Arab protests

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Seif Gadhafi: Attack on Libya Just Like WMDs, Iraq

Gadhafi's second son backs Libyan tactics against rebels

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's second son was supposed to bring reform to Libya. But now Seif al-Islam Gadhafi is defiant, insisting Gadhafi's forces have not killed any civilians, and vowing to put down the rebel uprising. In his view, the opposition is made up entirely of terrorists led by al-Qaeda,...

In Libya, Moammar Gadhafi's Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya; Meanwhile, 3 Killed in Syria
Gadhafi Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya
plus: 3 killed in syria

Gadhafi Forces Mount New Offensive on Ajdabiya

'We don't really know who is holding what': rebel fighter

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's forces shelled the eastern edge of Ajdabiya today, bringing the fight to the front-line rebel town that has been the scene of fierce fighting in recent weeks. Rebel forces fired back with rockets and no government forces entered the city, said a rebel fighter. Rebels acknowledged the...

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega
 Libya Rebels Advance to Brega 

Libya Rebels Advance to Brega

Leader says key oil town within reach

(Newser) - An officer with Libya's rebels says after four days of holding back, his forces have advanced to the strategic oil town of Brega. Col. Hamid Hassy said today that following scattered clashes with government forces, the rebels were now near the massive oil facilities—and have with them engineers...

US Played Secret Role in Mideast Uprisings

Trained movement leaders in political organizing, prompting Arab governments' suspicions

(Newser) - While the US was spending billions to support Middle Eastern governments, it was also funding groups pushing democracy in the region—organizations that helped train some of the leaders of the recent uprisings, the New York Times reports. Groups funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which promotes democracy in...

Secret Hand in Syria Crackdown: Iran

And it may soon help protesters in Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Iran has a hand in the revolutions currently sweeping the rest of the Arab world. In Syria, Iran is secretly assisting President Bashar al-Assad to quell the pro-democracy demonstrations, US officials say. But in Bahrain and Yemen, Iran is looking to aid Shiite protesters, thus destabilizing the countries—both US...

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Gamal and Alaa, Detained in Egypt
 Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained 

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained

Mubarak expected to remain in hospital for the duration

(Newser) - Despite the "heart crisis" he suffered during questioning yesterday, Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was detained last night along with his two sons. The prosecutor general's office ordered Mubarak and sons Gamal and Alaa held for 15 days as authorities investigate charges of corruption and abuse. According to the...

Hosni Mubarak Denies Corruption; Protesters Killed in Egypt, Yemen, Syria

 I Am Not 
more protesters killed

Mubarak: I Am Not Corrupt

As former president speaks out, more protesters are killed

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak today gave his first public message since being ousted from the Egyptian presidency, defending himself and his family against “unjust” allegations of corruption. He agreed to cooperate with Egypt’s general prosecutor during the corruption investigation, but called the campaign against him “distortions, lies, and incitement,...

NATO Pushes Gadhafi's Forces Out of Ajdabiya

Airstrikes destroy 25 government tanks in strategic towns

(Newser) - NATO helped to push Moammar Gadhafi’s forces back from the strategic town of Ajdabiya today, with airstrikes hitting killing at least 15 government soldiers. NATO said it destroyed 25 government tanks today, 11 near Ajdabiya and 14 near Misrata, the only rebel-held city in western Libya. Before the airstrikes,...

13 Protesters Killed in Syria, 2 in Yemen

Thousands also protest in Egypt's Tahrir Square

(Newser) - Friday continues to be a day of protest throughout the Arab world. The worst reported violence today came out of Syria, where witnesses say security forces opened fire with live ammunition and killed at least 13 protesters in the southern city of Daraa, reports the AP . The demonstrations mark the...

4 More Journalists Captured in Libya

Sources say they will be released in Tripoli

(Newser) - Four more journalists have been taken into custody in Libya, including a GlobalPost contributor and an Atlantic freelancer. Forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi took James Foley, Clare Morgana Gillis, and photographers Manu Brabo of Spain and Anton Hammerl of South Africa prisoner Tuesday afternoon on the outskirts of Brega, according...

