Herman Cain

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Cain: I Never Changed My Story
 Cain: I Never Changed My Story 

Cain: I Never Changed My Story

Krauthammer accuses candidate of 'Clintonian' language

(Newser) - When Herman Cain appeared on Fox News last night his fellow conservatives didn't go easy on him. Asked why his account had apparently changed after sexual harassment allegations first surfaced, the candidate denied modifying his story, AP reports. When "I first heard the word ‘settlement,’ I...

Cain Accuser Wants Permission to Speak Out

She seeks release from confidentiality agreement in settlement

(Newser) - Exactly the news Herman Cain didn't want to hear today: One of the two women who accused him of sexual harassment wants to go public, reports the Washington Post . The woman wants the National Restaurant Association to release her from a confidentiality agreement that was part of her settlement,...

Cain's Wife to Break Silence on Fox

She'll have first campaign trail interview on Fox News

(Newser) - America will get its first good look at Gloria Cain soon: The campaign, beset by sexual harassment allegations , is setting up a debut interview for her with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News later this week, a source tells Politico . Until now, Mrs. Cain’s been conspicuously absent from the...

Cain&#39;s Policies Are the Real Scandal

 Cain's Policies 
 Are the Real 
Eugene Robinson

Cain's Policies Are the Real Scandal

Eugene Robinson finds them 'unworkable' and 'goofy'

(Newser) - Herman Cain hit the first major crisis of his campaign in Politico’s sexual harassment story , and "far-right blowhards immediately played the race card," writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post . Ann Coulter said liberals were "terrified of strong, conservative black men" while Rush Limbaugh said Cain’...

Rove to Cain: You Knew for 10 Days This Was Coming

So why in the world was his campaign so poorly prepared?

(Newser) - When it comes to Herman Cain's sexual harassment mess, many conservatives are crying racism . Not so, Karl Rove. In an appearance on Fox News last night spotted by the Hill , Monica Crowley asked the Republican if Cain "should be prepared for more of this because he is a...

Herman Cain Sexual Harassment: Ann Coulter Says Candidate Is Being 'Lynched'

 Ann Coulter: 
 Cain Is Being 

Ann Coulter: Cain Is Being 'Lynched'

And Rush Limbaugh calls it a 'racist hit job'

(Newser) - Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter is calling revelations of sex harassment accusations against Herman Cain "another high-tech lynching"—echoing the wording used by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during the Anita Hill scandal. Coulter slammed the allegations as a plant from "terrified" liberals, calling Cain a "strong,...

Cain Was Already Struggling With Woman Voters

Women's group asks candidate to explain allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain was in trouble with women voters even before sexual harassment allegations surfaced, the Washington Post finds. Recent polls found Mitt Romney to be around 10 points ahead of Cain with female votes. In Iowa, where the two are neck-and-neck, 26% of men support Cain and 18% support Romney,...

One Cain Accuser Did Receive Settlement: NBC

Plus, Politico reporter won't give details

(Newser) - Although Herman Cain admitted to being “falsely accused” of sexual harassment, he said he personally never paid anyone a settlement related to the allegations—but NBC News confirms at least one woman did receive a settlement from the National Restaurant Association. During his earlier statement , Cain—who was president...

Cain on Sexual Harassment: I Was Accused—'Falsely'

GOP candidate addresses allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain today addressed the sexual harassment story everyone is talking about. "I have never sexually harassed anyone," he told Fox News. "And yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association. I say falsely because it turned out, after the investigation, to...

Geraldo Grills Cain Rep Over Sex Harassment Claims

But spokesman JD Gordon won't give a straight answer

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera and his enormous mustache gave Herman Cain’s spokesperson the third degree last night, but after hammering him for nearly six minutes, still could not get a substantive denial of the recent sexual harassment claims against the candidate. JD Gordon called the claims “thinly sourced” and a...

