the...

We Distrust, Spy on Pakistan More Than You Think: Files

Snowden's 'black budget' shows 'no other nation draws as much scrutiny'

(Newser) - Included in the summary of the $52.6 billion "black budget" leaked by Edward Snowden: quite a bit of money spent keeping an eye on Pakistan. Despite the fact that Pakistan is technically a US ally, the documents reveal it is as much a target of US surveillance as...

Feds Likely Would Have Used PRISM on King

Scary thought: What if the FBI's Hoover had today's technology: Joe Johns

(Newser) - As the nation remembers Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic speech—and considers Edward Snowden's revelations—it's worth remembering that in his time, King was virtually "Public Enemy No. 1," points out Joe Johns at CNN . J. Edgar Hoover's FBI had King under heavy...

Did New Zealand Use NSA to Spy on Kim Dotcom?

Agency's technology may be used for 'bread-and-butter law enforcement': journalist

(Newser) - New Zealand has previously acknowledged surveillance of Kim Dotcom, the man behind file-sharing site Megaupload—and a new assessment suggests that NSA systems may have helped. The investigation, initially posted by New Zealand journalist Keith Ng and reviewed at Ars Technica , relates to the country's Government Communications Security Bureau,...

NSA Doesn't Actually Know What Snowden Stole: Sources

Gov't officials say Snowden covered his digital tracks, leaving agency in the dark

(Newser) - Edward Snowden didn't just take a bunch of documents and run, anonymous government officials tell the AP —he first covered his digital footprints, bypassing the NSA's own safeguards and electronic logs so the agency has no record of what he's seen or downloaded. That's a...

Roberts Adds Rare Democrat to Secret Court

But José Cabranes is so conservative Bush almost appointed him

(Newser) - John Roberts has finally appointed another Democrat to the secretive FISA court that watches over the NSA's controversial surveillance programs—but it's security hawks, not civil libertarians, who should be celebrating. Though he was originally appointed by Bill Clinton in 2000, Judge José A. Cabranes leans conservative ideologically,...

Erosion of Privacy Is Killing America
Erosion of Privacy
Is Killing America

Erosion of Privacy Is Killing America

It will change how we think, speak, and act as a people, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - The government's sweeping surveillance programs might be protecting America, but they are also fundamentally un-American, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal today. "The end of the expectation that citizens' communications are and will remain private will probably change us as a people, and a country,"...

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year
NSA Broke Privacy Rules
2,776 Times in Year
snowden documents

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year

Washington Post reveals NSA internal audit obtained by Snowden

(Newser) - The Washington Post is today revealing some big news on NSA surveillance—thanks, again, to Edward Snowden. An internal audit and other records handed to the paper by Snowden "earlier this summer" show that when it comes to snooping, the NSA hasn't always been playing by government rules....

Snowden Gathered NSA Dirt While at Dell

Snooping began far earlier than had been reported

(Newser) - Looks like Edward Snowden began snooping around the NSA long before he started work at Booz Allen Hamilton: He began downloading related records in April of last year while working at Dell, insiders tell Reuters . That's almost a year earlier than had been reported, Reuters notes. An electronic footprint...

Obama Releases Documents to Support NSA Surveillance

Agency only monitors 1.6% of Internet traffic: memo

(Newser) - Right after President Obama's speech today on US surveillance, his administration released two documents in an effort to stem criticism over NSA data collection, CNN reports. One is an NSA memo that says the agency only monitors 1.6% of worldwide Internet traffic, and puts eyeballs on just .00004%...

NSA Has 'Backdoor' to Search US Emails

Senator Ron Wyden confirms latest Snowden leak

(Newser) - The NSA has a secret legal "backdoor" allowing it to search for emails and other information related to specific Americans without a warrant, the Guardian reports. It's the latest leak from Edward Snowden, and this time it comes with confirmation from Senate Intelligence Committee member and perpetual NSA...

Snowden's Email Service Quickly Shuts Down

Lavabit apparently refused to work with US government

(Newser) - An email service apparently used by Edward Snowden has opted to shut down after an unpleasant encounter with the US government, the Guardian reports. Called Lavabit, the service seems to have refused a court order to let the feds spy on its customers. "I have been forced to make...

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