Schaal: Persecuted Arab Women Should Move to...

Vagistan? Well, OK, that was just one idea

(Newser) - Women may have played a leading role in the protests sweeping across the Middle East, but they're still finding themselves locked out of the new governments. And that's "not surprising," noted Kristen Schaal last night on the Daily Show . "Revolutions are notorious sausagefests. And just when it...

In Libya, Photos Bear Witness to Gadhafi's Torture

Meanwhile, ICC claims Libya ordered killing of civilians

(Newser) - In pictures uncovered by journalists in Zawiyah, the dead prisoners of Moammar Gadhafi's forces are shown naked or clad only in underwear, hands bound, backs scarred. Other pictures depict ominous scenes: Puddles of blood, a saw. The pictures were discovered in a burned-out police station, where one worker pointed to...

Gadhafi's Nurse Dishes on Her Generous 'Papa'

He likes couscous, camel meat, and handing out watches

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi: ruthless dictator ... with a soft spot for couscous and camel meat. That's the portrait painted by Oksana Balinskaya, one of Gadhafi's nurses who returned to Ukraine after war broke out in Libya. "Papa," as she calls him, inspired no complaints amongst his personal staff. "In...

In Tripoli, Gadhafi Reasserts Control as Support Wanes

No more protests for fear of being 'picked up'

(Newser) - With much of Libya's east firmly in rebel hands, Tripoli and most of western Libya are once again under the control of Moammar Gadhafi. Libyans in the west are no longer taking to the streets, and even in their houses, they are reluctant to talk about the protests. "As...

US Shifts on Yemen, Now Wants Saleh Out

Obama administration does a 180 on critical ally against al-Qaeda

(Newser) - The US has done a quiet about-face on Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and after months of supporting him despite widespread protests, officials now say the US believes he should leave power. The Obama administration garnered criticism for failing to publicly criticize Saleh, even as the US rushed to oust...

Libyan Rebels Get Secret Training

Anonymous rebel says US, Egyptian forces teaching them

(Newser) - There have been reports that the CIA's on the ground in Libya, but al-Jazeera now says that Libyan rebels are receiving covert training and possibly weapons from US and Egyptian special forces. An unnamed rebel tells a Jazeera reporter in Benghazi that rebels had been supplied with "state-of-the-art, heat-seeking...

Syria Taps New PM, Will Form New Gov't

Adel Safar is Bashar Assad's latest attempt to quell protests

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar Assad appointed former agriculture minister Adel Safar today as prime minister, and charged him with forming a new government in continuing overtures toward reform as the country struggles to put down a wave of anti-government protests. Safar is seen as a respectable figure in a government that...

Obama's Libya Speech Short on Specifics, Still 'Strong'

Reactions are mixed, but most agree he did a good job

(Newser) - Last night, President Obama delivered the Libya speech that some have long been calling for. How did the world take it? A sampling of reactions:
  • Jim Geraghty wasn't impressed with the way Obama's "pretty-sounding phrases" were strung together "without really getting at the questions most skeptical Americans have:

Italy's Solution: Let Gadhafi Flee to Africa

 Italy's Solution: 
 Let Gadhafi 
 Gain Asylum 
US, UK: Fine by us!

Italy's Solution: Let Gadhafi Gain Asylum

Deal could allow Gadhafi to avoid war crimes trial, go elsewhere in Africa

(Newser) - Even as his forces drive the rebels back , a plan is under way to offer Moammar Gadhafi an easy out of Libya, the Guardian reports. Italy has offered to broker the ceasefire deal, which would involve securing asylum for Gadhafi somewhere in Africa—where the international criminal court, which is...

Syria's Cabinet Resigns Amid Unrest

President Bashar Assad expected to lift emergency law

(Newser) - Syria's Cabinet has stepped down, and President Bashar Assad accepted the resignation following a meeting today, according to state-run television. It's the latest concession by the government aimed at appeasing more than a week of mass protests. Assad is expected to address the nation in the next 24 hours to...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>