
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Will Regret His Libya Slam
 Obama Will Regret 
 His Libya Slam  
Charles Krauthammer

Obama Will Regret His Libya Slam

Charles Krauthammer thinks Obama's outrage was a 'gaffe'

(Newser) - Perhaps President Obama's finest moment at the Hofstra debate was when he unloaded on Mitt Romney for suggesting that his administration had misled the public on Libya. But Charles Krauthammer thinks that victory came at a price. "No one has misled?" he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Benghazi Suspect: Army Too 'Chicken' to Arrest Me

Says he was at consulate, but denies leading attack

(Newser) - If Ahmed Abu Khattala is worried about being arrested, he's doing a good job hiding it. The man authorities believe helped lead the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi has given interviews to both Reuters and the New York Times . "Here I am in the open, sitting...

Hillary: I&#39;m to Blame for Bad Benghazi Security
Hillary: I'm to Blame for Bad Libya Security

Hillary: I'm to Blame for Bad Libya Security

Wall Street Journal sat on her mea culpa for days, got scooped

(Newser) - With the White House facing pressure over security before the 9/11 Benghazi attack, Hillary Clinton has taken the blame. "I take responsibility," she said in a CNN interview last night in addressing the consulate strike that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens. "I want to avoid some kind...

Forget Libya. Syria Is Obama's Top Screw-Up

President's miscues have created a strategic disaster, Jackson Diehl argues

(Newser) - The Romney campaign is eager to attack President Obama over the attack on the US consulate in Libya. But that was ultimately the result of "poor security decisions by mid-level State Department officials, not policy choices by Obama," writes Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post . If you want...

Romney Steps Up Criticism Over Libya Attack

White House 'doubling down on denial,' he says

(Newser) - Prepare to hear much more about the Benghazi consulate attack on the campaign trail. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan separately hammered the White House response yesterday as "Republicans sense their first real opening on national security," writes the Washington Post . The criticism has intensified since the vice-presidential debate,...

Congress Just Blew the CIA&#39;s Cover in Libya
Congress Just Blew
the CIA's Cover in Libya
Dana Milbank

Congress Just Blew the CIA's Cover in Libya

Dana Milbank thinks outbursts at yesterday's hearing uncovered a CIA base

(Newser) - Some Congressmen are really, really bad at keeping a secret. In their zeal to embarrass the Obama administration over the attack on the Benghazi consulate, House Republicans "accidentally blew the CIA's cover" in a hearing yesterday, Dana Milbank alleges in the Washington Post . Oversight Committee members didn't...

State Department Defends Benghazi Security

Congressional hearing under way on Libya attack

(Newser) - State Department officials said today that security levels at the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were adequate for the threat level on the anniversary of 9/11 but that the compound was overrun by an "unprecedented attack" by dozens of heavily armed extremists. The officials testified before a congressional hearing...

State Dept.: We Never Thought Libya Hit Was Film Protest

Department now in line with GOP

(Newser) - The State Department now says it never believed the Sept. 11 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a film protest gone awry, giving congressional Republicans new fodder for criticizing the Obama administration's initial accounts of the assault. The State Department's extraordinary break with other administration offices...

Romney on Middle East: 'Hope Is Not a Strategy'

Candidate attacks Obama in 'major' foreign policy speech

(Newser) - Seeking to shore up his foreign policy credentials, Mitt Romney delivered a major speech today in Virginia attacking President Obama's performance overseas and outlining his own plans. "The president hopes for a safer, freer, and a more prosperous Middle East," Romney declared, according to the Washington Post...

2 Suspects Held in Attack That Killed Chris Stevens

Tunisian citizens detained in Turkey

(Newser) - Turkish police have detained two suspects in the attack that killed Chris Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya. The Tunisian citizens were attempting to enter the country with fake passports and were detained at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport, Reuters reports, citing local media. Meanwhile, ABC News has uncovered an email...

FBI Agents Arrive in Benghazi to Investigate

Inquiry narrows to a handful of extremists, says AP

(Newser) - A team of FBI agents arrived in Benghazi, Libya, to investigate the assault against the US consulate and left after about 12 hours as the hunt for those connected to the attack narrowed to one or two people in an extremist group, US officials said. Agents arrived before dawn and...

US Documents Still Lying Around Libya Compound

Washington Post reporter stumbles across them scattered on floors

(Newser) - A reporter for the Washington Post who went traipsing around the gutted US consulate in Benghazi today made a startling discovery: Sensitive US documents were still scattered about the floors three weeks after the deadly attack. What's more, the site is only loosely watched by two Libyan security guards,...

GOP Demands Answers From Clinton on Libya Security

Darrell Issa says requests for better protection were denied

(Newser) - The White House response to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi keeps generating headlines. Today, Republicans Darrell Issa and Jason Chaffetz laid out about a dozen incidents they say occurred prior to the Sept. 11 attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. In their letter to Hillary Clinton, they...

US Gives Up on Taliban Peace Deal

 US Gives Up on 
 Taliban Peace Deal 
Plus: Al-Qaeda in North Africa

US Gives Up on Taliban Peace Deal

And sees fresh danger from al-Qaeda in North Africa

(Newser) - The US has essentially given up hope of negotiating a peace settlement with the Taliban, once a key piece of its strategy for ending the Afghan war, generals and civilian officials tell the New York Times . Their new, more modest goal is to lay the groundwork for the Afghans to...

Romney Camp Fighting Over Libya Response

Some want to hit president harder over conflicted account

(Newser) - The Romney campaign lobbed an attack at Barack Obama's team over the Libya crisis yesterday, saying that they "can't seem to get their stories straight," after a pair of campaign insiders offered apparently contradictory accounts of it. David Axelrod told CNN that it was clear terrorists...

US Left Libya Mission Ripe for Attack

Chris Stevens showed no fear despite warning signs

(Newser) - Rising tensions in Benghazi didn't seem to worry US officials, who left the American mission there poorly guarded before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, the Washington Post reports. In fact, the State Department hired a small British firm to guard the compound for $387,...

Intel Chief Defends Shifting Libya Accounts

But GOP ramps up pressure on White House over attack

(Newser) - The nation's spy chief took the unusual step yesterday of issuing a statement to defend the shifting US position on the Libya consulate attack, reports the Washington Post . Yes, said national intelligence director James Clapper, the assault initially seemed to be a spontaneous response to that anti-Islam movie , but...

Chris Stevens' Family Starts Middle East Peace Fund

But agents at crime scene face 'obstacles'

(Newser) - The cascade of support following Chris Stevens' death has inspired his family to start a fund for peace in the Middle East, NBC Bay Area reports. "We just had this overwhelming response," says Chris' brother, Tom Stevens. "We have received emails, texts, letters, flowers, you name it....

Hillary Clinton: al-Qaeda Behind Libya Attack

Sources say US intelligence knew that 'within 24 hours'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton appeared to draw a line from al-Qaeda to the attack on the US consulate in Libya yesterday, further complicating the administration's somewhat muddled account of events. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and "other violent extremists" are trying to "undermine the democratic transitions under way in...

Libya Gives Islamist Militias 2 Days to Get Out

11 killed amid weekend protests; CIA sees setback

(Newser) - Libya is working to drive out more armed groups after protesters' success against a militia blamed in the death of US ambassador Chris Stevens . Authorities have told "all illegitimate militias" they've got two days to "be removed from compounds and hand over their weapons to the national...

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