Arab protests

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Christian Protesters Clash With Muslims, Military During Protest in Cairo, Eypt
 24 Dead in Cairo Clashes 

24 Dead in Cairo Clashes

Violence erupts during Coptic Christian protest

(Newser) - Egypt suffered its worst rioting today since President Mubarak's overthrow earlier this year . Christians demonstrating against the recent destruction of a Coptic church in Cairo clashed with Muslims and security forces, triggering thousands to pour into the streets and leaving 24 dead, Al Jazeera reports. Thugs apparently sparked the...

Yemen's Saleh to Step Down 'in Coming Days'

Activists doubt president's latest promise, but officials say he means it

(Newser) - Faced with continuing protests and a military insurection in Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh took to state television to announce—yet again—he would step down "in coming days," reports the BBC . "I reject power and I will continue to reject it, and I will be leaving...

Scattered Syrian Opposition Forms United Front

10 protesters killed in latest violence

(Newser) - Syria’s diverse opposition has finally come together in an official coalition, a move that should help the movement gain international support as violence continues, with at least 10 protesters killed yesterday. The new Syrian National Council brings together protest organizers, Kurdish groups, Syria’s banned Muslim Brotherhood, and others;...

Yemeni Jet Mistakenly Bombs Army, Kills 30

Dead soldiers had defected, demanded Saleh's resignation

(Newser) - A government warplane mistakenly bombed an army position in southern Yemen, killing at least 30 soldiers and wounding many more, military and medical officials said today. The officials said the bombing, which took place last evening in the southern Abyan province, targeted an abandoned school used as shelter by soldiers...

Syrians Throw Eggs at US Ambassador

He was on his way to meet an opposition leader

(Newser) - An angry crowd of Bashar al-Assad supporters pelted US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford with tomatoes and eggs today on his way to meet with opposition leader Hassan Abdul-Azim, opposition activists tell the AP . Once Ford was inside Abdul-Azim’s office, the mob stormed the building, trying to break the...

Militants Attack Egypt Gas Pipeline

Officials suspect al-Qaeda-inspired Islamist militants

(Newser) - Suspected Islamist militants today attacked a gas pipeline in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula that transports fuel to neighboring Israel and Jordan, officials say. The attack, which targeted a pumping station about 15 miles west of the city of el-Arish, is the sixth on the pipeline since the popular uprising that...

Big Move in Syria: Defectors Form Army

Formation of Free Syrian Army could lead to turnaround in uprising

(Newser) - A turnaround in the Syrian protests? That’s what supporters are hoping—and opponents are fearing—as a group of defectors attempts to organize an armed movement against President Bashar al-Assad. Until now, the protesters have been largely peaceful and mostly unarmed, and though defections had occurred in the past,...

Saleh Makes Surprise Return to Yemen

President's arrival will likely further enflame clashes

(Newser) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh returned today to the violence-torn Yemeni capital after more than three months of medical treatment in Saudi Arabia in a surprise move certain to further enflame battles between forces loyal to him and his opponents. Saleh left Yemen for Saudi Arabia in early June after he...

Gadhafi Rep: French, British 'Mercenaries' Captured

Provisional authority continues to struggle for full control

(Newser) - As Libya’s revolutionary forces continue to fight Moammar Gadhafi for control, a spokesperson for Gadhafi said yesterday that 17 “mercenaries” have been captured in regime stronghold Bani Walid. That number includes what he called mostly French "technical experts" and "consultative officers." Two are English, one...

Yemen Fires on Protesters, Kills 26

100K gather in streets of Sanaa as Saleh loyalists attack, injure some 200

(Newser) - Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of anti-government protesters demanding ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, killing at least 26 and wounding dozens, witnesses said. After nightfall, Sanaa sank into complete darkness after a sudden power outage, as protesters took control...

