extreme weather

Stories 221 - 229 | << Prev 

Northeast Broiling as Summer Begins

Heat expected to hit triple digits in some areas

(Newser) - Summer started off with a bang in the Northeast yesterday, with temperatures often higher than 90 degrees up and down the East Coast. In some states, the heat index hit as high as 105 degrees, and New York City and parts of New Jersey expect that number to get higher,...

Hot Weather Leads to 'Yucky' Maple Syrup

And maple trees did not produce nearly as much as usual

(Newser) - The record high temperatures in March resulted in maple syrup that one syrup distributor refers to as simply “yucky,” and total syrup output in the US fell as much as 40%, Reuters reports. "It was kind of a disaster," the company owner says with regard to...

Anchorage Breaks 60-Year-Old Snow Record

133.6 inches beats old record, set in 1954

(Newser) - While much of the rest of the country is basking in robins and sunshine, Alaska's biggest city was busily breaking a 60-year-old seasonal snow record yesterday. Inundated with nearly double the snow they're used to, Anchorage residents have been expecting to see this season's snowfall surpass the...

300 Dead in European Cold Snap

Ukraine, Bosnia, Poland take the brunt of it

(Newser) - Now in its second week, a European cold snap has claimed more than 300 lives and sent hundreds more to hospitals, the Telegraph and BBC report. Some temperatures have plunged as low as -40 Fahrenheit. Ukraine still has it worst with 131 officially dead—most of them homeless—and 1,...

Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars
 Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars 

Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars

Rain of fruit baffles British drivers

(Newser) - Drivers on a busy road in central England were suddenly forced to pull over when it started raining apples. "The apples fell out of the sky as if out of nowhere. They were small and green, and hit the bonnet hard," says one driver, noting that there were...

Predicting Tornadoes Still a 'Crapshoot'

Dallas will test new approach with network of small radar devices

(Newser) - Even with 21st-century technology, predicting tornadoes is still largely a matter of guesswork, reports the New York Times . Scientists know the weather conditions that create tornadoes, but can't accurately say when those conditions will be just right. "There’s a large crapshoot aspect," says a senior scientist...

Storms Wallop South; Death Toll Hits 16
 Storms Wallop South; 
 Death Toll Hits 17 

Storms Wallop South; Death Toll Hits 17

Tornadoes claim victims in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama

(Newser) - A total of seven people have been killed in violent storms in Alabama, bringing the total death toll to 17 as a devastating storm system works its way across the South. A spate of tornadoes ripped through towns, tossing mobile homes around like toys. "The tornado hit and jumped...

Half of US at Flood Risk
 Half of US at Flood Risk 

Half of US at Flood Risk

National Weather Service warns record spring floods could be on the way

(Newser) - As the mammoth winter snowfall melts across much of the US, expect the struggle against Mother Nature to continue: Spring flooding is already happening in parts of the country and almost half the US has an above-average risk of floods over the next few weeks, the National Weather Service warns...

Extreme Rains Linked to Global Warming

Two studies tie weather disasters to pollution effects

(Newser) - We may have no one but ourselves—in part—to blame for the heavy rains and floods that have been plaguing everywhere from Nashville to Australia in recent years. Prior studies discovered that the likelihood of experiencing severe precipitation on a given day jumped 7% over the years 1951 to...

Stories 221 - 229 | << Prev