Cain Accused of Sexual Harassment

Candidate denies Politico's allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment at least twice while he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, according to a Politico exclusive. The report claims that two women complained of "inappropriate" and "sexually suggestive" behavior by Cain, and left the lobbying group after...

Herman Cain Beating Rick Perry—in Texas
 Cain Beating Perry—in Texas 
Poll Numbers

Cain Beating Perry—in Texas

Governor's approval rating stands at 39%

(Newser) - How bad are things for Rick Perry? This bad: He’s not even leading in the polls in his home state. Herman Cain holds a razor-thin 27% to 26% lead over Perry in the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll , and while that’s within the margin of error, the...

Herman Cain: No Abortion, No Exceptions
 Cain: No Abortion, 
 No Exceptions 

Cain: No Abortion, No Exceptions

Planned Parenthood focuses on black communities, candidate charges

(Newser) - “I am pro-life from conception, period,” Herman Cain said today, stiffening his opposition to abortion even in cases of incest, life of the mother, or rape. Cain also stood firm on his stance against Planned Parenthood, saying that the organization targeted the black community, and has 75% of...

Cain: Smoking Ad Was Letting 'People Be People'

CBS host Schieffer hammers GOP frontrunner for glamorizing smoking

(Newser) - Herman Cain got a dressing-down from Bob Schieffer this morning over the viral video of aide Mark Block smoking , with the GOP frontrunner defending it as self-expression. “One of the things within this campaign is, let Herman be Herman,” Cain explained. “Mark Block is a smoker, and...

Herman Cain Doesn&#39;t Appear to Have a Campaign
Herman Cain Doesn't Appear to Have a Campaign
in case you missed it

Herman Cain Doesn't Appear to Have a Campaign

Reports come in of Cain's light ground operations

(Newser) - Herman Cain has got himself a pretty unconventional presidential campaign—in that it doesn’t appear to exist. Talking Points Memo has noticed a steady stream of reports noting Cain’s astonishingly scant ground presence in all the early voting states. “There is no sense of a tangible organization...

GOP Candidates Reveal Favorite Movies

Rick Perry has one you probably never heard of

(Newser) - Who needs debates? The Washington Times rounds up the GOP candidates' favorite movies:
  • Herman Cain: The Godfather. (Yes, the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza winked when he answered.)
  • Newt Gingrich: "Probably Casablanca."
  • Michele Bachmann: "Braveheart, or maybe Saving Private Ryan."
  • Rick Perry: Immortal Beloved.

Election 2012: Herman Cain Raised $3M in October, Says Mark Block
 Cain's October 
 Haul: $3M 

Cain's October Haul: $3M

That's more than 3 preceding months combined

(Newser) - Boasting 65,000 donors, Herman Cain’s campaign raked in $3 million over the past month, his chief-of-staff said. “We've actually doubled in a little over a month, and that's what we're seeing in our grassroots activism growth,” Mark Block told CNN . It’s more...

Pundits, If You're So Sure Cain Will Lose, Take This Bet

If he proves you wrong, promise to stop writing about politics: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Modern politics has never seen the likes of Herman Cain, writes Nate Silver at the New York Times . He has few "fundamentals"—key GOP endorsements, big fundraising, etc.—and yet he's been at or near the top of polls for a while now. He is, in...

Cain's Smoking Aide Had to Be Drunk: Carville

And Rick Perry is 'incapable of running for president'

(Newser) - James Carville offered an entertainingly disparaging take on the GOP presidential race today, saying that nothing stood in Mitt Romney’s way to getting the nomination—he may be a “serial windsock,” constantly changing his positions, but his opponents are inept. “The best thing Rick Perry can...

Ex-Cain Staffers Bash Chaotic Campaign

Like he's 'running for sophomore class president'

(Newser) - Herman Cain is running on his managerial experience as a CEO, but his campaign doesn’t seem terribly well-managed, ex-staffers grouse to the New York Times . Staffers complain that Cain rarely campaigned and often skipped events at the last minute, and failed to provide supplies as basic as signs. “...

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