Syria Pulling Injured Out of Hospitals

Military beating wounded as they're taken out, a doctor tells Human Rights Watch

(Newser) - The Syrian government is continuing to snatch patients from hospitals and prevent doctors from helping the wounded, now in the city of Homs, according to Human Rights Watch, which spoke with doctors and other witnesses. The tactic was also reported in Damascus last week , but Wednesday's crackdown in Homs...

Gadhafi Giving Out Chemical Weapons Suits, Gas Masks

Sparks renewed fears he'll use mustard gas

(Newser) - As Moammar Gadhafi appears to be entering his endgame, fears are increasing that the Libyan strongman might use chemical weapons against his own people. The Pentagon and other officials say Gadhafi’s remaining mustard gas, more than 11 tons, has been secured. But Libyan rebels are concerned because gas masks...

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger
 Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger 

Libyan Convoy Rolls Into Niger

Could contain Gadhafi or sons, as speculation swirls about destination

(Newser) - A large military convoy consisting of 200 to 250 vehicles entered Niger from Libya yesterday, leading many to speculate it might include Moammar Gadhafi or one of his sons, reports the AFP . One report claimed the convoy was heading through Niger on the way to Burkina Faso, a country that...

Riots Break Out as Mubarak Trial Resumes

Officials expected to testify they were ordered to fire on protesters

(Newser) - Protesters thronged the Cairo courthouse where Hosni Mubarak's trial resumed today, scuffling with riot police, who struggled to contain them, reports the BBC . Anti-Mubarak protesters burned the former president's image in effigy and protested the judge's ban on cameras in the courtroom, while Mubarak supporters were equally...

Libya Rebels at Bani Walid&#39;s Door
 Libya Rebels at 
 Bani Walid's Door 


Libya Rebels at Bani Walid's Door

Hoping for a surrender

(Newser) - Rebel reinforcements arrived outside one of Moammar Gadhafi's last strongholds in Bani Walid today, even as the forces arrayed against the toppled dictator gave the town a chance to surrender and avoid a fight. "We won't go inside Bani Walid unless the Warfala tribe invites us,"...

Libya Rebels Ready Bani Walid Attack

Talks end without handover, rebels say they know where Gadhafi is

(Newser) - Talks between Libyan rebels and Gadhafi loyalists in Bani Walid ended without a deal today, and the rebels are preparing to take the town by force. "Their time is over," a spokesman tells al-Jazeera . "The push is going to happen in the next 24 hours." The...

Gadhafi's Forces on Rebels' Deadline: No Way

They tell rebels to negotiate with Gadhafi's son ... who wants to surrender?

(Newser) - Libyan rebels yesterday told Gadhafi's men they need to surrender by Saturday or else—and it looks like the forces are opting for the "or else." In an overnight phone call to the AP , chief Gadhafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the deadline would be rejected: "No...

Syria Fires on Protesters, Slays 7 as Holiday Begins

On first day of Muslim holiday, security forces still firing at protesters

(Newser) - Syrian security forces killed seven people today as they opened fire to disperse thousands of protesters rallying against the regime on the first day of a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. Activists say security forces fired at protesters in the southern province of Daraa, in the central...

Gadhafi's Son Khamis Reported Killed

Younger Gadhafi commanded elite military unit, said killed in NATO strike

(Newser) - Khamis Gadhafi, Moammar Gadhafi's feared son who commanded an elite military unit known as the Khamis Brigade, has been reported killed in a NATO strike, reports Sky News . A man at the scene of a bombed-out Toyota Landcruiser says that the younger Gadhafi was in it when a NATO...

Syria Uprising: 5 More Protesters Killed
 5 More Killed in Syria 

5 More Killed in Syria

Arab League statement calling for peace rejected

(Newser) - Five more people were reported shot dead in Syria today, including a 12-year-old boy, as security forces continued cracking down on critics of President Bashar Assad. Meanwhile, Syria rejected a statement from the Arab League calling for an end to the violence as well as elections, an army withdrawal, the...

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