Ron Paul 2012

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Flush Romney Camp Rules Fla. Airwaves

Florida ads expensive, Mitt rivals low on funds

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination may suddenly be more competitive than experts predicted, but in the next big primary state, Florida, Mitt Romney has the airwaves pretty much all to himself, reports the Los Angeles Times . Florida is one of the more expensive ad markets in the nation, and...

It's a Whole New Race: Gingrich Romps in SC

Come-from-behind victory jolts race heading into Florida

(Newser) - Looks like it's a two-man race after all. Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary tonight in a wild upset over Mitt Romney, with outlets such as CNN , AP , Fox News , and MSNBC calling the race fairly quickly. Swayed by his two debate performances this week, core elements of...

5 Keys to South Carolina Primary

Gingrich could make it a two-man GOP primary race

(Newser) - With Newt Gingrich surging and Mitt Romney admitting he could lose South Carolina, Huffington Post offers five keys to the primary that has picked every Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan:
  1. Newt vs. Mitt: If Romney wins, he will be treated as the future GOP nominee. If Gingrich wins, the media

Gingrich in Strong Shape as SC Votes

He leads last poll by 9 points

(Newser) - They're voting in South Carolina, and things are looking rosy for Newt Gingrich. The last Public Policy Polling survey before the polls opened has him up 38-27 over Mitt Romney, with Rick Santorum (16) and Ron Paul (14) behind. If anything, the "open-marriage" interview given by his wife...

Debate a &#39;Triumph for Gingrich&#39;
 Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich' 

Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich'

Santorum shined but it was Newt's night, pundits say

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul all had their moments in last night's GOP debate, but it was Newt Gingrich's night thanks to his fiery first five minutes , pundits say.
  • Rick Santorum took the fight to Gingrich and Romney and was the "central mover in the

Gingrich Blasts CNN On 'Trash' First Question

Santorum gets aggressive as final four candidates debate in SC

(Newser) - The most tumultuous day of the campaign (see reasons one , two , and three ) wrapped up tonight with a CNN debate , and the fireworks started immediately when moderator John King asked Newt Gingrich the first question—about his ex-wife's "open marriage" interview. After blasting the media's "...

Could Colbert&#39;s &#39;Run&#39; Hurt Ron Paul?
Could Colbert's 'Run'
Hurt Ron Paul?

Could Colbert's 'Run' Hurt Ron Paul?

The demographics are awfully similar

(Newser) - On his show Monday, Stephen Colbert urged his supporters to take to the polls in South Carolina thusly: "Independents, Democrats, college kids, viewers of my show … my good friends on Reddit, young people of the Internet—stand up and shout!" Hmm. Does that list of people sound...

GOP Played Fast, Loose With Truth in Debate

Fact Checkers point out inaccurate attacks

(Newser) - The air was thick with half-truths and distortions at last night's combative Republican debate. Here's how fact-checkers score the bout:
  • Nearly every fact-checker blasted Mitt Romney for asserting that President Obama "has opened up no new markets for American goods around the world." Actually, Obama has

Good Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges
 Solid Night for Romney, 
 as Gingrich Emerges 

Solid Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges

Strong performance leaves Gingrich looking like top anti-Romney

(Newser) - Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed from last night's Republican debate in South Carolina, while consensus pegs Newt Gingrich as the best of the rest. A breakdown of the chatter:
  • This was Gingrich's "best debate of the entire race," decides Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . The

Nevada Prostitutes 'Pimpin' for Ron Paul'

Clients encouraged to donate to his campaign

(Newser) - The latest group to get into Ron Paul's corner: prostitutes. Working girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, launched a "Pimpin' for Paul" campaign weeks ago that's getting new attention thanks to a recent CNN segment. "If a client comes into the...

'Frugal' Ron Paul Spends Big on First-Class Travel

Congressman racks up $52K in flight bills for taxpayers

(Newser) - For someone so big on small government, "deficit hawk" Ron Paul has racked up a hefty first-class flight bill for taxpayers to foot. The Texas congressman charged taxpayers $52,000 for first-class flights to his home state—that's about $27,000 more than economy seats on the Washington,...

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

Ron Paul Has Already Changed the Game
 Ron Paul 
 Has Already 
 the Game 
charles krauthammer

Ron Paul Has Already Changed the Game

He's nearly brought libertarianism into mainstream: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The "biggest story yet of this presidential campaign"? Easy, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . It's Ron Paul. He has just about brought libertarianism "to a position of prominence in a major party," doing for his cause what Jesse Jackson did for African-Americans in...

Ron Paul: 2nd Place a &#39;Victory for Liberty&#39;
Ron Paul: 2nd Place
a 'Victory for Liberty'

Ron Paul: 2nd Place a 'Victory for Liberty'

Young voters help Paul to strong NH finish

(Newser) - Ron Paul says his projected second-place finish in New Hampshire Tuesday night is a "victory for the cause of liberty." The strong showing has been "the victory that you have brought about." he told supporters at his primary night party. "I sort of have to...

Romney Wins Easily in NH; Paul, 2nd; Huntsman, 3rd

Huntsman staying in the race

(Newser) - Mitt Romney cruised to victory as expected in New Hampshire, with the race called by AP , CNN , and others immediately after the polls closed at 8. With 95% of returns in, he had 39.4%, followed by Ron Paul with 22.8, Jon Huntsman with 16.8, Newt Gingrich with...

Dixville Notch, Population 9, Casts First Ballots in NH

And according to this tiny village, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are tied

(Newser) - The village of Dixville Notch is notable not just for the fact that it only has nine registered voters, but for the fact that those voters also are the first in New Hampshire to state their choice in today's primary. Their nine ballots were cast one minute after midnight—...

What's Up With Ron Paul's 'Austrian' Ideas?

Republican candidate trumpets strict libertarian philosophy

(Newser) - Just what did Ron Paul mean when he finished third in Iowa and said, "We are all Austrians now"? Republican candidates don't often celebrate European economic policies, but this is different, Matthew Yglesias writes in Slate . Those familiar with the inside baseball of libertarianism know that Paul...

Mitt Romney Braves Fresh Attack in Republican Presidential Debate
 Romney Braves 
 Fresh Attack, 
 But Fumbles 
debate reaction

Romney Braves Fresh Attack, But Fumbles

Republican candidates stage new assault on front-runner

(Newser) - A new day, a new Republican presidential debate. Mitt Romney's opponents took another whack at him this morning after letting him off easy last night. A few takeaways:
  • Most Romney attacks missed. Mitt held off assaults from Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, rarely getting flustered, Politico reports.

Gingrich Swipes at Romney
 Newt Gingrich 
 Leads Charge 
 Vs. Romney 
'Meet the Press' Debate

Newt Gingrich Leads Charge Vs. Romney

GOP hopefuls again face off in New Hampshire debate on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - A scant 12 hours after last night's debate in which Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed , the Republicans who would be president are again facing off in New Hampshire, this time on Meet the Press with David Gregory moderating. Newt Gingrich answered the overriding question of whether the pack would...

GOP Hopefuls Debate in NH
 Romney Shrugs Off Attacks 
gop debate

Romney Shrugs Off Attacks

Rivals don't exactly hammer the frontrunner in GOP debate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was supposed to be the prime target at tonight's ABC debate, but it didn't quite work out that way, writes Steve Peoples at AP . His rivals took some shots at him but squabbled among each other just as often. Romney, for his part, focused most of...

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